Chikazu Shrine - Hokota

4/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Chikazu Shrine

住所 :

Hokota, Ibaraki 311-2103, Japan

Postal code : 311-2103

Hokota, Ibaraki 311-2103, Japan
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御祭神は武甕槌命。明和4(1767)年鹿島大神を奉斎,翌5年社殿竣工。明治14年村社列格。昭和26年に汲上小学校校庭拡張のため現在地に遷座されたそうです。境内の由来碑には「上島東小学校」と記されていましたが,当地より約300メートル北東にある上島東小学校(この味わいのないネーミングセンスは戦後っぽいですね)とは,汲上小学校の前身のようですね。当社は国道51号線汲上交差点少し北の西側に鎮座していらっしゃいます。 なお,旧・大洋村には「近津神社」が三社あるそうですが,御祭神が武甕槌命であることから,大子町の近津三社とは関係ないかと考えられます。津(鹿島灘または北浦)が近いということが社名の由来であろうかと想像します。
The deity of the priest is Mutsutsutsu. In 1767, he visited Kashima Okami and completed the shrine in the following year. Meiji 14 Murasha rank. It seems that they were relocated to their current location in 1948 to expand the school grounds of the Kukami Elementary School. The monument to the origin of the precincts says "Ueshima Higashi Elementary School", but Kamijima Higashi Elementary School (this tasteless naming sense is like postwar) is about 300 meters northeast of here. It looks like its predecessor. We are located on the west side of the north side of Route 51 Kumage intersection. It is said that there are three "Kontsu Shrines" in the old Taiyo Village, but since the deity of the festival is the death of the warrior, it may be related to the three Kintsu Shrines in Daigo Town. Imagine if the name of the company was derived from the closeness of Tsu (Kashima Nada or Kitaura).

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