AVIGNON - Nakano City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

1 Chome-37-11 Numabukuro, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 165-0025
Webサイト : http://www.avignon-cake.com/

1 Chome-37-11 Numabukuro, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0025, Japan
hello hello on Google

The price is very conscientious but very delicious. There are a wide variety of cakes and baked goods, so it is very fun to choose at the shop. I love cheesecake.
Toshikazu Fujita on Google

オーソドックスな焼き菓子、ケーキ共に好感が持てます。マドレーヌはしっかり焼き色つきでもパサつかず。アップルパイは値段以上の量の林檎が入っていました。自分で作る人ならどれ程この焼き色まで焼くのにビビるかわかるでしょう。煮た林檎がここまで締まると元の林檎がどれほど入っているかわかるでしょうか。イチゴショートケーキは軽めの味かな。クリームチーズはモッテリしっかりチーズが入っているのが判ります。シュークリームはカスタードの滑らかさと甘すぎない程よい甘さが良い。そして持ち帰ってもシューのサクサクさが残ってます。オーソドックスですが、基本を押さえて真っ当な仕事をしているのを感じます。 車で店の前までは行けません。近くのパーキングに車を停めて歩きましょう。 小さな店ですが、品数はかなりの物。選ぶ楽しみもありました。また寄りたいと思います。
I like both orthodox baked confectionery and cakes. Madeleine is well-colored and doesn't dry out. The apple pie contained more apple than the price. Those who make it themselves will know how violent it is to bake to this brown color. Do you know how much the original apple is when the boiled apple is tightened so far? I think the strawberry shortcake has a light taste. You can see that the cream cheese has a lot of cheese in it. The cream puff has good custard smoothness and moderate sweetness. And even after taking it home, the crispness of the shoe remains. It's orthodox, but I feel that I am doing the right job by holding down the basics. You cannot drive to the front of the store. Park your car at a nearby parking lot and walk. Although it is a small store, the number of items is quite large. There was also fun to choose. I want to stop by again.
vc f on Google

ケーキは280円から330円程度のと最近の他の店に比べたら安い方でしょうか。ですが材料はケチってないですね。チーズケーキはかじれば歯型が付くほどチーズがしっかり使われています。味はオーソドックスなので他のケーキも外れは無いと思います。間口が小さく、沼袋駅前の大きい道は一方通行なのでgoogle mapでも車ではたどり着けないかもしれない立地なのが残念ですが、安いので沢山選べるのは凄く楽しいですね。
The cake is about 280 to 330 yen, which is cheaper than other stores recently. However, the material is not stingy. Cheese is used firmly so that the tooth mold is attached to the cheese cake. The taste is orthodox, so I think other cakes will come out. The frontage is small and the big road in front of Numabukuro Station is a one-way street, so it's a shame that it may not be possible to reach it by car with google map, but it's cheap, so it's fun to choose a lot.
七森七㐂 on Google

ケーキもプリンもオリジナリティがあるここにしかないものが揃っているので、手土産に洋菓子を持って行くときはこちらで買っていきます。 食べた友人にもとても喜ばれました。
There are cakes and puddings that are unique here, so when you bring Western confectionery as a souvenir, you can buy it here. The friend who ate it was also very pleased.
うしこ on Google

いつも現金決済もたついて申し訳ないです? 凄く良心的な価格でとても美味しい洋菓子が買えます!手土産だけでなく、個人で楽しむ量・価格帯のクッキー類も充実していて楽しいです!
I'm sorry I always have cash payments ? You can buy very delicious Western confectionery at a very reasonable price! Not only souvenirs, but also cookies in the amount and price range that you can enjoy individually are fulfilling and fun!
na ha on Google

街のケーキ屋さんという印象。 味はふつう、スーパーにもありそうな味。
Impression that it is a cake shop in the city. The taste is usually the supermarket.
ヒロミキタ on Google

It was like a pastry shop that is close to the city. The price setting was conscientious and the atmosphere of the shop staff was also good. The sweetness of the shortcake cream was just right. I like the sponge to be a little more moist and finer, but it was delicious.
mashiro on Google

去年の夏ショーケースにある小さいホールケーキをbirthday用に購入しました。 一口食べてかなり冷蔵庫臭くて残念の気持ちになりました( ; ; ) 有名なお店なのかと思っていたのでとてもショックでした。 ケーキはもう買わないかな(^_^;)
I bought a small whole cake in the showcase last summer for my birthday. After eating a bite, it smelled like a refrigerator and I felt sorry (;;) I was very shocked because I thought it was a famous shop. I wonder if I should buy the cake anymore (^ _ ^;)

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