かつ亭 籠る

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact かつ亭 籠る

住所 :

Mitsufuji, Musashimurayama, 〒208-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1329/A132901/13199521/
街 : Tokyo

Mitsufuji, Musashimurayama, 〒208-0021 Tokyo,Japan
保宗貴 on Google

There was such a good store in Musashimurayama. I was surprised. The interior is also outstanding. The food is also excellent. it's recommended.
けもけもけもこ on Google

ランチ時間に席の予約だけして伺いました。隠れ家風の落ち着いた佇まい、入口の引戸を開けて、靴を脱いで上がります。 トンカツがメインのお店ですが、江戸前穴子が美味しかったです。店内も綺麗に掃除されて、お料理も丁寧に作られて心が込もってました。また、ゆっくり夜に食べに行きたいです。
I just booked a seat at lunch time. The calm appearance of a hideaway, open the sliding door at the entrance, take off your shoes and go up. Tonkatsu is the main restaurant, but Edomae conger eel was delicious. The inside of the store was also cleaned cleanly, and the food was carefully prepared and heartfelt. Also, I want to go eat slowly at night.
フミタキ on Google

In such a residential area. I asked an acquaintance to teach me. I had lunch slowly while looking at the garden. The pork cutlet was not greasy and was delicious. Also, I am very satisfied with the large number of items.
ノブ on Google

「特別な日や大切な人との記念日にも是非」 住宅街の中にポツンと佇む日本料理のお店です。投稿しておいてなんですが、できることなら人に知られたくないほど、料理・おもてなし共に素晴らしかったです。 お店イチオシの豆腐かつ煮定食も有頭エビフライとロースカツのセットもどちらもすごく美味しいです。ちょっとお値段高いですけど、ロースカツはさすがブランド豚という美味しさで感動しました。特に金華豚は凄い美味しいです。刺し身や茶碗蒸しなど、どれも美味しいものばかりでした。 正面入り口からすでに素晴らしいですが、店内はなお一層素晴らしいです。元々社長の住宅だったらしく、それを改装してお店として開いているので、応接室のような所で食事もできます。
"Come on special occasions and anniversaries with loved ones" It is a Japanese restaurant that stands in a residential area. I've posted it, but the food and hospitality were so great that I didn't want people to know if I could. Both the recommended tofu and simmered set meal and the set of fried shrimp and loin cutlet are very delicious. It's a little expensive, but I was impressed by the deliciousness of the loin cutlet as a brand pork. Especially Jinhua pork is very delicious. The sashimi and chawanmushi were all delicious. It's already great from the front entrance, but the interior is even better. Originally it seems to be the president's house, and since it has been renovated and opened as a shop, you can also eat in a place like a reception room.
宮田幸子 on Google

最初はお友達の紹介で今回は2度目の夕食で予約して来ました。 前回は豆腐カツを頂いてまた食べたかったのですが、コロナの影響で仕入れの問題もあり、メニューからは外されていました( ; ; ) 仕切り直して選んだのは、穴子握り。 茶碗蒸し、味噌汁、小鉢での切り干し大根、もずく、デザートのわらび餅も付いて満足^_^ その他はほぼカツがメインの定食でした。 選んだ方のミルフィーユカツは、お刺身やサラダも付いて、ボリュームもあり、ご飯のおかわり自由との事で、とても美味しそうでした。 お腹がもっと空いていたら頼んだでしょう! 個室でゆっくり落ち着きます。 障子で仕切られたお隣のお部屋にもお客様がいらしたようでしたが、全く気にならずゆっくり食事ができました。 緊急事態宣言の為20時迄の営業で、飲物のラストオーダーは19時半でした。 コロナが落ち着いたらまた豆腐カツ煮を頂きたいです!
At first I was introduced by a friend and this time I made a reservation for the second dinner. Last time I had tofu cutlet and wanted to eat it again, but due to the influence of corona, there was a problem with purchasing, so it was removed from the menu (;;) I repartitioned and chose the conger eel grip. Satisfied with chawanmushi, miso soup, dried daikon radish in a small bowl, mozuku seaweed, and dessert warabi mochi ^ _ ^ Other than that, the main set meal was cutlet. The one I chose, Milfyu cutlet, came with sashimi and salad, had a lot of volume, and was free to refill the rice, so it looked very delicious. I would have asked if I was hungry! Calm down slowly in a private room. It seemed that a customer came to the next room, which was separated by shoji screens, but I was able to eat slowly without worrying about it at all. It was open until 20:00 to declare an emergency, and the last order for drinks was 19:30. When the corona has settled down, I would like to have the tofu cutlet boiled again!
堀本悠介 on Google

Since it was a target of the PayPay campaign, I visited for the first time. It is a restaurant with a nice atmosphere in a residential area. The cutlet was very soft and delicious. It seems that you can make a reservation, so I would like to use it again for some anniversary.
たま“tamatyan”ちゃん on Google

以前から行ってみたい一軒でした 高級なイメージがが有り行けませんでしたが… PayPayが武蔵村山市で還元祭をやっており こちらのお店も対象店舗でしたので訪問 『平田牧場』金華豚ロースかつ御前をチョイス お値段は税込¥3300と中々のお値段でした 私自身とんかつに¥2000以上出したのも初めてです まずお店の雰囲気も凄くお洒落な感じで落ち着きますね ボッチで訪問しましたが家族やを友人を連れてきたいなと思えました… 20分程で食事が到着です ご飯のお代わり無料だそうです お刺身もサラダもとても美味しいです かつは凄く柔らかく甘く今までに食べた事のない程美味しいかつです 茶碗蒸しも食後のデザートもとても満足でした ちょっとした贅沢 自分へのご褒美 またいつか訪問したいなと思いました?
It was one of the houses I've always wanted to visit. I couldn't have a high-class image, but ... PayPay is holding a return festival in Musashimurayama City. This shop was also a target store, so I visited it. "Hirata Farm" Kinka Pork Loin and Gozen The price was 3300 yen including tax, which was a medium price. It was the first time for me to put out more than 2000 yen for pork cutlet. First of all, the atmosphere of the shop is very fashionable and calm. I visited with Bocchi, but I wanted to bring my family and friends ... The meal arrives in about 20 minutes. It seems that the substitute for rice is free. The sashimi and salad are very delicious. The sashimi is very soft and sweet, and it is the most delicious I have ever eaten. bottom A little luxury, a reward for myself, I wanted to visit again someday ?
Mee on Google

とても雰囲気が良いお店でゆったり食事が出来ました。ロースカツとエビフライ御前を注文。お刺身や茶碗蒸しなど盛沢山!ご飯は無料でおかわりできるのも良かったです。とにかく全部美味しくて大満足‼︎ paypay 使えてお得期間だったのも嬉しかったです。また行きたい?
I was able to have a relaxing meal at a restaurant with a very nice atmosphere. I ordered fried shrimp and fried shrimp. Lots of sashimi and chawanmushi! It was good that the rice could be refilled for free. Anyway, everything is delicious and I am very satisfied! ︎ I was happy that it was a good time to use paypay. I want to go again ?

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