唐招提寺 戒壇 - Gojocho

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Contact 唐招提寺 戒壇

住所 :

Gojocho, 〒630-8032 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 630-8032
Webサイト : http://www.toshodaiji.jp/haikan.html
街 : Nara

Gojocho, 〒630-8032 Nara,Japan
Yoshikatsu Okuno on Google

師から戒律を授けられなければ僧にはなれない。 鑑真を招聘した最大の理由がこれだった。 自戒だけではなれない。 日本の受戒の仕組みがこれで変わった。 唐招提寺の戒壇院には、今、建物はなく戒壇だけがポツリと寂しく佇んでいる。
I can not become a priest unless I can give you precepts from my teacher. This was the biggest reason to invite Kanzaku. It can not be just self-sacrifice. The system of Japanese acceptance has changed with this. There is no building now in Todai - in Temple of Toshodaiji temple, only the altar is lonely and stingy.
石原了文 on Google

It is a sacred place to become a Bhikkhu in response to the commandments.
吴德福 on Google

The Kaidan-do or ordination alter of Toshodaiji Temple. This is the place to admonish the Buddha vinaya oath before a Buddhist novice becomes a monk. It is located on the west side, a metaphor of the passing of Vinaya from the west, the Buddha India & the Tang Ganjin China. 唐昭提寺的戒坛遗址。这里曾是鉴真和尚在日本传戒的基坛,位于西,意涵戒律西来,自佛陀的印度,鉴真的唐朝。
The Kaidan-do or ordination alter of Toshodaiji Temple. This is the place to admonish the Buddha vinaya oath before a Buddhist novice becomes a monk. It is located on the west side, a metaphor of the passing of Vinaya from the west, the Buddha India & the Tang Ganjin China. The ruins of the altar of the Tang Zhaoti Temple. This was the base for monk Jianzhen to pass precepts in Japan. It is located in the west, meaning precepts come from the west, from India of the Buddha, Jianzhen Tang Dynasty.
市村寿男 on Google

In Japan at the beginning of the 8th century, Buddhist culture such as the construction of the Great Buddha at Todaiji Temple was in full bloom. However, there was a problem that there was no teacher who gave "commandments" to officially become a monk. Then, in 733, Ei and Fusho set out for Tang under the command of the decree and met Jianzhen Osho. After many hardships, in 753, about 20 Jianzhen delegations landed in Kagoshima, and the following year, they stepped on the soil of Heijokyo and set up an ordination platform in front of the Great Buddha Hall at Todaiji Temple for five years as a national monk. Partitioned. In 759, a "place to learn the commandments" named "Tang Ritsu Invitation" was born as a private temple, and it became possible to learn the commandments on your own initiative. Initially it was covered with a shroud, but the building was lost in a fire in 1848, leaving only three stone steps, and in 1978 a treasure tower imitating the old tower of Sanchi was built, and now Has reached.
H H on Google

戒壇ってなんだろうと思ってこの場所を見たけれど、ここだけお寺な感じがしなくて、ネットで『戒壇』って調べました。 戒律を受けるための結界が常に整った場所。授戒を受けて、出家した人が正式に僧侶になれる所という事を知りました。 鑑真大和上さまが僧侶になれるようにされたんでしょうか。
I wondered what the ordination platform was, but I didn't feel like a temple here, so I searched online for "ordination platform". A place where the barriers for receiving the commandments are always in place. After receiving the reprimand, I learned that the priest can officially become a monk. Was Jianzhen Yamatogami able to become a monk?
円座厚司 on Google

The ordination platform is a place that qualifies monks and is said to be a very sacred painting for the temple. Originally, the ordination platform of Toshodaiji Temple was covered by a shroud, but it was destroyed by fire in the first year of Kaei (1848), and now there is a treasure tower built in 1978.
pomodoro -t on Google

