Bashoan - Katta District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bashoan

住所 :

5-1 Minamiurahata, Shichikashuku, Katta District, Miyagi 989-0658, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 989-0658
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday Closed

5-1 Minamiurahata, Shichikashuku, Katta District, Miyagi 989-0658, Japan
シーザーキング on Google

初めて来ましたが 場所も蕎麦も最高でした。 また来たいと思います。
I came for the first time The location and soba were great. I would like to come again.
ikuo nagasaki on Google

何回か訪れております。開店の11時既に何人かのお客様が待っておりました。雨なので車中待機。この待機客で開店時はほぼ満席でした。11時15分には完全満席で「お待ちください」となりました。祝日は朝一が安全です。 そば粉十割の全蕎麦(?)こしがあり歯ごたえを感じ美味しかったです。二八の南蛮せいろでしたか二八も全くそん色なく歯ごたえとも十分でした。お店の雰囲気は古民家とは言えませんが一部その面持ちを加え、バックグラウンドミュージックと絶妙なマッチングを見せていました。次回は忘れずにメニューをアップしたいと思います。
I have visited several times. Some customers were already waiting at 11 o'clock when the store opened. It's raining, so wait in the car. This waiting customer was almost full when the store opened. At 11:15, it was completely full and "Please wait". It is safe in the morning on public holidays. The whole buckwheat (?) Of 100% buckwheat flour was chewy and delicious. Was it the 28th Nanban Bamboo Steamer? The atmosphere of the shop is not like an old folk house, but some of it has been added to it, showing an exquisite match with the background music. Next time, don't forget to upload the menu.
夕焼け on Google

日曜日11時開店直後におじゃましました。思ったより中は広いです。入口には自動の体温計測と消毒が。田舎の蕎麦屋かと思っていましたが、コロナ対策はしっかりされているようです。靴を脱いで上がります。座敷だけです。雨なので使えなかったのかもしれませんが、外にテラス席はありました。 限定食の細切り全そばをおおもりで注文。二八そばもあります。3種類の薬味とつゆの乗ったお盆が先にきて、そばは蕎麦湯とあとから提供されました。普通に美味しいです。東北らしい田舎蕎麦が食べたい人は細切りじゃないほうが楽しめるかもしれません。1170円は安くも高くもない印象です。お腹いっぱいです。蕎麦湯はちょっと温くなってたかな。 七ヶ宿は蕎麦屋さん何件かあるので、他の店も行ってみたいとおもいました。
I was disturbed right after the store opened at 11:00 on Sunday. The inside is wider than I expected. Automatic temperature measurement and disinfection at the entrance. I thought it was a soba restaurant in the countryside, but it seems that the measures against corona are solid. Take off your shoes and go up. Only the tatami room. It may not have been usable because it was raining, but there were terrace seats outside. We ordered all the shredded soba noodles, which are limited meals, with a weight. There is also 28 buckwheat noodles. Obon with 3 kinds of condiments and soup came first, and soba was served with soba hot water and later. It is usually delicious. People who want to eat Tohoku-like countryside soba may enjoy it if it is not shredded. The impression that 1170 yen is neither cheap nor expensive. I am full. I wonder if the soba hot water was a little warm. There are several soba restaurants in Shichikashuku, so I wanted to go to other restaurants as well.
2 ta on Google

