Nagamachiminami Animal Clinic - Sendai

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nagamachiminami Animal Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-8-28 Nagamachiminami, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87897
Postal code : 982-0012
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

3 Chome-8-28 Nagamachiminami, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0012, Japan
na S on Google

ハムスターの下半身が大きくなり腹水を疑って受診しました。 検査や手術、金額面、いろいろな方向性を示していただき検査をお願いしました。 結果、腫瘍が確認され生検をお願いし帰宅。 午後の診察でお迎えに行ったところ、亡くなっておりました。 14時頃検査を行い、16時過ぎにお迎え。その間に亡くなってしまったと。 生検自体はきちんと検体採取ができていて、その結果悪性リンパ腫の可能性が高いとの説明があり、、本人(ハム)の体力がなかったことが主な死因と思います。 ですが、検査後の急変に気付いていただきたかったです。 お迎えに行った時にはすでに冷たくなっていました。 せめて看取ってあげたかった。 亡くなったから、診察券は発行されず...それも余計に悲しかったです。 生検を選択したこと、手遅れになる前に連れて行けなかった自分が一番悪いのですが 生検にはこういうリスクもあることを皆様に知って欲しくてレビューを書きました。 先生は私の飼い方について、ハムスターの腫瘍について、遺伝について、沢山質問して真摯に答えていただきました。 検査結果に関してもエコーを見せながらきちんと説明していただきました。 それだけに、少しでも長生きできるように一緒に進むことができなくて残念です。 早く連れて行けなくてごめんなさい。 もしも、いつか、またエキゾチックアニマルを飼うことがあれば...先生にお願いしたいですが、預けて帰ることはもうできないなと思います。 乱筆をお許しください。 追記 少し離れた、以前お世話になった先生にかかることになりました パールホワイト(ジャンガリアン)の寿命が2年半と伺ったことに違和感があったので今の先生に聞いてみましたが、わたしと同じ見解だったのと こちらの病院で受けた検査や治療方針の話をしたときに、今かかっている先生の説明が納得できるものだったので.. 短い間でしたがお世話になりました
The hamster's lower body became larger and he was suspected of having ascites. We asked you to show us the inspection, surgery, amount of money, and various directions. As a result, a tumor was confirmed and he requested a biopsy and returned home. When I picked him up at the afternoon consultation, he died. We will inspect around 14:00 and pick you up after 16:00. He died in the meantime. There was an explanation that the biopsy itself was able to collect samples properly, and as a result there was a high possibility of malignant lymphoma, and I think that the main cause of death was the lack of physical strength of the person (ham). However, I wanted you to notice the sudden change after the inspection. It was already cold when I picked him up. I wanted to take care of it at least. Since I died, I wasn't issued a medical examination ticket ... which was even more sad. The worst thing is that I chose a biopsy and couldn't take him before it was too late. I wrote a review because I wanted everyone to know that biopsy also has these risks. The teacher asked a lot of questions about my way of keeping, hamster tumors, and heredity, and answered sincerely. He explained the test results properly while showing an echo. For that reason, it is a pity that we cannot move forward together so that we can live a little longer. I'm sorry I couldn't take you early. If I ever have an exotic animal again ... I'd like to ask the teacher, but I don't think I can leave it home anymore. Please forgive me for scribbling. Postscript I'm going to take a teacher who was a little away from me before I felt uncomfortable when I heard that Pearl White (Jungarian) had a lifespan of two and a half years, so I asked my current teacher, but he said that he had the same view as me. When I talked about the tests and treatment policies I received at this hospital, I was convinced by the teacher's explanation. It was a short time, but thank you for your help
わくちん on Google

大変お世話になりました。動物の治療はお金かかるのを理解しないかたはいかない方がいい病院だと思います。悪い評価はそういう人達なんだなと痛感します。医者に万能を求めるなら飼い主も学んだ方がいいですよ 。
Thank you for all the help you have given me. I think it's a hospital that you shouldn't go without understanding that treating animals is expensive. I am keenly aware that such people are badly evaluated. If you want a doctor to do everything, you should learn the owner as well. ..
裕美丸山 on Google

