au Shop Frespo Inage - Chiba

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact au Shop Frespo Inage

住所 :

731-17 Naganumaharacho, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 263-0001
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM

731-17 Naganumaharacho, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0001, Japan
優てっさ on Google

今月中旬に新規契約に行きました。 頭金10800円高すぎる、このオプション品購入とこのサービス加入で割引できますよ。 これを信じて機種変したのですが割引されていません。 またパスワード設定もこちらが質問してるのにさっさと進めて「設定完了後に言われると時間がかかりますよ」と、ふざけるなって感じです
I went to a new contract in the middle of this month. The down payment is 10800 yen too high, you can get a discount by purchasing this option and subscribing to this service. I believed this and changed the model, but it is not discounted. Also, when I was asking this question about password setting, I quickly proceeded and said, "It will take time if you are told after the setting is completed."
masaharu hukuyana on Google

この店は最悪! 機種変更しようと思い行きました。 とりあえず変更する機種を決め待つ為の札(プリンター) をとり待っていました。 その時の機種変更の待ち人数は私が二人目です。 途中45分程待った時でしょうか、店員が待っている内容の確認に来ました。 そこで名前、住所、電話番号変えたい機種、等の内容を聞かれなんの説明も無く再度待ちました。 更に1時間程待つと先程の店員が来て今更になって予約者が優先だから予約して後から再度来いと言われました。 意味が解りませんなんの為の待ち札なのか? 何故その場にいる人間がないがしろにされるのか? 何故初めにそれを説明しないのか? 待たせた人の事を何だと思っているのでしょうか❗
This store is the worst! I decided to change the model. For the time being, I was waiting for a tag (printer) to decide and wait for a model to change. I am the second person waiting for the model change at that time. It was time to wait about 45 minutes along the way, so I came to check what the store clerk was waiting for. I was asked about the name, address, phone number, etc., and then waited again without any explanation. After waiting for about an hour, the clerk from the previous visit came and was told that the reservation person is more preferential and the reservation is prioritized. Is it a bill for what you don't understand? Why are there no humans on the spot? Why not explain it first? What do you think of the person who kept you waiting?
リエゾン on Google

Visited with a replacement quote for my mother's mobile phone. The customer service is polite, but the estimate is a little high. Is it something like this? When I scrutinized it while thinking, I found a 128GB SD card that I didn't ask for and wasn't asked "Do you want to attach it?" Such a huge size is unnecessary and expensive. Is it a fixed price? The price is 20,000 yen. Even at a consumer electronics store, 32GB is 2000 yen. I don't call it a scam, but I couldn't trust the very dirty way I pretended to be, so I bought it at another store.
たかちゃん on Google

