ここりこ庵 六本木ヒルズ店

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ここりこ庵 六本木ヒルズ店

住所 :

6 Chome−4, Roppongi, Minato City, 〒106-0032 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
街 : Tokyo

6 Chome−4, Roppongi, Minato City, 〒106-0032 Tokyo,Japan
冴子 on Google

Oyako-don is too delicious. To the pole, including motu and hearts. The feeling of holding a bowl is very heavy and volumey. It is a luxury of only Niku and Egg. I think that 1200 yen is very good for this! (Ordinary Oyakodon is 1000 yen)
桜井美沙 on Google

ノーマル親子丼の大盛りを注文しました! とろとろのたまごの親子丼とてもおいしかったです! 横のお味噌汁も私好みの味付けでとても美味しかったです! 夕方に行きましたがオミクロンの影響のためか人が少なかったので逆にゆっくり落ち着いて食べれました♪
I ordered a large serving of normal oyakodon! Oyakodon with simmering eggs was very delicious! The miso soup on the side was also very delicious with my favorite seasoning! I went there in the evening, but there weren't many people, probably because of the influence of Omicron, so I was able to eat slowly and calmly.
原田梨香 on Google

親子丼を注文しました! 味付け、卵の柔らかさ、鳥の美味しさ全て私好みでした!! 店内はカウンターもありますのでお一人さんでも気軽に入れます♪ 普通の親子丼以外にもメニューが盛り沢山でしたのでまた次は違うものを頼みたいと思います!
I ordered Oyakodon! The seasoning, the tenderness of the eggs, and the deliciousness of the birds were all my favorites! !! There is also a counter inside the store, so even one person can easily enter ♪ There were many menus besides the regular Oyakodon, so I would like to order a different one next time!
*** nan on Google

六本木ヒルズのメトロハットB2にある鶏料理店。入店時には検温は行っていない。ランチに何度か利用してますが普通に美味しいです。着席と同時にオーダーをしないとなかなか注文を取りに来てくれない。 試しにテイクアウトに行ってみました。レジで焼き鳥丼2つ。イートインの客列へ並ぶように言われ、待つこと15分。焼き鳥丼は売り切れ。だそうです。もう行かない。
A chicken restaurant in Metro Hat B2 in Roppongi Hills. The temperature is not measured when entering the store. I use it for lunch several times, but it's usually delicious. If you do not place an order at the same time you sit down, it will be difficult for you to come to pick up your order. I went to take out as a trial. Two yakitori rice bowls at the cash register. I was told to line up for an eat-in line and waited 15 minutes. Yakitori rice bowl is sold out. That's right. I won't go anymore.
望月弘 on Google

今日のお腹は焼鳥が食べたくなったので 六本木ヒルズのメトロハットのB2Fにある 「ここりこ庵」さんへランチに伺いました? 14時過ぎだったので、 お客さんは多くはなく2組ほどでしたが、 後から絶え間なく入店がありました☺️ 本来焼鳥丼の内容は、レバー串が入った5本串ですが 自分は避けないといけない旨をお願いすると モモが2本の組み合わせになっていました? タレは甘くなく、すっきりとした醤油系が強い ものになっていたので、 鶏肉自体の味がしっかりと味わえました? つくねは軟骨が一緒に叩いてあるもので、 最近流行りですね✌️ もう少しつくねが欲しくなりました? 夜メニューには白レバー等もあって 夜にもお邪魔したいなと思いました?
I wanted to eat yakitori on my stomach today Located on the B2F of the Metro Hat in Roppongi Hills I visited "Kokorikoan" for lunch ? It was past 14:00, so There weren't many customers, but there were about two groups, There was a constant entry afterwards ☺️ Originally, the content of yakitori bowl is 5 skewers with liver skewers. If you ask that you have to avoid The peach was a combination of two ? The sauce is not sweet and has a strong soy sauce system. Because it was a thing I was able to taste the chicken itself ? Tsukune is made by hitting cartilage together. It's popular these days ✌️ I wanted a little more meatballs ? There is also a white lever etc. in the night menu I wanted to bother you at night ?
夢乃マホ on Google

焼き鳥丼大盛1650円を注文。 普通に美味しいと思う。評価が低めだったので気になったが値段以外はそこまで悪くないと。親子丼にすれば1000円になるので。コスト的にも少し良くなるかと。
I ordered a large serving of yakitori rice bowl for 1650 yen. I think it's usually delicious. I was worried because the evaluation was low, but it is not so bad except for the price. If you use Oyakodon, it will be 1000 yen. I wonder if it will be a little better in terms of cost.
飯野博之 on Google

"Korikoan" in Roppongi Hills Metro Hat B2 is a chicken restaurant that serves yakitori and fried chicken using Oyama chicken. Temperature measurement is also carried out when entering the store in a clean atmosphere. We also have lunch business. Oyakodon set uses Oyama chicken meat and egg yolk on top of rice. Comes with miso soup and new incense.
Ki Tsang on Google

Its a disappointing new restaurant in Roppongi Hills. Food is so overcooked that the chicken meat are so dry. The yakitori is almost sold out, even I just got here before 8pm for dinner. They don’t have sufficient staff for services.

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