
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 女郎うなぎ福助

住所 :

Ogawa, Hiki District, 〒355-0321 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://joro-unagi-fukusuke.jp/
街 : Saitama

Ogawa, Hiki District, 〒355-0321 Saitama,Japan
C M on Google

うなぎがふっくらしていてめちゃくちゃ美味しかったです。 昔の作りそのままの建物で風情があり女将さんも親切でまた行きたいなと思わせてくれます。
The eel was plump and insanely delicious. The building is the same as it was made in the old days, and the landlady is kind and makes me want to go again.
sen tan on Google

The atmosphere of the old building is nice. The eel was also delicious. Corona measures were also taken properly. Also, the chawanmushi was delicious.
ankoukentsuku on Google

I visited you without a reservation, but I was willing to accept it. It's a first-class eel flavor. Let's go right away. Let's make a reservation.
ブラボー10 on Google

平日の13時30分頃に伺いました。 他のお客様は居ませんでした。 私の好きな昭和レトロ以前の建物で、明治時代に割烹旅館として建てられた、歴史あるお店です。 感染症対策も完璧で、手洗い迄求められたのは初めてです。 いつか来てみたいお店だったので、部屋に通されて飲むビールはとても美味しかったです。 うな丼と豚蒲焼き重を注文して、部屋を隅々まで見ていると、乾杯セットのPOPがあったので慌てて乾杯セットと、どじょうの唐揚げを注文。 30分位でうな丼がきました。ふわふわです。 「美味い」豚の蒲焼きも「美味い」 高めのお値段も納得できます。 お店の方の対応もとても丁寧で、素敵な時間を過ごす事ができました。レジで秘伝のタレが売っていたので、買って帰ります。 この後は、ほろ酔いで小川町駅前レトロ散歩です。
I visited around 13:30 on weekdays. There were no other customers. It is a historic shop that was built as a Japanese-style inn in the Meiji era in my favorite pre-Showa retro building. The measures against infectious diseases are perfect, and it is the first time that I have been asked to wash my hands. It was a shop I would like to visit someday, so the beer I drank through the room was very delicious. I ordered Unadon and Pork Kabayaki, and when I looked at every corner of the room, I found a toast set POP, so I hurriedly ordered a toast set and fried loach. Unadon came in about 30 minutes. It's fluffy. "Delicious" Pork kabayaki is also "delicious" You can understand the high price. The staff at the shop were very polite and I was able to spend a wonderful time. A secret sauce was sold at the cash register, so I will buy it and go home. After this, I got tipsy and took a retro walk in front of Ogawamachi station.
新田哲士(3104Arata) on Google