この店最悪です。 最初、携帯を予約で行き、何月何日に入荷予定なのでその前日に入荷予定の連絡がメールで行きますので、その後ご来店くださいとのことで確認メールを待っていましたが、入荷予定日を1週間も過ぎ何の連絡も無いので、入荷しているのかどうかだけ聞きたく来店し『すみません』とこちらが話すや否や、『整理番号とってください』と、かなり強い口調で被せて返答されました。 その時点で頭に来たので、『もういいです!』と言って出て行きました。 頭にきたので、予定連絡先の店舗の電話番号に確認と文句を言おうと電話してみましたが、これがまた何十回掛けようとも全く無視。 3時間掛け続けましたが、閉店時間を過ぎました。 この店舗は何なんでしょうか? 他の方の口コミ、全く理解出来ます! 店員の、接客、サービス業としての態度や、大手企業としての自覚が全く有りません。 ショップと言うものはただの代理店ですよね? auとしてこの他の方達の意見も踏まえて、有り得ない接客態度の店舗は、社内的にガイドライン等しっかりすべきと思います。 これはauとしての大問題だと考えます。 他の店舗ではこの様な横柄な態度は今まで経験無かったのでびっくりしています。 連絡先電話番号、出ないのであれば載せる必要はありませんよね。 本当に不快です。 こんな店舗で予約しなければ良かったです。 二度と行きません。 最悪です。 店員名、後日載せます。 皆さんも気をつけてください。
This store is the worst. At first, I went to the mobile phone by reservation, and in what month and on what day it is scheduled to arrive, I will receive an email on the day before that, so I will wait for the confirmation email saying that please come to the store after that, but the scheduled arrival date After one week, there was no contact, so I just wanted to ask if it was in stock and came to the store. Was. At that point I came to my head and said, "It's good! ] And went out. As I came to my mind, I tried to confirm and complain to the telephone number of the store of the planned contact, but I totally ignored it even if I called it dozens of times again. I continued for three hours, but it was over time. What is this store? I can understand the word of mouth of other people at all! There is no clerk's attitude as a customer service or service industry or awareness as a major company. A shop is just an agency, isn't it? Based on the opinions of other people as au, we think that stores with an unwelcome customer service attitude should have firm guidelines and other guidelines internally. I think this is a major problem for au. I am surprised at other stores because I have never experienced such a arrogant attitude. You don't need to put your contact phone number if it doesn't appear. Really uncomfortable. It was good if I did not make a reservation at such a store. I won't go again. It's the worst. The clerk's name will be posted later. Please be careful.
Yuzu SS on Google

とにかく対応が悪い 説明不足、他のauへ行った時に受けた説明は契約時に必ず説明しなければならない内容のものだったがここでは説明してくれず、挙げ句委任状でここを書いてきてくださいと言われたものを持って行ったがチェックもれ、他にも必要なものがあると言われ機種の返却ができない羽目に さらに完全にここのauのミスなのに電話で説明したらふてくされた態度での対応 接客をなんだと思っているのか、個人名を出したいくらい使えない奴がいる 説明不足のくせに長い時間待たされ、次回言われた物を持って行っても不足のものがあると言われ、さらにもう一度行けばチェックされた部分全てを記入したにも関わらず書き漏れがあるといわれさらにもう一度店に行く羽目に、、 思い出しただけでも腹立たしい。 今すぐにでも、別の携帯会社に機種変更したくなるくらいの対応でした。
Anyway the correspondence is bad Insufficient explanation, the explanation I received when I went to another au was something that must be explained at the time of contract, but it is not explained here, I was told to write here with a proxy I brought something but it was checked, it was said that there was something else I needed and I could not return the model Even if it is completely au's mistake here, if I explain it on the phone, I will respond with a deflated attitude Someone is wondering what to do with customer service, or there is a person who can not use it enough to give out a personal name I was kept waiting for a long time due to lack of explanation, it is said that there will be something missing even if I take the thing I was told the next time, and if I go again, there will be omissions even though I filled in all the checked parts It is said that I will go to the store again, Even just remembering it makes me angry. Even immediately, it was a response that made me want to change the model to another mobile company.
Miki kana on Google

There was a nice clerk who responded, though it may be limited to a part. I wanted to go again if I had the opportunity.
3434 ma on Google

予約をして行くとすぐに対応して頂けられていつも助かってます。 先日もスマホの具合が悪く相談しましたら、時間内に丁寧な対応をして頂きとても感謝しております。これからも利用したいと思います。
As soon as I make a reservation, I am always grateful for the support. If you have a problem with your smartphone the other day and consult with us, we are very grateful for your polite response in time. I would like to continue using it.
noulrt on Google

対応がよろしくない。有料でデータ引き継ぎをするプランに入ったにも関わらず、ろくに引き継ぎできていない。 それに対する対応も謝罪をするだけで話にならない。auを利用している方で他社に乗り換える予定の方は、別の店舗日記行くことをお勧めする
Correspondence is not good. Even though I entered a plan to take over data for a fee, I haven't been able to take over. The response to it is not talked about just by apologizing. If you are using au and plan to switch to another company, we recommend that you go to another store diary.

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