4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 八

住所 :

Kachidoki, Chuo City, 〒104-0054 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://kachidoki-delivery.com/
街 : Tokyo

Kachidoki, Chuo City, 〒104-0054 Tokyo,Japan
Naofumi Oikawa on Google

I just took a picture and I did n’t remember much after that…
アナログでじたる on Google

昼ランチ800円は、ここら辺では普通の値段。 ただ、メバチマグロの丼ぶりは初めてで 美味しかったけです。 サラダとごはんはお替り無料
Lunch 800 yen is a normal price around here. However, this is the first time for me to have a bowl of bigeye tuna. It was delicious. Free refills of salad and rice
3 asa on Google

The food is good and the store attitude is not bad, but the price is a bit high due to the popular bar atmosphere. I think that it is good for the conversation to be enjoyed by many people.
O MURATA on Google

良く利用させて頂いてます(笑) サバ竜田揚げ、お刺身はとても美味しいです。 好きな食べ物を伝えると、仕入れて頂いたりするのも嬉しいです。 最近は、Uberもやり初めてたので、数回利用し、 銀だらの煮魚弁当は家族で美味しく頂きました。
I use it well (laugh) Deep-fried mackerel Ryuta and sashimi are very delicious. If you tell them your favorite food, I'm happy that they will buy it. Recently, I started doing Uber, so I used it several times, The boiled gyoza bento bento was delicious for the family.
O sol luna on Google

すっごく美味しくてビックリしました!! 外観は普通の居酒屋なのかなぁと思ってはいったのですが、子持ち昆布の串揚げがプッチプチで絶品!380円なんて信じられない!料亭の一品みたいで大ヒットです✨ アットホームな雰囲気で常連さんが多い空気感、いいお店なんだろうなぁと感じとれました。 トマトサワーは丸ごとトマトが入った珍しい濃いサワー! カワハギのキモ醤油 タンパクなんだけどトロッと濃厚な肝がマッチしていてすごく美味しいです。ふぐみたい!!これはいくらでもたべれちゃう。 あと朝どれみさきのしょっこも美味しかったです!! カンパチの子供。香り高くて上質。ほどよい脂身、ぷりぷりで目利きのよさが感じられる職人の技が伺えるお刺身でした。 珍しいメニューは鴨皮とろとろ煮。どんなお品か想像がつかなかったので頼んでみたら、ホロホロになるまで煮込まれた鴨が柔らかくて、染み渡る優しい一品でした。 どれも美味しくてついつい沢山頼んでしまいお腹が久しぶりにこんなにいっぱいってなるほどに食べちゃいました。 他にも オイルとスパイシーなカイワレが鮑を引き立てる、鮑ステーキ大葉和え。 天然キングサーモン!あつみがあって、脂身が豊、トロけるなめらかさ。 箸休めに薬味サラダ。新鮮トマト。ミョウガ、ネギ、カイワレでサッパリ! メニューに書いてないメニューもあるみたいで、美味しそうな塩握りを食べてる人がいたので、頼んだら作ってくれました。どうやらメニューに書いてないお品も色々あるみたい。 ヒレカツ、林ポークを旨味豊かな結晶のような粗塩とカラシで。塩で食べると、お肉の味わいを感じられました。 濃い卵、トロトロ濃厚半熟ゆで卵も美味!! カラスミがけのへぎ蕎麦はカラスミの香りがほのかに、意外な組み合わせがよかったです。 また行きたいお店。とっても美味しかったです。
It was really delicious and I was surprised! !! I was wondering if it looks like an ordinary izakaya, but the deep-fried skewers of kelp with children are superb! I can't believe 380 yen! It looks like a restaurant dish and is a big hit ✨ I felt that it was a good shop with a homely atmosphere and an atmosphere with many regular customers. Tomato sour is a rare dark sour with whole tomatoes! Kawahagi's Kimo Soy Sauce It's a protein, but it's very delicious because the trolley and rich liver match. Like blowfish! !! You can eat this as much as you want. Also, the morning Doremisaki's shokko was delicious! !! Amberjack child. Fragrant and high quality. It was a sashimi that you can see the skill of the craftsman who can feel the goodness of connoisseur with moderate fat and plumpness. The unusual menu is duck skin and simmered. I couldn't imagine what kind of duck it was, so when I asked for it, the duck that had been simmered until it became fluffy was soft and permeated. All of them were delicious and I asked for a lot and I ate so much that I was so full after a long time. Other Abalone steak with perilla, where oil and spicy radish spicy complement the abalone. Natural king salmon! It's hot, rich in fat, and smooth toro. Condiment salad for chopsticks rest. Fresh tomatoes. Refreshing with Japanese ginger, green onions, and radish sprouts! It seems that there are some menus that are not written on the menu, and there was a person who was eating a delicious salt sushi, so when I asked for it, he made it. Apparently there are various items that are not written on the menu. Fillet cutlet and forest pork with coarse salt and mustard like crystals with rich flavor. When I ate it with salt, I could feel the taste of meat. Thick eggs and soft-boiled eggs are also delicious! !! Hegi soba noodles with karasumi had a faint scent of karasumi, and a surprising combination was good. The shop you want to visit again. It was very delicious.
佐藤基裕 on Google

If you ask, you can ask for half (half price) of all menus. The selection of sake and chu-hi, as well as the sake ate, are quite good.
setchin on Google

生ビール お通し(さざえ) 梅たたききゅうり 旬野菜天ぷら 鳥の唐揚げ だし巻き卵 海鮮のばくだん へぎそば #勝どき #駅前 #和食
draft beer Through (sazae) Plum cucumbers Seasonal vegetable tempura Fried chicken Dashi roll egg Seafood Hagi soba #Kachidoki #Ekimae #Japanese food
Yuichiro Soma on Google

ランチタイム利用、刺身定食1,500円。 お刺身には軽い炙りや、飾り包丁など丁寧な仕込みがあり美味しい。小鉢手作りで美味しい。 ビルの2階にあって分かりにくいためか、近隣サラリーマンの利用がほとんど。やや高い気がするが、クオリティには満足。
Lunch time use, sashimi set meal 1,500 yen. The sashimi is delicious with light roasting and careful preparation such as decorative knives. Small bowl handmade and delicious. Most of them are used by nearby office workers, probably because it is on the second floor of the building and it is difficult to understand. I think it's a little expensive, but I'm satisfied with the quality.

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