
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ぎんの星食堂花邑

住所 :

Akai, Higashimatsushima, 〒981-0501 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Akai, Higashimatsushima, 〒981-0501 Miyagi,Japan
一味秀明 on Google

駐車場:店舗前に5台分 店舗脇に4台分ほど 座席数:カウンター5席 4人×6卓 行列形式:特になし 注文形式:食券制 お冷:セルフ 煙草:喫煙(11月27日修正) 注意点:ごはんやおかずの量が多い(平均2人前) 味      :★★★★(チャーシューメン) ★★★★★(チャーシュー丼) ★★★★★(生姜焼き定食) ★★★(カツカレー) サーブスピード:★★★★(ものによる) 再現性    :★★★★★ コスパ    :★★★★ 4月18日追記 店員さんにお願いしてチャーシュー丼にマヨネーズを着けてもらった。そのマヨネーズの量が凄まじく、小鉢いっぱいに入っていたのはうれしい誤算だった。結果、お昼はマヨチャーシュー丼というふくよかさん御用達のメニューとなった。うまかった! ふくよかさんはぜひお試しあれ! 4月17日追記 店員さんに確認したところ、「味噌ラーメン野菜抜き」も可能との事。また、オーダー到着時に「マヨネーズをください」等にも対応している模様。 11月19日再訪問 オーダー:チャーシュー丼(500円) 今日は気になっていたチャーシュー丼を食べに、また花邑さんを襲撃。相変わらず昼食時の込み具合は人気店のそれである。 500円の食券を購入し着席。混んでいてもすっとでてくるのが花邑さんの良いところである。 と、見た目のインパクトに「わおっ」と思わず口走ったところ、お姉さんからも「わおっ」とノリのよい合いの手が。ほっこりしたところで早速頂きます。 チャーシューはしっかりとした歯ごたえとちょうどいい甘じょっぱさのタレが絡んでいてごはんが進む。油通しされたようなネギも香ばしくてグッド。細切りの南蛮が色味を添えています。タレはごはんにもしっかりとかけられており、がっつり行きたい方にはよいのではないでしょうか。しかし、量がはんぱなく多い。どんぶり飯の上にチャーシューがこれでもかというくらい乗っており、500円は明らかにコスパ良すぎである。 小鉢にわかめとオクラの和え物、ナポリタン、漬物、そして御御御付とランチとしては十分すぎる取り合わせである。 お近くの事務所の方々はぜひ一度、お昼を試してみてほしい。が、人気がでるのはちょっと困るな。 11月9日再訪問 大雨の中、地元で知る人ぞ知る食堂「花邑」さんにお邪魔しました。事務所でラーメンの話となり、どうしても食べたくなったのです。 12時ちょっとすぎに到着したが、やはり駐車場は満台になっていましたが、ちょうど1台出るところだったのでそこに駐車して店内へ。店内は満席に近い状態でしたが、多くの方が食べていたのでこれは早い着丼が期待できそうだと思い、カウンターに着席。そこで食券を買い忘れるミス!気を取り直してチャーシュー麺の食券を手に入れて改めて着席。早いなと思われるタイミングで着丼です。 見た目にインパクトのあるチャーシューが3枚、厚さもびっくりするくらい厚いです。さっそくスープを一すすり。こんなところでこれほどのスープに巡り合えるとは、と感じさせるうま味の濃いスープです。次に麺に取り掛かりますが、こちらは恐らく市販の中華麺、細縮れ麺ですがスープにもあっており問題なし。次にチャーシューをがぶりと行くと、しっかりとした歯ごたえを感じさせるパワフルなチャーシュー。味付けもしっかりしており、ラーメンにあっていて旨い。ラーメン自体はオーソドックスな醤油ベースであり、塩加減も程よく総合バランスが取れているいわゆる「普段着のラーメン」と申しましょうか。 地元では珍しい福祉施設が運営する食堂で、定食なども充実しており普段使いできる素晴らしい食堂です。お昼時はかなり込み合いますので、時間をしっかり把握したうえでの来店をお勧めします。また、目立つ看板などがないので、グーグルマップでしっかりナビをすると良いでしょう。尚、通常は土日祝日がお休みですが、たまにイベント等で休みが入っている場合もあります。万全を期するならば事前に営業を電話で確認するのが良いでしょう。 最後に、カレーはルーがもったりするくらい煮込んであります。ちょっと濃いかな。
Parking lot: 5 cars in front of the store About 4 cars aside the store Number of seats: Counter 5 seats 4 people x 6 tables Matrix form: None Order form: meal ticket system Cold: Self Cigarettes: Smoking (corrected November 27) Attention point: The amount of rice and side dishes is large (average 2 persons) Taste: ★ ★ ★ ★ (char chew men) ★★★★★ (Chursh rice bowl) ★★★★★ (Ginger grilled set meal) ★★★ (katsu curry) Serve speed: ★ ★ ★ ★ (by the thing) Reproducibility: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Cospa: ★★★★ April 18 postscript The clerk asked me to put mayonnaise on the porridge of Charshu. The amount of mayonnaise was so great that it was nice miscalculation that it was full of small bowls. As a result, at lunch time, it became a menu of Fuyoka-san's purveyor called Mayo char Shue. It was delicious! Please try it by all means! April 17 postscript According to the clerk, "Miso ramen without vegetables" is also possible. In addition, it seems that it corresponds to "Please give me mayonnaise" etc. at the time of order arrival. November 19 revisited Order: Fried rice cake (500 yen) Today, I ate Mr. Hanayashi to eat the fried rice cake I was concerned about. As usual, the crowded condition at lunch is that of a popular store. Purchased a 500 yen meal ticket and sat down. Even if it is crowded, it is the good place of Mr. Hanagasa to come out quickly. And, in the impact of appearance "Wow" I wandered insanely thinking, from the sister "Wow" and good hand of Nori and good. I will immediately get it where I left. There is a firm crunchy texture and a nice sweetness sauce, and the rice goes on. It is fragrant and it is good that it is oiled like leek. Shredded nanban is accompanied by a taste of color. The sauce is kept firmly in the rice, and it may be good for people who want to go there. However, the amount is abundant. There is even a small amount of pork on top of a bowl of rice, and the 500 yen is clearly too good. A small bowl of seaweed with okra, napolitan, pickles, and an overcooked meal for lunch and lunch. People in the office near you want to try lunch once by all means. However, it's a little bother to be popular. November 9 revisited In heavy rain, we bothered to the cafeteria "Hana" who knows people in the local area. I talked about ramen at the office and I really wanted to eat it. We arrived a little past 12 o'clock, but after all the parking lot was full, but there was just one car so we parked there and went to the store. The store was almost full, but many people ate it, so I thought it would be possible to expect early arrival, so I sat down at the counter. There is a mistake to forget to buy a meal ticket there! I regain my mind, get a sushi noodle with a rice noodle, and sit down again. It is arrival at the timing considered to be early. There are 3 pieces of pork with impact on the appearance and the thickness is so thick that it is amazing. Let's have a quick soup. It is an umami-rich soup that makes you feel like you can meet so much soup like this. Next, I will work on noodles, but this is probably commercial Chinese noodles and shredded noodles, but they are also in soup and there are no problems. Next, when you go to the top of the pork, you will feel a firm texture. The seasoning is also firm, and it is delicious to be served in ramen. The ramen itself is an orthodox soy sauce base, and you may say it is a so-called "day-to-day ramen" with a well-balanced overall balance. It is a cafeteria run by a welfare institution that is rare in the local area, and it is a wonderful cafeteria that is full of set meals and can be used daily. It is quite crowded at lunchtime, so we recommend that you come to the store with a firm grasp of time. Also, since there are no prominent signs, it is better to navigate with Google Maps. In addition, although weekends and holidays are usually closed, there may be holidays sometimes at events etc. It is better to check the sales by phone in advance if you want to be sure. Lastly, curry is cooked so much that it loses its roux. Is it a little dark?
シゲキックスシゲキックス on Google

