バーミヤン 小川町店 - Hiki District

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact バーミヤン 小川町店

住所 :

356-2 Ogawa, Hiki District, Saitama 355-0321, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 355-0321
Webサイト : https://www.skylark.co.jp/bamiyan/

356-2 Ogawa, Hiki District, Saitama 355-0321, Japan
野村浩一 on Google

As usual, it's bad and lunch is expensive. I visited after a long time, but there are few people. The Chinese restaurant that I always go to has lunch for 680 yen and is free to refill. The two of us also eat dumplings and change for 2000 yen, but this is over 2000 yen and will not go until the taste is improved.
まりん on Google

安くて美味しかったです。 定員さんが、とてもよく気がついてくれて 食べ終わった食器をすぐに下げてくれたので たくさん注文できました。 ありがとうございました。
It was cheap and delicious. The capacity was very well noticed and immediately lowered the tableware that I had finished eating, so I was able to order a lot. Thank you very much.
はなまる(hanamaru916) on Google

ときがわ町にある「玉川温泉」に行く前に軽く昼食で寄りました。 正月にかなり散財したので節約のために店を抽出しましたが、なかなかチェーン店が無いのがこの近辺の欠点ですね? 松屋や吉牛等を探しましたがありませんでした。 その中でもバーミヤンはなかなか健闘。 唐揚げが300円、ライスセットが200円。安いですよね。(だいたい…?) 17時まででしたらライスは大盛り無料。ランチスープはお代わり無料とサービスは良いです? 土曜日でしたが、平日ランチ以外でもこのサービスはお勧めです。 ただ、田舎だからなのか、お客さんが少なくて心配でしたね。 外食産業は消費税からの食材費の高騰や人件費、人員の確保などで価格が上がりつつあり、消費者も少しずつ外食から離れてきているように感じます。 少しでも食事をして応援していきたいな…と思ってます。
Before going to "Tamagawa Onsen" in Tokagawa, I stopped for a light lunch. Since I was quite scattered during the New Year, I extracted a store to save money, but it is quite a shortcoming that there is no chain store. I looked for Matsuya, Yoshikyu, etc. Among them, Bamiyan is very good. Fried chicken is 300 yen, rice set is 200 yen. It's cheap. (About ... ?) If it is before 17:00, the rice is free of charge. Lunch soup is free replacement and service is good ? It was Saturday, but this service is also recommended outside lunch on weekdays. However, I was worried because there were few customers because it was in the countryside. In the restaurant industry, prices are rising due to soaring food costs from consumption tax, labor costs, securing personnel, and so on. I feel that consumers are gradually getting away from eating out. I want to cheer and support even a little.
aki chi on Google

仕事の途中で訪問。 久しぶりのバーミヤン。 メニュー内容は良心的な価格でボリュームも有りました。 14時前に入店しましたので奥様層の利用が多く見られました。 今回オーダーしたのは青椒肉絲とドリンクバー。 最近、コーヒーが美味しくなって来ている中でコーヒーはイマイチかな。 ¥1000ちょっとで満足な内容でした。
Visit during work. Bamiyan after a long absence. The menu content was a reasonable price and had a large volume. As we entered the store before 14:00, the use of the wife layer was seen a lot. This time I ordered a green pepper meat thread and a drink bar. Recently, coffee is not good as coffee is getting better. It was a satisfactory content for just ¥ 1000.
髙木正美 on Google

店員さんもとても親切で、料理も美味しいです。 店舗は古いけど、広くて駐車場も出入りしやすく、割りと回数多く行ってます?
The clerk is also very kind and the food is delicious. The store is old, but it's large and the parking lot is easy to get in and out, so I go there a lot ?
喪黒福造 on Google

墓参りの帰りにふらっと立ち寄りました。 麻婆豆腐セットをオーダーしました。 適度な辛さで食べやすかったです。 餃子も美味しかったです。 ごちそうさまでした。
I dropped in on my way home from the grave. I ordered a mapo tofu set. It was moderately spicy and easy to eat. The dumplings were also delicious. Thank you for the meal.
Sammy Duke on Google

Good to go!!
Kazuyoshi Omori on Google

Maa-boo Doo-foo is delicious Every I come .

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