Tantantei - Suginami City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tantantei

住所 :

3 Chome-31-4 Hamadayama, Suginami City, Tokyo 168-0065, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 168-0065

3 Chome-31-4 Hamadayama, Suginami City, Tokyo 168-0065, Japan
susumu gogo on Google

加水低めの中細ストレート麺 - 低加水だけれどモチりとした中細麺 - 美味しい麺。加水低めであるがパッツンパッツンという感触ではなく、モチりという粘りを兼ね備えている。柔らかめの小麦(低アミロース)の配合によるものだろう。 噛んでいると鼻からかすかにアルカリ臭がするのはかん水が多めであるからだ。麺は大鍋に泳がせて平ザルで受けているため、麺内のアルカリはお湯に飛ばされると思うが、それでも残っているほどのかん水量。やはり柔らかめの小麦粉でもしっかりとした歯応えを出すためであろう。 - ここもまた美味しい卵麺の店 - 麺を噛んでいると口の中に残る気持ちの良い甘みは卵の風味。美味しい卵麺だ。 麺函には「たんたん亭」と入っているので、自家製麺かと店員さんに尋ねると製麺所製だとのこと。たんたん亭特注麺で、麺函にはたんたん亭と入れてもらっているそうだ。 「卵麺ですよね」と尋ねると「そうです」と教えてくれた。 卵麺はどうしても卵のタンパク質で麺がプリプリになる傾向がある。(ゆで卵の白身のプリプリ) それを抑えるために、低アミロースの小麦の麺を使っている。プリプリをモチモチで抑えるため。そして低加水のしっかりした歯応えを出すために、かん水が多めになっている。 加水が低めな理由は、スープの塩見を抑えられるから。(高加水麺だと塩味強めのスープと相性が良い) - 食べたあと30分後にお腹に残る気持ちよさ - 低加水ながらモチりと噛む快感と、噛み続けた後のほのかな卵の甘みは本当にプロの製麺所の仕事だ。この麺が滋味深い昔ながらのスープと見事な調和を創っている。 支那そば 900円
Ray Matsumiya on Google

Amazing! Get the mix ramen, a mix of pork and shrimp dumplings
Ken Tabuchi on Google

Arguably the best Ramen on earth. It certainly is my absolute favorite, hands down. Nowhere else fulfills me like how their bowl of mixed wanton noodle soup does. People may have heard of the wonton ramen specialty shop, Yakumo, which has been amongst the top 10 ramen restaurant list everywhere for many years in a row. What you may not know is that it originated from this place. The owner of Yakumo trained here before splitting up to start his own place back in 1999. In fact, Tantantei has produced many apprentices who have all succeeded in their rightful way, Yakumo being the most successful. The founder, Mr. Ishihara, opened Tantantei initially in Takaido in 1977 and moved to Hamadayama soon there after. He has since moved on to open Shinasoba Ishihara in Ogikubo in 2007, but his legacy has been preserved and practiced everyday (except Tuesdays, when they are closed). Their clear soy sauce based soup which compliments their mid-thin frizzled noodles is their crown jewel. Topped with Chinese style BBQ Pork and cloud-like suppleness of their pork and/or shrimp wonton floating over the perfectly aligned noodles, the bowl is aesthetically enticing in its simplicity. It is well worth the wait and the premium price if you are a foodie who can appreciate the best of the best, but you will certainly be able to appreciate it even if you are not.
Chie Joing on Google

Hands down one of my favorite ramen shop in the world. I have been coming here since I was in elementary school and every time I am in Japan. Best Shoyu won tang men. I like their meat won tong better but the shrimp one is great too. The skin is thin silky smooth perfection. The fillings are highly seasoned, juicy and bouncy. Simple clean shoyu broth with bonito and chicken base. Accompanied with thinner straight noodle with some bite. = great example of ShinaSoba Style One thing I am not so into is their chashu. They are on the leaner and harder side for my liking. Potsticker is just above average. I always order mixed won-tan men or meat won-tan men and beer. I put tons of coarsely cracked back pepper on the ramen. Just Amazing.
Kenta Goto on Google

A classic ramen spot located in a residential area of Tokyo, just a few steps from a subway stop. Classic, in a way, ramen they serve reminds of an authentic Tokyo style “chuka soba”. I think this was the main style maybe up till late 90’s, then regional styles such as “tonkotsu” or “miso” became more prevalent in the city. “Chuka soba” broth, I think usually comprised of fish and land animals’ broth such as chickens and pork. You can smell dried fish from their broth very well. For me, it’s a comforting smell. I’ve been here since 2002ish. If you are a foreigner tourist staying in a major district of Tokyo such as Shinjuku or Shibuya, is it worth a trip? If you are into ramen, it may well be. From either destination, one way by a train probably takes less than 30mins. Quality of broth is very genuine, though I doubt if the noodles are homemade, the texture of noodles are chewy / springy while thin, and tastes are wheaty. Quality of ingredients here are top notch. Place is known for wonton, while I like their cha siu more. They use tenderloin for their cha siu, while pork belly is more of a mainstream. I would recommend placing an order of mixed wonton men with extra noodles and extra cha siu. They also serve fried dumplings, though I am not a big fan. After getting used to the Chinese style dumplings, which to me is meatier, the Japanese style gyoza is a bit airy with more veggies, and theirs was no exception. All workers at this shop seem to be making ramen, and no cashier, meaning they use same hands to prepare your meals after touching cash. I was turned off seeing it for an obvious hygienic reason, but luckily I’ve never gotten sick. That’s the area of improvement, for now, I am happy to rate this place 4 out of 5.
Leopold David on Google

Delicious wantan-men! I ordered the char siu + mix wontons (both some meat wontons and some shrimp ones) ramen. All the ingredients taste amazing, especially the chashu slices and the shrimp wontons in my opinion. The soup is simple but have a nice flavor, it complements well and lets you enjoy the many toppings and the noodles.
Nozoo Mk on Google

I ordered mix wantan ramen. Ramen is delicious,little bit expensive .¥1200
Bread on Google

Great wonton ramen but it is a little pricey and the line can be long.

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