AoBaba - Mito

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact AoBaba

住所 :

1 Chome-3-40 Minamimachi, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 310-0021
Webサイト :

1 Chome-3-40 Minamimachi, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0021, Japan
Chiki Hyung on Google

There are various cute decorations inside, and the food is easy to eat and very delicious.
成冨均 on Google

Delicious and delicious! I ate full and got a change for 3,000 yen. Recommended by Kana Adachi! Four!
寿!! on Google

The inside of the store is also fashionable! I ate course meals and they were all delicious. There were some coriander in some places, but I wasn't good at it, so I was very satisfied.
Machao O on Google

可愛いお店❗️ 課題はコスパかな 路地裏を歩いていると小気味いい中華鍋を 振る音が聞こえて、その音に誘われてお伺い タイミング的に夜は人が少なくお店にも お客さんは少なかったですが、ソーシャル ディスタンスはちゃんと取れますね チャーハンとタイガービール 美味しかったです。 他の方も言っていますが、コスパは少し悪かな ベトナム料理なので美味しくて手頃なお値段 そんな感じがあると良かったな ごちそうさまでした。
Cute shop ❗️ Is the issue cospa? When you walk in the back alley, you will find a nice wok I heard the sound of shaking, and I was invited by that sound to ask There are few people at night in terms of timing, and even in shops The number of customers was small, but social You can get the distance properly Fried rice and tiger beer It was delicious. As others have said, cospa is a little bad Vietnamese food so delicious and reasonably priced I wish I had that kind of feeling Thank you for the meal.
zucker on Google

久しぶりに行ったら、フォーの具の量が減っていた。フォー自体は、おいしいんですけどね。 あと、厨房の人がずーっと顎マスクでした。しかも、普通に話したりしてる……。 客席から丸見えなので、気になって仕方なかった。
When I went there for the first time in a long time, the amount of pho ingredients had decreased. Pho itself is delicious though. Also, the people in the kitchen were always wearing chin masks. Besides, I talk normally ... I couldn't help but be worried because I could see it from the audience.
馬鹿正直ポン太郎 on Google

賑やかな店内の雰囲気と麺が美味しかったですよ! 水戸出張でのおひとり様夜ご飯。検索を重ねて迷った中で選んだお店。 タイ料理は大好きなのであちこち食べ歩いている方と思いますが、ベトナム料理というのは近いようで少し変わったメニューもあり興味深々出伺いました。 一人じゃなかったらあれもこれもと他にも食べたいメニューがたくさんありましたがその日の気分でブンボージョーヘオ(豚足入り辛い牛肉うどん)を注文。焼肉屋に行くと必ずと言って良いほど豚足を注文するくらい豚足が好きです。 メニュー名からうどんというのはどんな雰囲気か?と思いましたが何とも言えない独特な歯ごたえの麺でこれまでに食べたことがない食感。とても美味しかった(店頭で売っているので仕事じゃなければ買って帰りたかった) 味付けもしっかりとスープをとった味に辛みが加わり豚足のコクと相まって美味しかった。もう少し豚足たくさん入れてくれたら嬉しいぞ! 是非また伺いたいがなかなか来れる機会はないだろうな~。良いお店に出会いました。
The lively atmosphere and noodles were delicious! Dinner for one person on a business trip to Mito. The shop I chose after searching and getting lost. I love Thai food, so I think people are eating around, but Vietnamese food seems to be close and there is a slightly different menu, so I visited with interest. If I wasn't alone, there were many other menus I would like to eat, but I ordered Bunbo Joe Heo (spicy beef udon with pork legs) in the mood of the day. I like pig's trotter so much that I almost always order it when I go to a yakiniku restaurant. What kind of atmosphere does udon have from the menu name? I thought, but it's a unique chewy noodle that I can't say anything about, and it has a texture I've never eaten before. It was very delicious (I wanted to buy it if it wasn't work because it's sold at the store) The seasoning was also good, with the spiciness added to the taste of the soup and the richness of the pork trotter. I'd be happy if you could add a little more pig's trotter! I'd love to come back again, but I don't think I'll have a chance to come. I met a good shop.
masahiro kanagawa on Google

常陽銀行本店、水戸中央郵便局に近く、茨城県警水戸警察署の正面に位置する黄色の小さな可愛い建物です。一見、若い人の小物ショップに見えますが、ベトナム国旗が目印です。 月末までは行政指導に従ってアルコール提供等は行っておりません。しかしマンゴーシェークなど南国を彷彿させる美味しいドリンクメニューが豊富です。フードメニューも本当に充実しており、家族や友人と行って多数のメニューを味わいたくなります。
It is a cute little yellow building located in front of the Ibaraki Prefectural Police Mito Police Station, near the Joyo Bank head office and Mito Chuo Post Office. At first glance, it looks like a small shop for young people, but the Vietnamese flag is a landmark. Until the end of the month, we will not provide alcohol according to administrative guidance. However, there are plenty of delicious drink menus such as mango shakes that are reminiscent of tropical countries. The food menu is also really substantial, and you will want to go with your family and friends and taste many menus.
Quang Huy on Google


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