Bistro Endo - Mito

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bistro Endo

住所 :

1 Chome-3-18 Minamimachi, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 310-0021
Webサイト :

1 Chome-3-18 Minamimachi, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0021, Japan
satoo u1 on Google

ランチバイキングはサラダバー、カレーライス、スクランブルエッグが食べ放題。 ほとんどのメニュー1,000円前後と、かなりお得です!リピ必須です!
All-you-can-eat salad bar, curry rice, and scrambled eggs for lunch buffet. Most of the menus are around 1,000 yen, which is a great deal! Lipi is a must!
つね田中 on Google

久々のビストロエンドウでした。 私はカツレツ、息子はカルボナーラを注文しました。どちらもとても美味しくいただきました。 ランチメニューには新鮮野菜のサラダバー、ライス、パン?、カレー?、たまご料理までついて、どちらも1.199円とコスパも最強です。 水戸市内で食事に迷ったときはぜひお試しを?
It was a bistro pea after a long time. I ordered katsuretsu and my son ordered carbonara. Both were very delicious. The lunch menu includes a fresh vegetable salad bar, rice, bread ?, curry ?, and egg dishes, all of which cost 1.199 yen, which is the strongest. If you get lost in eating in Mito city, please give it a try ?
青木典子 on Google

アパホテルに併設されている洋食店です。Google mapで調べると休業中となっていますが朝食バイキングはやっています。イクラ、カニ(ほぐし身)を始めとした料理が食べ放題1320円でアパホテルに泊まっていれば600円というのはすごい安いですね。
It is a Western restaurant attached to the APA Hotel. According to Google map, it is closed, but breakfast buffet is available. All-you-can-eat dishes such as salmon roe and crab (loose meat) are 1320 yen, and if you stay at APA Hotel, 600 yen is very cheap.
正直者OL on Google

伺ったのは結構前になりますが、ウニのクリームパスタ、スンドゥブ、ロティサリーポークを注文。 お店ではスンドゥブを推していましたが、某焼肉屋のスンドゥブの方が美味しいと思いました。コクがないというか… パスタも味が薄めでイマイチ。 ロティサリーポークは美味しかったです。
I visited there a long time ago, but I ordered sea urchin cream pasta, sundubu, and rotisserie pork. I used to recommend sundubu at the restaurant, but I thought that a certain yakiniku restaurant, sundubu, was more delicious. It ’s not rich ... The pasta has a light taste and is not good. The rotisserie pork was delicious.
馬鹿正直ポン太郎 on Google

水戸のアパホテル直結のレストラン。朝食の海鮮バイキングが人気とのことで味わいに行きました。 宿泊翌朝にレストランに向かい早速のバイキング!種類も多くアレもこれも食べてみたくなってしまいますがあまり多くの量を食べられないのでここは海鮮中心で! いくらとシラス、カニのみをたんまりと盛ることにしました。 と言ってもどんぶりはそんなに大きくなくご飯も少なめ。いくらはまずくはないですがやはり食べ放題用かなという小ぶりなもの。まぁこの値段では文句は言えませんね。 せっかくの地方に来たので水戸の名物納豆を食べねば!ここで知らなかった地元の料理?納豆と大根の和え物的な品(名前は失念いたしました)がとてもおいしい! 丼物でネバネバ丼にたくあんと納豆の相性が良いので当然美味しいのですがまるまるとした大豆の納豆との組み合わせがとても美味しかったです。 せっかくの海鮮丼バイキングより納豆の印象が強かった。 そして空調は掃除したほうが良いです。ほこりが落ちてきそうで。。。
A restaurant directly connected to the APA Hotel in Mito. I went to taste the seafood buffet for breakfast because it was popular. The next morning after staying, we headed to the restaurant and immediately had a buffet! There are many kinds and it makes me want to try this, but I can't eat so much, so this is mainly seafood! I decided to serve only salmon roe, shirasu, and crabs. However, the bowl is not so big and the rice is small. It's not bad, but it's a small one that you can eat as much as you want. Well, I can't complain at this price. Since I came to the region, I have to eat Mito's famous natto! Local food you didn't know about here? The natto and radish spicy sauce (I forgot the name) is very delicious! Takuan and natto go well with the sticky rice bowl, so it's naturally delicious, but the combination with the whole soybean natto was very delicious. The impression of natto was stronger than the special seafood bowl buffet. And the air conditioning should be cleaned. Dust is about to fall. .. ..
Jerry B on Google

どくじ(xeedoc) on Google

Very doable prices for very good food. Most main dishes come with a lunch buffet including a salad bar, different kinds of rolls, rice, and curry! Very relaxed atmosphere and delicious food.
Joshua Elander on Google

Really nice. Good is pretty good. You get free salad bar with most food which is a good value. It's usually pretty busy also so come early or reserve unless it's off hour times. Only slight downside is that the cheapest food item is probably around 900 yen, again because you get the free salad bar.

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