仙台から米沢の上杉神社に向かう途中の国道113号線沿いで、久しぶりに宮城県で美味しい蕎麦をいただきました? 高速道路を使わず行きたくて、国道4号線で白石市へ、そこから南陽市に行くために七ヶ宿町を走行していると、蕎麦屋の看板を何度も見かけるようになり、蕎麦をどうしても食べたくなり検索すると県境近くに美味しい蕎麦屋がある(白石市より南陽市からの距離の方が近いです)と、芭蕉庵さんが出て来て来ました。 時間的にも着く頃にちょうど正午近くになるので決めました。 駐車場も3箇所あり人気店であることは直ぐにわかりました。 私は、山形県のそば街道(何ヵ所かあるので特に大石田町周辺です)に何度も足を運び美味しいくいただいていたので、蕎麦処の山形ナンバーが多数駐車場に駐車してあったことで期待度MAX? 駐車場には、日陰もありワンコを車に乗せたままでも食事ができる(今日は25度以上気温が上がってしまいました)と思いました。 ふと店舗を見るとテラス席があり、その下の河川敷をみると犬小屋と可愛い柴犬。(芭蕉庵さんで飼っているワンコと推測) もしかしてと思い恐る恐る店員さんにテラス席だとワンコ連れて大丈夫か確認するとOKでました?(柴犬も芭蕉庵さんで飼っているワンコで、とても人懐っこい?かなりのお客さんが撫でてました) 全そば大盛を注目したのですが、小鉢の付け合わせも美味しくて、蕎麦も山形の物より細いのですが、コシが半端なくて香りが鼻に抜ける感じで、美味しいの一言?(私の出身地福島県会津地方も太くコシがありごわごわした蕎麦が多いので山形蕎麦がしっくりきて美味しいと思っていたのでびっくり?太いのは田舎蕎麦って感じで美味しいのですが、芭蕉庵さんのは食べやすく美味しいので、あんまり蕎麦は・・って人も美味しく食べれると思います) 特に家族一同、特製わさびにハマり、店員さんに確認すると隣の物産館に売っているとのことで、即購入(1瓶450円、わさびでは無くわさび漬けとのことです)しました。 最後に、食事処に犬をと思う方が多いのにも関わらず、店内が混んでいるのに店員さんも他のお客さんも優しく接していただきワンコも喜んでいます。 また、ネットで検索してもワンコと食事OKと記載無かったと思うので、正式に大丈夫だったか不明なので、店員さんと他のお客さんに感謝してます。
I had delicious soba noodles in Miyagi prefecture for the first time in a long time along National Route 113 on the way from Sendai to Uesugi Shrine in Yonezawa ? I wanted to go without using the highway, so when I was driving to Shiroishi City on Route 4 and then to Shichikashuku Town to go to Nanyo City, I came to see the soba shop sign many times, and I couldn't help but eat soba. When I searched for something that made me want to eat, I found a delicious soba restaurant near the prefectural border (the distance from Nanyo City is closer than Shiroishi City), and Bashoan came out. I decided because it would be near noon by the time I arrived. I quickly realized that it was a popular store with three parking lots. I visited the soba highway in Yamagata prefecture (especially around Oishida town because there are several places) many times and had delicious food, so many Yamagata numbers of soba noodles were parked in the parking lot. Expectation MAX ? There is a shade in the parking lot, so I thought that I could eat with my dog ​​in the car (the temperature has risen by more than 25 degrees today). When I look at the store, there are terrace seats, and when I look at the riverbed below it, I see a kennel and a cute Shiba Inu. (I guess it's a dog owned by Bashoan) It was OK to ask the clerk if it was okay to take the dog on the terrace ? (Shiba Inu is also a dog owned by Bashoan, and it is very friendly ? A lot of customers stroked it) I paid attention to the large soba noodles, but the side dish of the small bowl is delicious, and the soba is thinner than the one in Yamagata. The Aizu region of Fukushima prefecture, where I was born, is also thick and chewy, and there are many stiff soba noodles, so I was surprised because I thought that Yamagata soba noodles were nice and delicious. It's easy to eat and delicious, so I think that people can eat soba so much.) In particular, the whole family was addicted to the special wasabi, and when I checked with the clerk, it was sold at the next product building, so I bought it immediately (450 yen per bottle, wasabi pickles instead of wasabi). Lastly, despite the fact that many people think of dogs at the restaurant, the clerk and other customers are happy to treat the dogs kindly even though the store is crowded. Also, I don't think it was officially okay because I didn't find that it was OK to eat with dogs when I searched online, so I am grateful to the clerk and other customers.
ラー猫拉麺大好きニャン on Google

『全鴨せいろ(大盛)』をいただきましたのニャお?? 鴨つけダレと蕎麦の香り、コシの強さと喉越しが良いですニャ✨? 七ヶ宿町は『蕎麦』の名店が多いですがニャ、芭蕉庵さんはどちらかというと知名度の高い『観光客向け』のお店かニャ~と感じましたのニャお(嫌みでは無く)??
Nyao ?? who received "Zenkamo Seiro (Large)" The scent of duck sauce and soba, the strength of the body and the throat are good. There are many famous "soba" shops in Shichikashuku-cho, but I felt that Bashoan-san is a well-known "tourist-friendly" shop (not disliked) ??
racco on Google

Entered at lunch time. I ate Kamo Nanban, which is only available in winter. The meat was very tender and the soba was very delicious! There was still snow around the shop.
Ahmed Raza on Google

Very Beautiful and Traditional place with so tasty food
Roger Smith on Google

Wonderful 100 percent soba. The garnish includes spicy grated radish and proper wasabi, both of which are unusual! Ask for zen soba.

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