ほし野 八王子店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほし野 八王子店

住所 :

Azumacho, Hachioji, 〒192-0082 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Webサイト : https://amp.retty.me/r/100000135393/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday 11:15AM–2PM
Monday 11:15AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:15AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:15AM–2PM
Thursday 11:15AM–2PM
Friday 11:15AM–2PM
街 : Tokyo

Azumacho, Hachioji, 〒192-0082 Tokyo,Japan
名無しさん on Google

A pork cutlet shop that has been around for a long time in Hachioji. The price was cheap, it was big and the clothes were crispy and delicious.
綾田敏子 on Google

JR八王子駅からほど近い『ほし野』さんで、『上ロースかつ定食800円(2021年6月)』を頂きました。 角地にドドン!とお店を構える『ほし野』さん。お店に入ると、天井から『食事は無口で!』のプラカードが目の前に降りてきており、時世柄もありますが稀有な光景です。 早速頂くと、しっかりカリカリに揚がった固い衣に固めのロース肉です。お皿に盛られているマスタードが非常にパンチが効いていて、ソースと絡めるとちょうど良い塩梅です。 お米は柔らかめで普通盛りでもモリモリの量(大盛は無料の様です)、お味噌汁は優しいお味でいただくとホット致します。 さらに、お店の中央にラグビー部が使うような大きな『やかん』が鎮座、お水のお替りはその『やかん』セルフで注ぐ仕組みの様です。 お昼過ぎに伺ったのですが、お店はほぼ満席で、皆様天井からのプラカードを守って黙々と頂いておりました。
Mr. Hoshino, who is close to JR Hachioji Station, gave me a "Kamirosu and set meal 800 yen (June 2021)". Dodon on the corner! "Hoshino" who has a shop. When I entered the shop, I said from the ceiling, "Don't eat! 』Placard is coming down in front of you, and although there is a timely pattern, it is a rare sight. When you get it immediately, it is a firm loin meat in a firm batter that has been fried firmly. The mustard on the plate is very punchy, and when entwined with the sauce, it is a good salt plum. The rice is soft and even if it is served normally, the amount of morimori (large serving seems to be free), and the miso soup will be hot if you have a gentle taste. In addition, there is a large "kettle" in the center of the store, which is used by the rugby club, and the "kettle" is used to pour water. I visited the shop after noon, but the shop was almost full, and everyone kept the placard from the ceiling and received it silently.
tetsu t on Google

とんかつ定食 ご飯大盛りサービスを注文。ランチタイムの8割位が、600円のとんかつ定食でした。 今どき600円で頑張るプライス、大盛りサービスと、武骨な盛付けのビジュアルではありますが、贅沢は言えませんね。 てんこ盛りの炊き立てご飯、カツには塩分控えめなソースをたっぷり付けて✌️ 厚みなんか求めたらダメダメですよ?
Tonkatsu set meal I ordered a large serving of rice. About 80% of lunch time was a pork cutlet set meal of 600 yen. It's a price that I'll do my best for 600 yen nowadays, a large service, and a rugged visual, but I can't say luxury. Freshly cooked rice and cutlet with plenty of low-salt sauce ✌️ If you ask for thickness, you can't do it ?

打ち合わせが終わりたまたま入った八王子駅に近いトンカツ屋さん。 値段は安め 上で800円は驚いた! が理由は直ぐに良くわかった。 このトンカツなら1,000円越えたら誰も頼まないだろうなと… 上ロースカツ定食(ご飯大盛)を注文 どこが上なのか正直わからないトンカツ… 味はどこでも食べられる極普通のトンカツ トンカツ大好きで色々トンカツ屋さん行くが、次またここに来たいか?と問われたら次は無い… テーブルの上に(4人席に自分含め3人で座った) 麦茶を入れる水差の様な物にソースが入っているのだがそれが5、6本置いてあり…皆で困惑 違う種類のソースなのかな?と話ながらお店の方に伺うと全て同じ種類という事が判明! 何故こんなにあるの?みたいな(^-^; それに消費量も違う…衛生面においても決して良いとは感じなかった… それらトータルでも次来たいとは到底思わなかった…
A pork cutlet shop near Hachioji station where I happened to enter after the meeting. The price is cheap I was surprised at 800 yen above! But the reason was immediately understood. If this pork cutlet exceeds 1,000 yen, no one will ask ... Order the upper loin cutlet set meal (rice large serving) Tonkatsu I don't really know where it is ... The taste is a very ordinary pork cutlet that can be eaten anywhere I love pork cutlets and go to various pork cutlet shops, but do you want to come here again? When asked, there is no next ... On the table (three people including myself sat in four seats) There is a sauce in something like a water difference to put barley tea, but there are 5 or 6 of them ... Everyone is confused Is it a different kind of sauce? When I asked the shop staff while talking to them, it turned out that they were all the same type! Why is it so much? Like (^-^; And the consumption is different ... I didn't feel it was good for hygiene ... I never wanted to come next even with those totals ...
M. K on Google