【美味しい鰻重とノスタルジックな建物と素敵な接客。最高の体験ができます】 ・仙元重(4435円) を頂きました。 ・小川町駅から徒歩約7分。江戸時代安政2年創業の約160年の歴史を持つ老舗も老舗な「女郎うなぎ 福助」さん。 ・高校生の頃、大人の方に連れ言ってもらって、ひどく感動したのをふと思い出し、再訪させていただきました。 ・花魁が伝えた鰻料理ゆえに「女郎うなぎ」というのが簡単な由来です。(詳細はオフィシャルHPをご参照ください) ・鰻だけでなく、明治時代に建てられた店内の雰囲気も非常に素敵です。一流老舗旅館で宿泊している気分を味わいながら鰻を味わえます。 ・「うなぎ御重」はサイズ違いの3種類あるようです。福助どんぶり(2775円)/仙元重(4435円)/金勝山(5660円)。金勝山はどうやら2段になっているようです! ・今回は「仙元重(4435円)」を頂きました。基本的には十分な量です。しかし、美味しさのあまり、「もっと食べたい…」が勝り、次回は「金勝山」も検討したいと思います。 ・とにかくふわっふわの鰻。丁度良い炊き加減のご飯。口の中に入れると自然と笑みがこぼれます。高校生だった当時に味わった感動と何ら変わらない感動体験。甘口の秘伝ダレも美味しすぎて個人的にはもっと欲しいくらいです。ただ、少なめにすることで鰻本来の味を楽しめるのかもしれません。お吸い物も程よい塩味が素敵。美味しすぎて、ものの10分でぺろりと完食。もう一つ頂きたい気持ちを抑えつつ、目の前に見える池をゆったりと眺めながらお茶と共に食後の余韻を愉しみます。 ・今回、個室に案内していただきました(前回も個室だったと記憶しています)。この個室が一流の老舗旅館に泊まったような雰囲気が味わえてとても好きです。 ・店員の皆さんもとても優しく接してくださいますし、個室でしっかり鰻と向き合えますし、食後はお庭や池を愉しめる。単なる食事以上の素晴らしいひと時を過ごさせていただきました。絶対にまた訪問したいと思います。ご馳走様でした。 #鰻 #鰻重 #埼玉県 #埼玉グルメ #ランチ #絶品グルメ #美味しい #小川町 #女郎うなぎ #福助 #歴史 #老舗 #昔ながらの雰囲気が素敵 #Eel #Unaju #SaitamaPrefecture #SaitamaGourmet #Lunch #ExquisiteGourmet #Delicious #OgawaTown #JaroUnagi #Fukusuke #History #Long-established #Old-fashioned-atmosphere-is-wonderful
[Delicious eel, nostalgic building and nice customer service. You can have the best experience] ・ I received Shigeru Senmoto (4435 yen). ・ Approximately 7 minutes on foot from Ogawamachi Station. "Jiro Unagi Fukusuke" is a long-established store with a history of about 160 years, which was founded in the 2nd year of Ansei in the Edo period. ・ When I was a high school student, I was taken by an adult and suddenly remembered that I was deeply moved and revisited. ・ Because of the eel dish that Oiran introduced, the simple origin is "Jiro Unagi". (Please refer to the official website for details) ・ Not only the eel, but also the atmosphere inside the store built in the Meiji era is very nice. You can enjoy eel while enjoying the feeling of staying at a first-class long-established inn. ・ It seems that there are three types of "Unagi Miju" with different sizes. Fukusuke Donburi (2775 yen) / Sengen Shigeru (4435 yen) / Konzeyama (5660 yen). Konzeyama seems to have two steps! ・ This time, I received "Senmoto Shige (4435 yen)". Basically enough. However, because of its deliciousness, "I want to eat more ..." wins, and next time I would like to consider "Konzeyama". ・ Anyway, fluffy eel. Rice cooked just right. If you put it in your mouth, you will naturally smile. An emotional experience that is no different from the emotional experience I had when I was a high school student. The sweet secret sauce is too delicious and I personally want more. However, you may be able to enjoy the original taste of eel by reducing the amount. The soup has a nice salty taste. It was so delicious that it was completely eaten in 10 minutes. While suppressing the feeling of wanting another one, enjoy the after-dinner lingering sound with tea while relaxingly gazing at the pond in front of you. ・ This time, I was guided to a private room (I remember that it was a private room last time). I really like this private room because it feels like I'm staying at a first-class inn. ・ The staff are very kind to me, I can face the eel firmly in the private room, and I can enjoy the garden and the pond after eating. I had a wonderful time more than just a meal. I definitely want to visit again. It was a treat. #Eel #Unagi Shige #Saitama Prefecture #Saitama Gourmet #Lunch #Exquisite Gourmet #Delicious #Ogawa Town #Jaro Unagi #Fukusuke #History #Long-established #Old-fashioned atmosphere is wonderful #Eel #Unaju #SaitamaPrefecture #SaitamaGourmet #Lunch #ExquisiteGourmet #Delicious #OgawaTown #JaroUnagi #Fukusuke #History # Long-established # Old-fashioned-atmosphere-is-wonderful
高橋直子 on Google

なんとも老舗旅館感に味があって、タイムスリップしたかのような佇まい! そこで頂く鰻の旨いこと?旨いこと? フワフワの鰻に甘めのタレ。肝吸いと小さなデザートまで付く仙元重は?です。
It has a taste of a long-established inn and looks like you have slipped back in time! The delicious thing about the eel you get there ? The delicious thing ? A sweet sauce on fluffy eel. Sengen Shigeru with liver sucking and even a small dessert is ?.
むも on Google

