Cafe Friends - Shibuya City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cafe Friends

住所 :

18-8 Shinsencho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 150-0045

18-8 Shinsencho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0045, Japan
MOO S on Google

めちゃくちゃ居心地がいい 味も最高 もともと昔ながらのナポリタンとかハンバーグが食べれそうだから入ったのだが予想に反してかなり本格的な味 これはこれでかなり良い また食べたくなる味
Insanely cozy The taste is also the best Originally I entered because I could eat old-fashioned Neapolitan or hamburger steak, but unexpectedly it tasted quite authentic This is pretty good with this The taste you want to eat again
kaz tak on Google

A coffee shop with a nostalgic Showa feel
たかみ on Google

今どきではみられないノスタルジーを感じられる喫茶店。 ランチで利用しました。メニューはカレーライスやサンドイッチと洋食。選んだのはナポリタン780円。お店の雰囲気から昔懐かしい茹できってのスパゲティを想像していましたが、意外にもアルデンテ。でもケチャップ炒め(笑) 看板メニューなのか、大きなハンバーグが追加されたスパゲッティやオムライスを食べてる方が多いと感じました。それぞれスパハン、オムハンというのですね。とてもおいしそうでしたがすごいボリュームにみえて諦めました。 ナポリタンを食べ終えておなかいっぱい。総じてどのメニューも量は多目で、男性でも満足されると思います。 おいしかったです。ごちそうさまでした。
A coffee shop where you can feel the nostalgia that cannot be seen today. I used it for lunch. The menu is curry rice, sandwiches and Western food. I chose Napolitan 780 yen. I imagined a nostalgic boiled spaghetti from the atmosphere of the shop, but surprisingly Aldente. But fried ketchup (laughs) I felt that many people were eating spaghetti and omelet rice with a big hamburger added, probably because it was a signboard menu. They are called Spahan and Omhan, respectively. It looked very delicious, but I gave up because it looked like a great volume. I'm full after eating Napolitan. In general, the amount of each menu is large, and I think men will be satisfied. It was delicious. Thank you for the meal.
Kaku Ito on Google

You can choose pork or chicken for the cutlet curry at this restaurant, both of which are delicious. The roux contains minced meat, and the onions and other ingredients still have a little shape, making it an ideal curry for a lifetime.
Kenichi TONO on Google

Lunch menu is increasing and you can pay with PayPay. The photo shows a dry curry set of 1,200 yen.
A Lucky on Google

Omelet rice hamburger was delicious!
のり on Google

喫茶店のナポリタンなのに、ちゃんとアルデンテ! プリンはしっかり固めでぼくの好みでした。
Even though it's a coffee shop Napolitan, al dente! The pudding was firm and I liked it.
19141007 takataka on Google

昔からあります! ただ、若いスタッフがやけに多く、何か別の会社と協業されてる感じでしょうか、、 ランチのバリエーション多いです。 電子マネーいろいろ使えました。
It's been around for a long time! However, it seems that there are a lot of young staff and they are collaborating with some other company. There are many variations of lunch. I was able to use various electronic money.

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