I was helped by Eun after receiving an emergency response at night. Even though the teacher has a lot of patients, he understands it well by looking at the medical record, and the staff are very responsive, and I am deeply grateful and impressed every time I go. However, if you praise it too much, I am worried that it will be crowded and the waiting time will be long. That's why I really want to give it 5 stars, but please give it 4 stars and Nagamachi Minami Animal Hospital. It's a very nice place.
てんてん on Google

ハムスター達がいつもお世話になっています。 感動するほど先生が動物に対して優しいです。 わちゃわちゃと大人しくないジャンガリアンの爪切りも任せられる病院です。 私の飼育しているジャンガリアンは気難しい性格のコです。 以前目の上がものもらいのように腫れ、別の病院に行って診察受けた際にフリーズしたり腰を抜かしたりで診察後3日もまともにご飯も動く事も出来ない程弱った事があります。 目の症状も治らず、また診察で死にかけるのが怖くなり病院変えた先が長町南動物病院でした。 先生はハムスターを両手で包むように持ってくれてハムスターにも優しく声をかけながら診察してくれました。 このジャンガリアンは夫の手にはUターンで戻るほど慣れていない人には嫌がるコですが、先生の手の中で逃げなかった事に驚きました。 全然弱る事もなく、診察が終わり家に帰ってからもピンピン元気でした。 処方は飲み薬(以前行った病院でも飲み薬処方、ハムスターはストレスに弱く目薬はストレスが掛かる為に最近は飲み薬処方で治すと両方の病院から説明いただきました)、投薬続けるも目の腫れが引かず、別の飲み薬処方をいただき無事完治いたしました。 また1歳のロボロフスキーが喉元に腫瘍を見つけ呼吸も荒くなって診察、腫瘍検査をしていただきました。リンパ腫の可能性があると診断、私も友人をリンパ腫で亡くしている為、リンパ腫がいかに恐ろしいものか知っています。 診察の際には喉元の腫瘍が気管を圧迫して呼吸が難しくなっている状態とお話いただきました。 私ももっと早く気づいてあげられれば…と飼い主として配慮不足でした。 ロボロフスキーは診察後1週間ほどで亡くなってしまいましたが、先生からも優しいお言葉をかけていただいたこと、先生の診察を受けれた事に感謝しています。他の病院ではハムスターのメンタル面に対する配慮不足、ストレス面で更に短命だったでしょう。 今月に気難しいジャンガリアンが爪切りに行った際も、大人しくはないコなので爪切り出来るか不安な部分がありましたが手早く処置していただき、ジャンガリアンもいつもと変わらず元気で不安も吹っ飛びました。 ハムスターに負担をかけず、安心して任せられる病院です。 私の中では一択の病院です。
The hamsters are always indebted. The teacher is kind to animals so much that I am impressed. It is a hospital where you can also handle the nail clippers of Jungarians who are not very mature. The jungarian I keep has a difficult personality. I used to have swelling on my eyes like a stye, and when I went to another hospital and had a medical examination, I was frozen or pulled out, and I was so weak that I couldn't move properly for 3 days after the medical examination. .. The eye symptoms did not heal, and I was afraid of dying at the medical examination, so I changed the hospital to Nagamachi Minami Animal Hospital. The teacher held the hamster in both hands and gently spoke to the hamster for examination. This jungalian is disliked by those who are not accustomed to returning to her husband's hand with a U-turn, but I was surprised that she did not escape in the teacher's hand. I wasn't weakened at all, and I was fine even after the examination was over and I got home. The prescription is a medicine to be taken (even at the hospital I went to before, the hamster is vulnerable to stress and the eye drops are stressful, so recently both hospitals explained that it can be cured with the medicine to be taken), and the swelling of the eyes even after continuing the medication However, I received another prescription for taking medicine and was completely cured. In addition, 1-year-old Roborovski found a tumor in his throat and had difficulty breathing, so he was examined and examined for a tumor. I have been diagnosed with possible lymphoma and I know how terrifying it is because I lost my friend to lymphoma. At the time of the examination, he told me that a tumor in the throat was compressing the trachea, making it difficult to breathe. I wasn't careful about the owner, hoping that I could notice it sooner. Roborovski died about a week after the examination, but I am grateful to the teacher for his kind words and for being examined by the teacher. Other hospitals would have been even shorter in terms of stress and lack of consideration for the hamster's mental health. When the difficult Jungarian went to nail clippers this month, I was worried about whether I could cut my nails because I wasn't very mature, but I was treated quickly, and Jungarian was as energetic as usual and my anxiety was blown away. It is a hospital where you can leave it to us without burdening your hamster. It is the hospital of choice for me.
わがのり on Google