とんかつを安く美味しく 食べたいなら、ここ! ■2021年12月6日 所用で八王子に寄り、久しぶりに「ほし野」さんに寄る。さまざまな揚げ物がいっぱいあるが、メインは「とんかつ定食」!。昨今のコロナ禍の影響や原材料の高騰もあるのでしょう。以前は、¥500だったと記憶してますが¥600になりました。それでもボリュームや味から充分お安いですし、むしろがんばっていると思います。ごはん大盛無料です。店内は、コロナの影響もあり、黙食の掲示がありました。さほど時間を要すことなく、「とんかつ定食」が運ばれてきました。 やっぱりいい意味で変わらず、揚げたての豚ロースにアツアツの豆腐とワカメのおみそ汁、炊きたての粘りのあるごはんは、とんかつにぴったりです!
Tonkatsu is cheap and delicious If you want to eat, here! ■ December 6, 2021 I stopped by Hachioji for the purpose, and stopped by "Hoshino" for the first time in a long time. There are many kinds of fried foods, but the main one is "Tonkatsu set meal"! There may be the influence of the recent corona disaster and the soaring price of raw materials. I remember it was ¥ 500 before, but now it's ¥ 600. Still, it's cheap enough because of its volume and taste, and I think I'm doing my best. A large serving of rice is free. Due to the influence of Corona, there was a notice of silent meal in the store. The "pork cutlet set meal" was delivered in a short time. In a good way, freshly fried pork loin, hot tofu, seaweed miso soup, and freshly cooked sticky rice are perfect for pork cutlet!
三浦多史 on Google

Today, I'm in front of Hachioji station! I would like to eat Mochiron dinner in Hachioji too! !! We are going to visit Mr. Tonkatsu Hoshino, who has been in Hachioji for a long time! The aim is a pork cutlet set meal, and the price is 600 yen including tax, and a large serving of rice is served! When I came to Japan a long time ago, I remember that it was a pork cutlet that was rather crisp! When I entered the store at 19:30, I couldn't eat rice with the landlady, but is that okay? I was asked, so I replied that it was good! Before I got to my seat, I was asked to order in a hurry, and I ordered a pork cutlet set meal from the landlady! It's kind of busy, and while I'm waiting at my seat, I'm messing around with the inside of the store! Even though there are still other customers eating, the mat at the entrance outside the store is thrown into the store! After waiting for about 7 minutes, the pork cutlet set meal rice was arrived! The pork cutlet is still thin meat that looks like it was hit with a slap, and the batter is finished as a hard pork cutlet like a weapon (laughs). After all, the pork cutlet batter is hard and has a bit of a bitter taste, and the meat is too thin to tell whether you are eating meat or batter! Since the price setting is cheap, I gave up and I got rid of the delicious and unpleasant taste, and pushed the pork cutlet into my stomach to finish the meal! The only thing that should be noted is that the miso soup was delicious with white miso! For the time being, my stomach was full, so that's the only point that's good (laughs). To tell the truth, I think it would have been better to eat pork cutlet at Yayoiken or Matsunoie. Hey! The price is certainly cheap! However, if you look at the taste and manners of the landlady, there is no restaurant that you can recommend! It used to be, it was, and now it is! If you are interested, please come to the store! In the store, everything will be table seats, and when it is crowded, it will be shared seats! Well then, I had a feast on the pork cutlet set meal!
小池幹生 on Google

トンカツ定食は超高速提供10秒 他の店がいっぱいで、店先で並んでいたので、こちらにしました。 初めての来店です、客の入りも良く、帰りも早い。 注文は定番のトンカツ定食600円です。 なんと注文するや否やトンカツ定食が提供されました。感覚的には10秒。向かいの客には秒を数えたら20秒以下で提供していました。 とんかつ以外の注文はそれなりに時間がかかるようです。 とんかつは見込みで揚げているのではないでしょうか。 どんな高速フライヤーでも10秒は無理でしょう。 勿論かつは揚げたてで美味しくいただきました。
Tonkatsu set meal is served at super high speed for 10 seconds There were many other stores and they were lined up at the storefront, so I chose this one. This is my first visit to the store, and the number of customers is good and the return is quick. The order is the standard pork cutlet set meal of 600 yen. As soon as I ordered, the pork cutlet set meal was offered. 10 seconds sensuously. It was offered to the customer across the street in less than 20 seconds after counting the seconds. Orders other than pork cutlet seem to take some time. I think the pork cutlet is fried in anticipation. 10 seconds would not be possible with any high speed flyer. Of course, it was freshly fried and delicious.
Sophie Cho on Google

Very casual tonkatsu place. Taste good, and food comes out really quick. But I was the only female every time I visited.

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