Banya - Setagaya City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Banya

住所 :

3 Chome-29-22 Matsubara, Setagaya City, Tokyo 156-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 156-0043
Webサイト :

3 Chome-29-22 Matsubara, Setagaya City, Tokyo 156-0043, Japan
ニシモリョウ on Google

昼間暖かかったのに夕方から急に冷え込んだ日に駆け込んだのがこの店でした。 あっさり醤油味、と思いきや、出汁が効いてるのかいい感じで後味が残るスープと細めの麺が美味しい!それに加えて長いメンマ、挽き肉が良い仕事をしていました。もう一つはつけ麺でしたが、細めの麺はどうかなと思いきやしっかりコシがあってこれはこれで美味しかったです。また食べに来たい!
It was this shop that rushed to the day when it was warm in the daytime but suddenly cooled down in the evening. I think it tastes like soy sauce, but the soup and thin noodles have a nice aftertaste and the soup stock is effective! In addition to that, long menma and minced meat did a good job. The other was tsukemen, but I was wondering if the thin noodles were chewy, and this was delicious. I want to come to eat again!
田中琢 on Google

It is a ramen shop that is loved by the locals and goes our way. It's a ramen that is so addictive that it's so rich that you can eat it while it's neutralized.
稲岡慶郎 on Google

醤油系の中華そばがメイン。 基本あっさり系、煮干し系のラーメン。 私の好みのラーメン。 メンマは穂先メンマというやわらかい特徴のもので珍しい。 定番は中華そばだが、つけ麺もいい。 つけ麺の麺は太麺、細麺が選べる。 私は太麺で、ダブル大盛りにする。 コロナ禍では、感染対策がきちんとされています。店内で会話をしていると注意されるくらいです。しかし、それをうるさいとは思わない。本来あるべき姿のように感じる。
Mainly soy sauce-based Chinese noodles. Basically light and dried sardines. My favorite ramen. Menma is rare because it has a soft characteristic called tip menma. The standard is Chinese noodles, but tsukemen is also good. You can choose thick noodles or thin noodles for tsukemen. I use thick noodles and make a double serving. Infection control is in place at Corona. You will be warned that you are having a conversation in the store. But I don't think it's noisy. It feels like it should be.
bon fire on Google

醤油らーめん700円 チャーシュー丼300円 沁み渡るスープのラーメン。 麺の硬さも好みでメンマも旨い。 来訪確実なお店。 雲呑がトッピングに加われば鬼に金棒ですね。
Soy sauce ramen 700 yen Char siu bowl 300 yen Ramen of soup that goes through. I like the hardness of the noodles and the menma is delicious. A shop that is sure to visit. If Wonton joins the toppings, it will be a gold rod for demons.
K e n 1 c on Google

味付け玉子そば(¥800) 材料にもこだわって、具材などもそれぞれ丁寧に作られている様子で美味しく、麺も喉ごしが良くてスープとの絡みもいい感じです。 スープもまろやかで深みのあるもので美味しいと思いますが、素材の味わいの色々がなんとなく混沌としているような、個人的にはもう少しクリアな風味がこの麺や具材に合うよう思たりです。無化調だとこんな感じになるのか…と思い知ったものです。
Seasoned egg soba (¥ 800) We are particular about the ingredients, and the ingredients are carefully made, which makes it delicious, and the noodles are smooth and entwined with the soup. I think the soup is mellow and deep and delicious, but I personally think that the slightly clearer flavor of the ingredients is suitable for the noodles and ingredients, as the various flavors of the ingredients are somewhat chaotic. I knew that it would look like this if it was a neutralized tone.
Chris Lui on Google

One of the better shoyu based thin noodle ramen I've had.
Miotai Cam on Google

This Ramen restaurant uses only natural ingredients and actually tastes really good. Best ramen in this area. Unfortunately they don't have english menu.
Omri R on Google

Very good option for shoyu Ramen in this area. The chashu here is really exceptional, very soft and full of flavor. Minced meat is a nice touch as well. The interior is also great with a nice wooden bar and pleasant vibe. I'll be back.

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