BiBi Inuneko Clinic - Sendai

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Contact BiBi Inuneko Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-8-37 Onoda, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 982-0014
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

2 Chome-8-37 Onoda, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0014, Japan
永井静香 on Google

つい最近 買い始めたばかりの猫ちゃんが吐き気がおさまらずに 何をしたらいいかわからない私たちにたくさんのアドバイスをしていただきました。何度も電話で相談にのってくださり、自分たちではもうどうしようもなくなってヘルプをしたら真夜中にもかかわらず対応してくださりました。疑問に思っている、ほんの些細なこと、不安なことも言葉がまとまらない私たちの話にちゃんと耳を傾けてくださる優しい先生です。夜中に具合が悪かったうちの子の状態を朝にわざわざ電話してくださりとっても安心できました。また獣医さんに関わることがあればこちらでお世話になりたいです。
A cat that has just begun to buy recently has given us a lot of advice without knowing what to do without getting nauseated. I consulted many times over the phone, and if they couldn't help themselves, they would give help even if it was midnight. He is a kind teacher who listens to our talks, where we are wondering, even the trivial, uneasy, and uncertain. I was very relieved to call me in the morning about my child's condition that was ill at night. I would also like to take care of a veterinarian if I have any concerns.
亀パパ on Google

うちの子がストルバイトで尿路閉塞になったとき、適切な処置で対応していただき、その後のケアも親切にアドバイスして頂いたおかげで元気を取り戻しつつあります! 先生の確かな知識と技術力! スタッフの皆さんも明るく気さくで居心地が良かったです、 今後もお世話になります!
When my child is obstructed by urethral obstruction, he / she is taking appropriate action and taking care afterward, thanks to kind advice. Certain knowledge and technical skills of the teacher! The staff members were also bright and friendly and comfortable. I will be indebted in the future!
1 Komchi on Google

通院歴が無くても救急対応を直ぐにしてくれました。 電話対応も非常良く、時間外(しかも休診日)なのにも関わらず丁寧に診て下さいました。病状の説明も大変分かりやすく教えてくれますし、とても安心しました。 ペットと飼い主の事を考えくださるいい病院です。
Even if he had no history of going to the hospital, he immediately provided emergency support. The telephone service was very good, and even though it was outside the hours (and the day was closed), he treated me carefully. The explanation of the medical condition was very easy to understand and I was very relieved. It's a good hospital to think about pets and their owners.
横山管財 on Google

夜中まで病院の電気ついており非常に熱心な先生で感心する。 思い返せば我が家の猫が大変世話になった。 通いはじめは長年通った長町の某先生に「重度歯周病で歯痛を訴えていようが老猫なんだから歯が悪くなっても食べれなくなっても、加齢なんだから仕方ないじゃ無い。このまま亡くなる事を覚悟して下さい。うちじゃ抜歯なんかしないよ。」と言われ帰宅し、苦しそうな愛猫を眺め絶望していたところを藁にもすがる想いで診察して頂き、救って貰ったところからだった。 抜歯後数年で亡くなってしまったが最後まで親身に相談に乗ってくださり、少しでも苦しまさせずに送ってやれたかなと思える。 今でも非常に感謝の念は絶えない。
I am impressed by the very enthusiastic teacher who has the electricity in the hospital until midnight. Looking back, my cat was very helpful. At the beginning of my visit, I told a teacher in Nagamachi, who had been attending for many years, "I'm an old cat, even if I'm complaining of toothache due to severe periodontal disease. Please be prepared. I will not extract my teeth at home. "I went home, looked at my cat that seemed to be suffering, and examined the place where I was desperate with the feeling of clinging to the straw, and from the place where I was saved. was. He died a few years after the tooth extraction, but he kindly consulted me until the end, and I think he sent it without any pain. I am still very grateful.
A A on Google

引っ越すまでこちらの病院に1年程通院していました。 別の動物病院に通っていたのですが全く症状が改善せず、こちらの病院にセカンドオピニオンをと思い行きました。 我が家の犬には合っていたのか、みるみる元気になりました。 若い先生ですが、最新の医療知識・方法など若さゆえの強みがあります。 他の病院で効果が出ない方はこちらに行ってみてはどうでしょうか?
I used to go to this hospital for about a year until I moved. I went to another veterinary hospital, but my symptoms didn't improve at all, so I decided to go to this hospital for a second opinion. I wondered if it was suitable for my dog, and it made me feel better. Although he is a young teacher, he has strengths due to his youth, such as the latest medical knowledge and methods. If you don't see the effect at other hospitals, why not go here?
がが on Google