It's Sunday for the first visit, so I'll wait a long time, but it seems that I can make a reservation on LINE ? It's an irreplaceable hospital for hamsters called exotic animals.
́•ᴥ•`“hassaku”フレブル on Google

皮膚科があるので行きましたが、薬代がとても高くて引きました。いつもいってるところがとても良心的なのだと気付かせていただけました。 専門医さんに頂いたアドバイスをもとに対処させていただき、少しづつよくなっているようなので、専門医さんに見てもらってよかったです。
I went there because I had a dermatologist, but the cost of medicine was very high and I pulled it. It made me realize that what I always say is very conscientious. I dealt with it based on the advice given by the specialist, and it seems that it is getting better little by little, so I'm glad to see it from the specialist.
吉岡純一 on Google

うちは猫だったんですが、まだ拾ったばかり時から受診していました。 持病もあり体が弱い子でしたが、いつも親身になって診察していただきました。 急変した時も患者のことを思い、最善な方法をいつも考えてくださりました。 治療方法についても分かりやすく説明しただき、とても信用・信頼がある先生、そしてスタッフの方々だと思います。
I was a cat, but I had been seeing it since I just picked it up. Although he was a weak child due to a chronic illness, he was always kind enough to see him. Even when there was a sudden change, he always thought about the patient and always thought about the best way. After explaining the treatment method in an easy-to-understand manner, I think that the teachers and staff are very credible and reliable.
ASK ASK on Google

数年間、飼っている猫がお世話になっています。 当時は調べた所病気の症状があり、通わせていただいておりまして、薬の処置、採血などが主でした。 最近ではそれも収まり、薬での処置が現在も続いてますが、待ち時間と看護師さん側の態度とミスが多く、他の病院へ行こうと思っています。 看護師さん側のミスは、薬の間違いやお願いしていた爪切りの忘れなど、他にも様々です。 まぁこれは百歩譲って許せますが、とにかく前述の待ち時間というものが本当に長い。 最近ではネットでの予約も出来るようになりましたが、逆にその情報(〇人待ち)に騙され、来てみれば1時間、2時間待たされるのが普通。 挙句の果てにはそれを「まぁそういう事もありますよね〜」と他人事。 最近でも5人待ちという情報を受けて来ましたが、2時間待ちました。 勿論、15人待ちという時でも30分かからない時もありますが、逆にそれが何時自分の番になるのかが分からないという事を引き起こしてます。 せめて、目安時間でも教えてくれれば良いのですが… 家の飼い猫の症状を改善していただいたという事もあり、最低評価は避けましたが、皆さんと同じ、いち飼い主としてこの病院は本当にオススメ出来ません。
I have been indebted to my cat for several years. At that time, I found out that I had symptoms of illness, and I was allowed to go there, mainly for drug treatment and blood sampling. Recently, that has subsided, and treatment with medicine is still ongoing, but I am thinking of going to another hospital because of the waiting time and the attitude and mistakes of the nurses. There are many other mistakes on the part of the nurse, such as mistakes in medicine and forgetting to cut the nails that I requested. Well, I can forgive this for a hundred steps, but anyway, the above-mentioned waiting time is really long. Recently, it has become possible to make reservations online, but on the contrary, it is normal to be fooled by the information (waiting for 0 people) and wait for 1 or 2 hours when you come. At the end of the story, he said, "Well, that's the case." I recently received information that I was waiting for 5 people, but I waited for 2 hours. Of course, there are times when it takes less than 30 minutes to wait for 15 people, but on the contrary, it causes you to not know when it will be your turn. At the very least, I'd like to know even the estimated time ... I avoided the lowest rating because I had my cat's symptoms improved, but like everyone else, I can't really recommend this hospital as the owner.

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