ア ピアチェーレ

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ア ピアチェーレ

住所 :

Kemigawacho, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0023 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/piacere_a/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–8PM
Sunday 11:30AM–8PM
Monday 11:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–8PM
Thursday 11:30AM–8PM
Friday 11:30AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kemigawacho, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0023 Chiba,Japan
Parifuwa3 on Google

I made a reservation and had a double main lunch. Maybe an elderly woman with a small meal is good? When the last macaron with a diameter of 2 cm came out, I thought that I would feed it to a normal size. The building is nice, but the cost performance is too bad and it wasn't a friendly atmosphere, so it's a shame.
Lu Na on Google

It is a valuable restaurant along the Shin-Kemigawa River. You can have a delicious meal.
S H on Google

母の誕生日に行きました。 新検見川の隠れた名店、おしゃれでとても美味しかったです。 出来たのは最近ではなく、割と長いときいてびっくり!
I went to my mother's birthday. It was a very famous restaurant hidden in the new Komimi River, it was fashionable and very delicious. I was not able to do it recently, but I was surprised at how long it was!
雷さとう on Google

地元検見川の自慢できるおしゃれなイタレス。 家族でランチを頂きました。素材よし。調理よし。ご夫婦の客対応も素朴でよし。 ただお○さん達の利用時にはうるさい事が気になりました。お店に相応しい客側の品位が欲しいなぁ〜
Fashionable Italy that can be proud of the local Kemigawa. I had lunch with my family. Material is good. Good cooking. The couple's customer service is also simple. However, I was worried about being noisy when using Mr. O. I want the customer's dignity suitable for the store ~
清水南帆 on Google

I ate rice here to celebrate my 20th birthday. The steak, pasta, soup and appetizers were all delicious. The dessert was also delicious.
ゆーく on Google

昨日の入籍日、こちらのお店で素敵なディナーを迎える事が出来ました。 シェフオススメコースでお願いして、料理はもちろん満足ですが一番嬉しかった事はホスピタリティでした。 妻は妊婦だった為、食べ物に制限がありましたがコース始まる前に生物やアレルギーが平気か確認して下さったり、身体が冷えないよう暖かいブランケットやクッションを用意してくれました。 飲食店でも業務っぽく気配りするところはありますが、この店は気配りや心配りを特に感じました。 オーナーをはじめ、店員皆様には素敵な時間を過ごせたことを感謝致します。 八千代から来た甲斐がありました。 ありがとうございました。
On the day of enrollment yesterday, I was able to have a wonderful dinner at this shop. I asked for the chef's recommended course, and of course I was satisfied with the food, but what I was most happy about was hospitality. My wife was a pregnant woman, so she had food restrictions, but before the course started, she checked if she was allergic to living things and provided warm blankets and cushions to keep her body cool. There are some restaurants that are attentive to business, but this restaurant was particularly attentive and worried. We would like to thank the owner and all the staff for having a wonderful time. It was worth it to come from Yachiyo. Thank you very much.
まるナナ on Google

ランチコース3000円をいただきました。 フォアグラや真鯛など、お魚中心にいただきました。 パスタも2種類出てきてボリュームも良かったです。 落ち着いた雰囲気で、隣の席とも間隔があり、安心していただけます。
I received a lunch course of 3000 yen. We mainly had fish such as foie gras and red sea bream. Two types of pasta came out and the volume was good. You can rest assured that the atmosphere is calm and there is a space between the seats next to you.
ノリコ on Google

ランチのパスタコースを 選びました^ ^ 思った以上に盛りだくさんで、 デザートまであり美味しくいただきました。 お店の雰囲気もリラックス出来る、柔らかい感じでした。週末ランチにぴったりの時間を過ごせました。
Lunch pasta course I chose ^ ^ There are more than I expected, There was even dessert and it was delicious. The atmosphere of the shop was also relaxing and soft. I had a perfect time for lunch on the weekend.

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