薬師寺東院堂 - Nara

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 薬師寺東院堂

住所 :

390 Nishinokyocho, Nara, 630-8042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 630-8042
Webサイト : https://yakushiji.or.jp/

390 Nishinokyocho, Nara, 630-8042, Japan
吴德福 on Google

East Hall of Yakushi-ji Temple which was rebuilt during Kamakura period with the standing statue of Guanyin Bodhidatta. 镰仓时期重建之木制东院堂,供奉观音菩萨立像。位于药师寺东南角。
East Hall of Yakushi-ji Temple which was rebuilt during Kamakura period with the standing statue of Guanyin Bodhidatta. The wooden eastern temple was rebuilt during the Kamakura period and enshrined the standing statue of Kannon Bodhisattva. Located at the southeast corner of Yaoshi Temple.
bittercup Oh on Google

養老5年(721)ごろ吉備内親王が母元明]天皇のために薬師寺に創建。 鎌倉時代に再建。
Around the year 721, Kibiuchi's parent was born in the Yakushi-ji Temple for the Emperor. Rebuilt in the Kamakura period.
H H on Google

I was fascinated by the beauty of the Holy Kanzeon Bodhisattva. It was a little dark, but it was shining with the beauty of the Bodhisattva.
レスポール on Google

国宝です。現存する東院堂は鎌倉時代に再建された二代目だそうです。 重要文化財の四天王立像は顔の色を方角に合わせて塗っているのが興味深かったです。
It is a national treasure. The existing Toindo is said to be the second generation rebuilt during the Kamakura period. It was interesting that the statue of the four heavenly kings, an important cultural property, was painted according to the direction of the face.
Toukibi San on Google

薬師寺と言えば法話。高田好胤住職が有名です。 コロナ渦でも不定期で法話が聞ける催しをしています。 2019年までは土日に行くと法話が聞けたものですが今は各種行事にすら人を入れず僧侶だけで祭りごとを行っている模様です。 東塔も昨年2020春に完成したのにいつまでたっても落慶法要ができずにいます コロナのせいで 現在の東院堂は3軒目の建物です。 平安時代中頃の天禄4年(973年)の火災によって焼失しその後鎌倉時代の弘安8年(1285年)に現在地付近に南向きの建物として再建され、更に江戸時代の享保18年(1733年)には現在と同様の西向きの建築に変更されたとされています。
Speaking of Yakushiji, it's a law story. The chief priest Koin Takada is famous. Even in the corona vortex, we hold an event where you can listen to the law on an irregular basis. Until 2019, I was able to hear the story of the law when I went on Saturdays and Sundays, but now it seems that the monks alone are holding festivals without even including people in various events. Even though the east tower was completed in the spring of 2020 last year, the memorial service for the fall of the year has never been completed. Because of the corona The current Toindo is the third building. It was burnt down by a fire in Tenroku 4 (973) in the middle of the Heian period, and then rebuilt as a south-facing building near the current location in Koan 8 (1285) in the Kamakura period, and in Kyoho 18 (1733) in the Edo period. It is said that the building was changed to the same west-facing architecture as it is today.
円座厚司 on Google

薬師寺東院堂は養老年間(717~24)に造立されたそうです。現在のお堂は弘安8年(1285)に建立されたそうです。 御本尊聖観世音菩薩立像は若々しい気品のある仏像です。書き置きの御朱印をいただきました。 古いパンフレットには有馬皇子をモデルにしたとも伝えられる、とあります。ただ、有馬皇子の変は658年、薬師寺の創建は680年。少し離れている様に思います。 また、四天王像は持国天像が南西に多聞天像は南東にと本来の位置とは違っていました。江戸時代にお堂を南向きから西向きに変えた際、像の配置は変えなかったということでしょうか?この四天王像は最近重要文化財に指定されたそうです。
Yakushiji Toindo is said to have been built during the Yoro period (717-24). The current hall is said to have been built in 1285 (Koan 8). The statue of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is a youthful and elegant Buddha statue. I received a written red stamp. The old pamphlet says that it was modeled after Prince Arima. However, Prince Arima changed in 658, and Yakushiji was founded in 680. I think it's a little far away. In addition, the statue of Shitenno was different from the original position, with the statue of Mochikokuten in the southwest and the statue of Tamonten in the southeast. Did you mean that you didn't change the arrangement of the statues when you changed the temple from south to west in the Edo period? It seems that this statue of the four heavenly kings was recently designated as an important cultural property.
pomodoro -t on Google

