
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すしいち

住所 :

2 Chome−9, Kachidoki, Chuo City, 〒104-0054 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
街 : Tokyo

2 Chome−9, Kachidoki, Chuo City, 〒104-0054 Tokyo,Japan
佐藤忠彦 on Google

ディナーでカウンターコースを頂きました もう4回目くらいですが、やっぱり美味しい また寄らせてもらいます
We had a counter course at dinner It ’s about the fourth time, but it ’s still delicious. I will come back again
穴田紗也 on Google

日曜日の昼過ぎにランチで入りました。 店内も綺麗で、カウンターに職人さんが2人で、20代後半女1人で入るには少し勇気がいりましたが、入ってしまえばなんてことなかったです。 注文したのはお寿司9貫のランチで¥1,200です。 お寿司の他にサラダ、汁物、茶碗蒸し、デザートがつきます。 赤酢のお寿司で、ネタももちろんとっても美味しかったです。あまり量を食べられないので、ご飯の量を少なめに調整してくれてるのも有り難いです。 そして、私自身エビアレルギーがあることを伝えたところ、茶碗蒸しにエビが入っているのでと、別のものを用意してくれました。 アレルギーがあって寿司屋さんに行くと、多少は痒くなってしまっても仕方ないと思って行くのですが、職人さんの心遣いが嬉しかったです。 カウンター席からは職人さんのお仕事も見ることができて、楽しかったです。 今度は友人と来てみようと思います。
I went in for lunch after noon on Sunday. The inside of the store is also beautiful, there are two craftsmen at the counter, and it took a little courage to enter by one woman in her late twenties, but once she entered, it never happened. I ordered 9 pieces of sushi for lunch for ¥ 1,200. In addition to sushi, salad, soup, chawanmushi, and dessert are included. It was red vinegar sushi, and of course the ingredients were very delicious. I can't eat much, so I'm grateful that he adjusted the amount of rice to a small amount. And when I told him that I had a shrimp allergy, he prepared another one because the chawanmushi contained shrimp. When I went to a sushi restaurant because I had allergies, I thought it would be unavoidable if I got a little itchy, but I was happy with the care of the craftsmen. It was fun to see the work of the craftsmen from the counter seats. I'm going to come with a friend this time.
大好きっ子目黒 on Google

For the sake of success, is the price of lunch set higher? I thought it could be eaten for less than a thousand yen, but it was a bowl of seafood ¥ 1200. I want a little bit more steamed side dishes. The dessert was made of watery-mushroom, which was homemade and not sugary, but it was sweet and delicious. I ordered seafood bowl, but the stuff was delicious. It would be better if the clerk would be able to serve customers faster.
r k on Google

大江戸線勝どき駅を出てすぐ、清澄通り沿い、UFJ銀行の側にあるお寿司屋さんです。 時勢柄テイクアウトにて頂きました。 特上にぎりが綺麗な箱にぎっしりと詰められていました。 赤シャリの江戸前寿司ですね。 ネタも良い感じで美味しかったです。 中トロと皮目が炙ってあったキンメ?が特に美味しかったです。 次に機会があったらやっぱり店舗の方でも味わってみたいですね。
It is a sushi restaurant on the side of UFJ Bank, along Kiyosumi-dori, right after leaving Kachidoki Station on the Oedo Line. I got it at the time trend takeout. The special nigiri was packed in a beautiful box. It's red shari Edomae sushi. The material was also good and delicious. A kinme that had a toro and a tanned skin? Was particularly delicious. Next time I would like to try it even at the store.
けんけんけん on Google

すしいち 勝どき駅出てすぐのところ カウンター12席 奥に座敷があります。 ドリンクは生ビール600円、サワーやウーロンハイは500円ぐらい。日曜日でも、混み合ってます。店内はオープンキッチンで、職人さんの仕事が見れて楽しいです。 今日は7000円のカウンターコースを頼みました。 一品料理と寿司交互に出してもらい、とても美味しかったです。 新しいお店なのかなぁ 値段も2人で18000円ぐらいだったので、また行こうと思います。オススメのお店です!
Sushiichi Immediately after leaving Kachidoki Station Counter 12 seats There is a parlor in the back. Drinks are 600 yen for draft beer, and sour and oolong high are about 500 yen. It is crowded even on Sunday. The store is an open kitchen and it is fun to see the work of craftsmen. I asked for a counter course of 7000 yen today. We had one dish and sushi alternately, and it was very delicious. Is it a new shop? The price was about 18000 yen for two people, so I will go again. Recommended shop!
33 tomonon on Google

来訪3回目。 行くたびに店長さんはじめ、 皆さまが温かく迎えてくださるステキなお店でお気に入りです! 日曜日は15時から開店されているところも魅力的⭐︎ 毎日店長さんが市場に行かれるそうで、 行く度にその日のオススメを教えてくださり、 季節や旬をより一層楽しませてくださりいつも嬉しいです❣️ シャリの温度にも丁寧にこだわっていらっしゃるので、とても美味しいです!
The third visit. Every time I go, the manager starts, It is a favorite in a wonderful shop where everyone welcomes you warmly! The place that is open from 15:00 on Sunday is also attractive. It seems that the manager goes to the market every day, Every time I go, tell me the recommendation of the day, I am always happy to make the seasons and seasons more enjoyable. You are very particular about the temperature of the shari, so it is very delicious!
鈴木未知郎 on Google

I went to a sushi restaurant that hasn't been around for a long time. It was delicious normally.
Arsenal FC Fan on Google

Its a great place to eat aunthentic traditional Japanese food especially sushi.

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