昭和期に設置された宝塔が… 超インド風味で… ここだけまるで日本のお寺じゃないみたいな… 異国情緒が漂っていました? こちら…実は一番重要な場所なのではないかと思いますよ✌ ⚠️しかし重要文化財にも国宝にも指定されていません? …鑑真和尚がわざわざ日本まで来たのは、 戒を授けるため。 戒とは…僧侶が守るべきルール。 戒を受けて、はじめて正式な僧になれる。 戒を授けるには、資格が必要なのだそうです。 でも、日本には資格を持った人がいないので、 中国から鑑真和尚を呼んできたということらしいです。 その戒を授けるための施設が戒壇。 唐招提寺にも…この戒壇があり、 福岡の観世音寺、 栃木の下野薬師寺とともに、 天下三戒壇とよばれたとのことです。 今も…すっかり観光コースからは外れてしまっていますが、 唐招提寺の金堂の西側に戒壇が残っています。 □概要★★★★★ (…詳細…) 「戒壇」という言葉は、「仏教」の「戒律」を出家者たちに授ける(伝授)とりわけ神聖な場所を示すものであり、 戒壇においてしっかりと戒律を授けられた人物のみが、 満を持してようやく「僧侶」として認められることになっています。 唐招提寺を創建した開山の祖である 「鑑真和上」は、「戒律制度」があいまいであり、 かなり適当な戒律伝授が行われていた奈良時代の日本の仏教界に、 正式かつ正確な「戒律」伝授の仕組みを導入するという大きな目的を持ち、 幾度もの渡来失敗を経て日本にやってきた人物です。 実際に鑑真和上の指導の下に東大寺戒壇堂をはじめ、 日本における戒律伝授の仕組みが整備されていくことになりました。 かつて確実に存在した「戒壇院」の建物は、近世、江戸時代末期にあたる嘉永元年(1848年)に放火による火災に伴い焼失した後は 再建されることなく、 現在はわずかに3段の「石壇」部分のみが残される状況となっています。 唐招提寺内では珍しく、かつての施設が失われてしまっているために「石檀」部分も含めて重要文化財、国宝等には一切指定されていない状況となっています。 現在、「戒壇院」は失われてしまいましたが、 昭和期に設置された宝塔が特徴的な巨大な石檀の見せる風景は、 日本というよりは、その他アジア諸国からの仏教伝来の歴史を想像させるような どこか異国情緒ある雰囲気を漂わせており、 日本全国でも有数の規模を持つ「戒壇」施設として、 唐招提寺の大きな「見どころ」となっていることには変わりありません。 □アクセス★★★★ 唐招提寺へのアクセス ・近鉄西ノ京駅から徒歩で10分 □拝観時間★★★ 8:30~17:00 受付は16:30まで □拝観料金★★ 大人:大人:1000円 中・高校生400円、 小学生200円 ※備考 団体  大人:800円 中・高校生:320円 小学生:160円 ※特別公開中は上記の料金と異なる場合があります。 □文化財★★★★★ 国宝:金堂・講堂・宝蔵・盧舎那仏坐像・千手観音立像…ほか □バリアフリー★★★ 障がい者用P:○ 車椅子貸出:○ 車椅子対応トイレ:○(駐車場?にあり) 音声案内:○ オストメイト:○(駐車場?にあり) オムツ交換台:○(駐車場?にあり)
The treasure tower installed in the Showa period ... Super Indian flavor ... It's not like a Japanese temple here ... There was an exotic feeling ? This ... I think it's actually the most important place ✌ ⚠️ However, it is not designated as an important cultural property or national treasure ? ... Jianzhen Osho came all the way to Japan To give a commandment. What is a commandment ... A rule that a monk should follow. Only after receiving the commandments can you become a formal monk. It seems that a qualification is required to give a commandment. But there are no qualified people in Japan, so It seems that he called Jianzhen Osho from China. The facility for giving the commandments is the platform. Toshodaiji Temple also has this platform, Kanzeonji Temple in Fukuoka, With Shimotsuke Yakushiji in Tochigi It is said that it was called the Tenka Sankaidan. Even now ... I'm completely off the sightseeing course, The ordination platform remains on the west side of the Kondo of Toshodaiji Temple. □ Overview ★★★★★ (... details ...) The word "ordination platform" refers to a particularly sacred place that bestows (instructs) the "rules" of "Buddhism" to the priests. Only those who have been firmly disciplined on the platform It is finally decided to be recognized as a "monk" when he is fully satisfied. The ancestor of Kaisan, the founder of Toshodaiji Temple "Jianzhen Osho" has an ambiguous "discipline system" In the Japanese Buddhist world of the Nara period, when fairly appropriate precepts were taught, With the major purpose of introducing a formal and accurate "commandment" teaching mechanism, He is a person who came to Japan after many failures. In fact, under the guidance of Jianzhen Osho, including Todaiji Kaidando, The system for teaching the precepts in Japan will be improved. The building of "Kaidan-in", which once surely existed, was destroyed by fire in the first year of Kaei (1848), which was the end of the Edo period in the early modern period. Without being rebuilt Currently, only the three-tiered "stone platform" is left. It is rare in Toshodaiji Temple, and because the former facilities have been lost, it has not been designated as an important cultural property or national treasure, including the "stone" part. Currently, "Kaidanin" has been lost, The scenery of the huge stone, which is characterized by the treasure tower installed in the Showa period, is It's more like imagining the history of Buddhism from other Asian countries rather than Japan. It has an exotic atmosphere, As one of the largest "ordination platform" facilities in Japan It is still a big "highlight" of Toshodaiji Temple. □ Access ★★★★ Access to Toshodaiji Temple ・ 10 minutes on foot from Kintetsu Nishinokyo Station □ Visiting time ★★★ 8: 30-17: 00 Reception is until 16:30 □ Admission fee ★★ Adult: Adult: 1000 yen Middle and high school students 400 yen, Elementary school student 200 yen * Remarks Group Adults: 800 yen Middle and high school students: 320 yen Elementary school students: 160 yen * The above rates may differ during the special release. □ Cultural property ★★★★★ National treasure: Kondo, auditorium, treasure house, Roshana Buddha sitting statue, Senju Kannon statue ... etc. □ Barrier-free ★★★ For people with disabilities P: ○ Wheelchair rental: ○ Wheelchair-accessible restroom: ○ (located in the parking lot ?) Voice guidance: ○ Ostomate: ○ (located in the parking lot ?) Diaper changing table: ○ (located in the parking lot ?)
初花さなえ on Google

出家者が正式の僧となるための受戒の儀式を行った場所です。 江戸末期に放火で焼失した御堂跡の黒焦げで痛ましい3段の石段に昭和の宝塔がプラスされ独特な雰囲気です。
This is the place where the priests performed the ceremony to become a formal monk. The treasure tower of the Showa era is added to the charred and painful three-tiered stone steps of the Mido ruins that were burnt down by arson in the late Edo period, creating a unique atmosphere.

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