東回廊の外側にあるので、 実は…うっかり拝観を忘れそうになってしまいました(^_^;) 薬師寺の豪華絢爛な白鳳伽藍の中では 一見地味なお堂ですが、 こちらも国宝です。 靴を脱いでお堂にあがり、 御本尊の聖観世音菩薩像に参拝しました。 四方を四天王像に囲まれていて、 それ程大きくない立像ですが崇高なお姿に心が安らぎますよ。 像は白鳳時代後期〜奈良時代の作と言われていて国宝です。 堂内は撮禁?なので外からお写真を撮らせていただきました? そして薬師寺の白鳳伽藍の南東端、 には「龍王社」がありました。 …こちらは… 天武天皇の皇子であり、 謀反の疑いを掛けられて、 自害することになり、 「悪龍」になった悲劇の存在「大津皇子」の怨霊・魂を鎮めるための 「大津龍王宮」なのだそうです。 □概要★★★★ 東院堂が高い基檀の上に建つのは、 水害・湿気を避けるための工夫で鎌倉期建築の特徴なのだそうです。 奈良時代には観音池の横にありましたが再建時に現在地に移されました。 1285(弘安8)年の再建時には南向きに建てられていましたが、1733(享保18)年に西向きに変更されています。 堂内には、白鳳仏を代表する本尊で国宝・聖観世音菩薩(銅造観音菩薩立像)が安置され、 その四方は鎌倉時代の四天王像が守護しています。 像高188.9cmの本尊は、 飛鳥時代後期(白鳳時代) または奈良時代(7〜8世紀)の作。 四天王像は東に持国天(じこくてん)、 南に増長天(ぞうちょうてん)、 西に広目天(こうもくてん)、 北に多聞天(たもんてん) …が安置されています。 本尊は、年中拝観することができますが、 国宝展などで出陳される場合もあるので、 聖観世音菩薩像拝観がお目当ての際には、確認の上に出かけましょう。 薬師寺は「古都奈良の文化財」として世界遺産に登録されています。 □アクセス★★★★★ 〜薬師寺へのアクセス〜 ・近鉄西ノ京駅/下車すぐ □拝観時間★★★ 8:30~17:00 (⚠️受付は16:30まで) □拝観料金★★★ ・大人/ 大人1100円 団体1000円 (玄奘三蔵院伽藍非公開時 個人800円 団体720円) ・高校生/ 高校生700円 団体630円 (玄奘三蔵院伽藍非公開時 個人500円 団体450円) ・中学生/ 中学生700円 団体630円 (玄奘三蔵院伽藍非公開時 個人500円 団体450円) ・小学生/ 小学生300円 団体270円 (玄奘三蔵院伽藍非公開時 個人200円 団体180円) □バリアフリー設備★★★★ 障がい者用駐車場?:○ 車椅子貸出:○ 車椅子対応スロープ:○ 車椅子対応トイレ:○ 割引:○
Because it is outside the east corridor Actually ... I almost forgot to see it (^ _ ^;) In the gorgeous Hakuho Garan of Yakushiji Temple At first glance, it ’s a quiet hall, This is also a national treasure. Take off your shoes and go up to the hall I worshiped the statue of the Holy Kanzeon Bodhisattva of the principal idol. Surrounded by the statues of the four heavenly kings on all sides It's not that big, but it's soothing to see it sublime. The statue is said to have been made in the late Hakuho period to the Nara period and is a national treasure. The inside of the hall is prohibited to take pictures ? so I took pictures from the outside ? And at the southeastern end of Hakuho Garan at Yakushiji Temple, There was "Ryuosha" in. …This is… The prince of Emperor Tenmu, Suspected of rebellion, Will commit suicide Existence of tragedy that became "evil dragon" To calm the ghost and soul of "Prince Otsu" It is said to be "Otsu Dragon Royal Palace". □ Overview ★★★★ The Toindo is built on a tall foundation It is said that it is a characteristic of Kamakura period architecture because it is a device to avoid flood and humidity. It was next to Kannon Pond in the Nara period, but was moved to its current location when it was rebuilt. It was built facing south when it was rebuilt in 1285 (Koan 8), but it was changed to face west in 1733 (Kyoho 18). Inside the hall, a national treasure, the Holy Kannon Bodhisattva (a statue of the bronze Kannon Bodhisattva), which is the principal