Ann - Kyoto

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ann

住所 :

あん 33 Jodoji Shimominamidacho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8404, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877789
Postal code : 606-8404

あん 33 Jodoji Shimominamidacho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8404, Japan
K Ima on Google

料理、店の雰囲気、店員さん最高。 めっちゃ美味しいし安い、また行きたい。
The food, the atmosphere of the store, and the clerk are the best. It's really delicious and cheap, I want to go again.
Masanobu Tamura on Google

白川通りから川沿いを少し入ったところにある焼き鳥屋「あん」 ご年配のご夫婦、アルバイト?2名ほどの小さなお店。 とにかく何から何まで美味しくて、今まで食べた焼き鳥屋では断トツ。 今年は、焼き鳥ナンバーワンのお店であることは間違いない。 造りが美味いとか焼き物が美味いとかではない。全てだ。 強いて言うならば、料理が出てくるのが遅いのが難点。食べてから一品一品注文するのではなく、予め多めに注文する事をお勧めする。
Yakitori restaurant "An" located a short distance along the river from Shirakawa-dori Elderly couple, part-time job? A small shop for about 2 people. Anyway, everything is delicious, and it's definitely the best yakitori restaurant I've ever eaten. There is no doubt that this year is the number one yakitori restaurant. It's not that the structure is delicious or the grilled food is delicious. It's all. If you force it, the drawback is that the food comes out late. It is recommended that you order more in advance rather than ordering each item after eating.
yan mi on Google

GW中の旅行中 電話をして1日目はいっぱいでお断りされ… その日に次の日の予約をしておけばよかったのですが、次の日にも電話して聞いてみたら いつも席ではないところを席にしていただけたみたいで「それでも良ければ」と言って頂けたのでお伺いしました。 GW中の突然だったので電話口では少し怒っている……?とドキドキしました。 お店へつくと、元気な声で可愛いホールスタッフさんが⑅︎◡̈︎* 料理は女将さん、マスター夫婦がやっていました。 メニューは少なめですが、生肉刺し好きにはたまらない♪(ᵒ̴̶̷᷄⌑ ᵒ̴̶̷᷅   )♪ 焼き鳥もものすごく美味しい。 唐揚げ系も外はカリッカリお肉は柔らかく本当に感動(。>_<。) シメの雑炊、お茶漬け、どちらもホッとする味。 常連さんが多いお店ですが、外国の方、新規の方も予約で快く受け入れて頂けるお店です! ありがとうございました!!またお願いします!とみんなで帰る人の顔を1度ちゃんと見る。 忙しいのにそれは無意識にしてくれたんだなぁと本当に素敵なお店です(。ᵕᴗᵕ。)" また京都へ行った時には絶対行きたいお店♡\(*ˊᗜˋ*)/♡
Traveling during GW The first day after the phone call was refused ... I should have made a reservation for the next day that day. I heard that you were able to sit in a place that was not always a seat, and you could say, “I still want it.” I was a little angry at the phone because it was sudden during GW ...? I was thrilled. When you arrive at the store, a cute hall staff with a cheerful voice ⑅︎◡̈︎ * The landlady and the master couple did the cooking. There are few menus, but it is unbearable for those who like raw meat sashimi ♪ (ᵒ̴―̷᷄⌑ ᵒ̴―̷᷅) ♪ Yakitori is also very delicious. Deep-fried chicken and crab meat are soft outside and really impressed (.> _ <.) Both simmered simmered rice and pickled tea are both relieved. There are many regular customers, but foreigners and new customers can easily accept reservations! Thank you very much! ! Thank you again! And watch the face of the person who goes home together. It's a really nice shop that I was busy but made me unconscious (.ᵕᴗᵕ.) " If you go to Kyoto again, you want to go to a store ♡ \ (* ˊᗜˋ *) / ♡
田中智 on Google

京都で焼き鳥を食べるなら、ここで間違いありません。 何を食べても美味しい。 そして、良心的な価格。 スタッフの皆様も大変親切で、幸せな時間を過ごせます。 現在コロナ禍ということもあり、刺身やなまものの取り扱いをされていないということですが、それでも大満足でした。 冬には鍋もあるそうです。 控えめに言って、最高です。
If you want to eat yakitori in Kyoto, there is no doubt here. It's delicious no matter what you eat. And a reasonable price. The staff are also very kind and you can have a happy time. Currently, I am not handling sashimi or raw food because of the corona sickness, but I was still very satisfied. There is also a hot pot in winter. The best, to say the least.
m on Google

At the entrance, the atmosphere is good, with a seemingly refusal atmosphere, and when you open the door with courage, the atmosphere is unimaginable in a good way. Starting with chicken soup, all menus are market price. (I'm surprised because it's cheap to see the accounting) When I heard the story, it's been 40 years since it opened. The way the chicken was grilled and fried was so delicious that I could feel the depth that only the middle-aged technique could offer. well done! !! A good shop that makes you forget the time!
Apple jobs on Google

湯引き、手羽先、かつ、おじや頂きました。 美味しかったです。 なんかお店のにおいがダメでしたが、妙なにおいがしてました。 それがなかったら100点でした。
I had hot water, chicken wings, and uncle. It was delicious. Somehow the smell of the shop was not good, but it smelled strange. Without it, I would have scored 100 points.
カシン on Google

not so delicious, and some grilled chicken were overcooked, it cost almost 5000yen. Honestly, I was a little bit disappointed with such bad taste
yeyang k on Google

It is a gem where local Japanese visit a lot. The old couple cook food with decent skills. Skewered foods taste very good and have reasonable prices. They cost around 130 yen. If I lived in Kyoto, I would visit frequently. Highly recommendable!! :)

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