店舗は非常に古く好きな人にはたまらない探検したくなる建築です。元旅館でその面影がいたるところにあり、現代の合理化された建物にはない粋な細工がたくさんあります。店内には赤い橋がわたされた池があり活ウナギの籠が料理の素材の良さを感じさせ面白いです。個室からは池のある庭が見え、さらに船の形の湯舟のある風呂跡が見えたりと不思議な空間です。トイレも古いのではと少し覚悟しましたが、意外にも綺麗にリフォームしていてウォシュレット完備で清潔感がありました。お店の方はおおらかで家庭的な感じで親切です。落ち着きのない子供にも親切に相手していただきました。コロナ対策もしっかり意識されていて、アルコールや手洗いなど来店時には要求されるので安心感があります。なんとなく時間がのんびり流れているような感じなので、速やかなサービスを求める人や潔癖症な方には向いていないです。 ウナギは高級店と同等程度の価格帯。タレは照りと甘味が弱め、醤油感は強めのすっきりとした味です。ごはんにもたっぷりかかっていて個人的には好みでしたが、妻は辛いと言っていたので、スーパーのウナギのような甘く照りの強い、みりんベースのタレが好きな人には向いていないかもしれません。 焼き加減も良くて皮までふんわりと美味しかったですが、尾付近の骨抜きが甘いのは、この価格帯では微妙な感じがします。ウナギが苦手な人にはカツ丼や豚重などの選択肢もあり、値段も1000円程度でリーズナブルです。一度は行ってみたいお店だったので満足でしたが、純粋にウナギ屋としてみると、どうしてもコスパの面ではリピートはしにくいですね。 店舗の雰囲気★5、鰻★3という感じです。
The store is very old and has an irresistible architecture for those who like it. The vestiges of the former inn are everywhere, and there are many stylish works not found in modern streamlined buildings. There is a pond with a red bridge inside the store, and the basket of live eels makes you feel the goodness of the ingredients of the dish, which is interesting. From the private room, you can see the garden with a pond, and you can see the remains of a bath with a boat-shaped bathtub, which is a mysterious space. I was a little prepared that the toilet was old, but it was surprisingly clean and clean with a washlet. The shop is easygoing, homely and kind. The restless children were kind to me. Corona measures are also taken into consideration, and there is a sense of security as alcohol and hand washing are required when visiting the store. It feels like time is flowing slowly, so it is not suitable for people who want prompt service or those who are addicted to it. Eels are in the same price range as high-end stores. The sauce has a weaker shine and sweetness, and the soy sauce has a stronger and refreshing taste. I personally liked it because it had plenty of rice, but my wife said it was spicy, so it may not be suitable for people who like sweet and shiny mirin-based sauce like supermarket eels. Maybe. The roasting was good and the skin was fluffy and delicious, but the sweetness of the bones near the tail seems to be subtle in this price range. For those who are not good at eels, there are options such as katsudon and pork weight, and the price is reasonable at around 1000 yen. I was happy because it was a shop I wanted to visit once, but when I look at it purely as an eel shop, it's hard to repeat in terms of cost performance. The atmosphere of the store is ★ 5, and the eel is ★ 3.
芦萱勝 on Google

初めて訪れました。 注文したのは、仙元重という1番人気のうな重です。そう店頭のメニューに書いてあったので決めました。つゆダク鰻重。一言で表現するとこの言葉になる。1番下の米粒まで鰻のためのタレが味わえます。最後まで濃い味が嫌な人は食べないでください。俺は、それが平気なので最後までご飯も鰻と同じ味で食べることができました。だから、美味しかったです。
I visited for the first time. I ordered the most popular Unaju called Sengenju. Yes, it was written on the menu at the store, so I decided. Tsuyudaku Oshige. Expressed in one word, it becomes this word. You can enjoy the sauce for eel up to the bottom rice grain. Please do not eat if you do not like the strong taste until the end. I didn't mind it, so I was able to eat rice with the same taste as eel until the end. So it was delicious.

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