飼い猫が餌を全然食べなくなってしまったので、とてもクチコミが良いこちらを受診させて頂きました。電話の時点で冷たい感じ。実際行き相談すると、口の中だけ診て、歯石がたまってるからこりゃ歯が痛くて食べれなかったんだよーwと言われ処置して頂き一万円取られ終了。 それでも猫の調子は変わらないので2日後に別の病院を受診。そこは触診も丁寧にして頂き、触っただけで、脱水がカナリ進んでいると。血液検査もしてくれ、結果、糖尿と肝臓がやられていて、カナリひどい状態と言われ、結果、入院を検討している数日間に息をひき取りました。 BiBiさんで診てもらった時はまだ体力があったので、そこで的確な診察をして頂けてたらまだ…と今でも悔しいです。 そしてセカンドオピニオンは大切だと痛感。 ちなみに口の中は綺麗だと言われました。 死んでしまっては戻りません。 なぜこんなに口コミが良いのかわかりません。
Since my cat has stopped eating food at all, I visited this place with very good reviews. Feeling cold at the time of the call. When I actually went and consulted, I examined only the inside of my mouth and was told that I couldn't eat because my teeth hurt because I had accumulated tartar. Still, the condition of the cat did not change, so I went to another hospital two days later. I asked them to palpate carefully, and just by touching it, dehydration was progressing. He also gave me a blood test, and as a result, I was told that I had diabetes and liver damage and was in a terrible state. As a result, I died during the days when I was considering hospitalization. I was still physically fit when I was examined by BiBi, so I'm still disappointed if I could have an accurate examination there. And I realized that the second opinion is important. By the way, I was told that my mouth was beautiful. If you die, you won't return. I don't know why word of mouth is so good.
中里智子 on Google

青葉区から太白区に引っ越してきた頃、狂犬病の予防接種をうける時期だったため、かかりつけの動物病院さんを探していました。 近隣にたくさんあるので、どこにしようか悩んでいましたが、信頼する知人の紹介でBiBi先生を訪ねました。 腰の低い先生、説明が丁寧、看護師さんの笑顔が素敵で親切、対応が早い、という印象で、その後もお世話になっています。 なにより、我が家の内弁慶で天邪鬼の、ザ柴犬(雄の中の雄)が、落ち着いて診察を受け、笑顔を振りまく余裕を見せるので、本当に驚きました。 先生やスタッフさんの愛情と優しさが伝わるのだと思います。 これからも、末永くお世話になりたいと思っています。
When I moved from Aoba Ward to Taihaku Ward, it was time to get vaccinated against rabies, so I was looking for a veterinary clinic. I was wondering where to go because there are many in the neighborhood, but I visited Mr. BiBi with the introduction of a trusted acquaintance. I have the impression that the teacher is low-back, the explanation is polite, the smile of the nurse is nice and kind, and the response is quick, and I have been indebted to him since then. Above all, I was really surprised that the Shiba Inu (male among the males), who is an amanojaku in my family's Uchibenkei, calmly undergoes a medical examination and shows a margin to smile. I think it conveys the affection and kindness of the teachers and staff. I would like to continue to take care of you for a long time.
ma hu ne on Google

猫の調子が悪くみてもらったら「わからない」となにやら憶測だけ説明され、体重測るのみで診察終了。セカンドオピニオンをもらおうと別病院へ行ったら「ありゃ、熱あるよ。レントゲン撮りましょうか」と聞かれお願いしたら肺がんで余命1ヶ月でした。もう行きません。。 他の口コミもみましたが…猫きらいなんでしょうか。
If the cat looks sick, he will explain "I don't know" and only speculation, and the examination will end just by weighing. When I went to another hospital to get a second opinion, I was asked, "Oh, I have a fever. Should I take an X-ray?" I had lung cancer and had a life expectancy of one month. I won't go anymore. .. I've seen other reviews, but ... I don't like cats.

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