image of Hakuho Buddha, is enshrined. The four sides are protected by the statues of the four heavenly kings of the Kamakura period. The principal image with an image height of 188.9 cm is Late Asuka period (Hakuho period) Or a work from the Nara period (7th-8th centuries). The statue of the four heavenly kings is in the east. Zouchyoten to the south, Komokuten to the west, Tamonten to the north ... is enshrined. The principal image can be seen all year round, It may be exhibited at national treasure exhibitions, so If you are looking for a statue of the Holy Kanzeon Bodhisattva, check it before you go. Yakushiji Temple is registered as a World Heritage Site as "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara". □ Access ★★★★★ ~ Access to Yakushiji Temple ~ ・ Kintetsu Nishinokyo Station / Immediately after getting off □ Visiting time ★★★ 8: 30-17: 00 (⚠️ Reception is until 16:30) □ Admission fee ★★★ ·grown up/ Adult 1100 yen Group 1000 yen (At the time of Genjo Sanzoin Garan private, 800 yen for individuals, 720 yen for groups) ・ High school student / High school student 700 yen Group 630 yen (At the time of Genjo Sanzoin Garan private, 500 yen for individuals, 450 yen for groups) ·Middle school students/ Junior high school student 700 yen Group 630 yen (At the time of Genjo Sanzoin Garan private, 500 yen for individuals, 450 yen for groups) ・ Elementary school students / Elementary school student 300 yen Group 270 yen (At the time of Genjo Sanzoin Garan private, 200 yen for individuals, 180 yen for groups) □ Barrier-free equipment ★★★★ Parking lot for people with disabilities ?: ○ Wheelchair rental: ○ Wheelchair ramp: ○ Wheelchair-accessible restroom: ○ Discount: ○
石原了文 on Google

鎌倉時代建立の国宝の仏堂です。 靴を脱いで堂内に上がらせて頂けます。 ご本尊の聖観音像は白鳳時代作と伝わる国宝の仏様です。 「祈りの昇華」とも評される、慈悲深く気高いお姿を拝すると自ずと掌が合わさります。 堂内では先祖供養の経木塔婆や、祈願の護摩木、蝋燭の申し込みを受付て頂けます。 この東院堂は回廊の外にある為に、見落としてしまい、参拝せずに帰ってしまう方も多いようですので、是非ともお参りをして頂きたく思います。
It is a national treasure Buddhist temple built in the Kamakura period. You can take off your shoes and let them go up in the hall. The statue of Holy Kannon, the principal idol, is a national treasure Buddha that is said to have been made during the Hakuho period. When you worship a merciful and noble figure, which is also described as "sublimation of prayer," your palms will naturally come together. In the hall, you can apply for the ancestral memorial service, the Gomaki, and the candles. Since this Toindo is outside the corridor, many people overlook it and return without worshiping, so I would like you to visit us.

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