コスパ最高です。 味もボリュームも最高です。 メニューが、ちょっぴり少ないので4つ星にしちゃいました。 営業時間が平日の昼のみの二時間位なので注意して下さいね。 お店の方も親切で本当オススメです。
Cospa is the best. The taste and volume are the best. The menu is a little small, so I gave it 4 stars. Please note that the business hours are about two hours only during the daytime on weekdays. The shop is also kind and really recommended.
KANA ET on Google

It's cheap, but it's delicious no matter what you eat, and I'm very satisfied every time. The large serving is so large that it may be better to stop unless you can eat a lot (laugh)
TAKUタクト on Google

The curry is quite spicy and is so rich that it is overcooked rather than thick. The taste is so strong that you can eat a bowl of rice with a spoonful of curry. Children should eat different menus.
脂糖質スレイヤー on Google

親子丼が美味かったー✨ ボリュームもあって、普通に大盛クラス なぜか味噌汁が小さい··· 小鉢も旨いし⭐️5
Oyakodon was delicious ✨ There is also volume, and it is a large class normally For some reason the miso soup is small ... The small bowl is also delicious ⭐️ 5
itchy 1101 on Google

カツカレー大盛り 量が凄い
Large serving of cutlet curry The amount is amazing
masaru mori on Google

お昼11:30〜14:00の営業です。 取引業者さんに連れてってもらったんですけど、ちょっと飲食店ぽくないというか、わかりにくい感じです。 しかし日替わりランチ¥500-で このボリュームd(^_^o) 大満足です。 一応油淋鶏なんですけど、鳥の唐揚げ甘酢あんかけ⁉︎と感じてしまったのは秘密です(笑) 気になったんでお店のおばさんに聞いたら、何でも10年くらいはこの状態で営業しているとか… 近所の知る人ぞ知るランチ定番のお店のようですね(^^) あ、ちなみに土日、祝はお休みです。 ごちそうさまでしたー
It is a business of 11:30 to 14:00 noon. I was asked by a trader to bring me, but it is a bit confusing to say that they do not have a small restaurant. But daily lunch ¥ 500- This volume d (^ _ ^ o) I am very happy. It's an oil-fired chicken, but it's a secret that I felt that it was fried chicken sweet and sour sauce !? When I asked my aunt at the store, I was open for 10 years in this condition. It seems to be a staple shop for lunch that people who know in the neighborhood know (^ ^) Oh, on weekends and holidays, holidays are closed. It was a feast
atsuko on Google

All are volumey. Please eat it seriously. It's 600 yen.

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