Ta Poppy Cellar Kokubunji Now Ruins - Kokubunji

3.8/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Ta Poppy Cellar Kokubunji Now Ruins

住所 :

2 Chome-2 Nishimotomachi, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0023, Japan

Postal code : 185-0023
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Closed
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

2 Chome-2 Nishimotomachi, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0023, Japan
櫻井敦 on Google

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佐竹勝義 on Google

「国分寺崖線」の絶景ポイント 古代武蔵国分寺建設地が、広大な武蔵国の中で、現在の国分寺市西元町に決定した理由の一つとなった「国分寺崖線」も、現在では、びっしり家屋が建ち、崖線を一望できる場所は限られています。 武蔵国分寺は、この「国分寺崖線」を背にして、南に開けた地に建設されました。 国分僧寺金堂跡の西隣が現国分寺の立派な墓地になっており、その北側道路からの眺めは、高低差10数mの国分寺崖線を、広大な芝生広場の向こうに眺望することができます。 古代官道である「東山道武蔵路」が、南北直線道路で、国分寺崖線を突破するのに、急坂を出来るだけ避けてルート設定されたことが、この眺望からも見て取れます。 正に、一目千両の超絶景ポイントです。甍のスカイラインは素晴らしいです。 しかし、この絶景ポイントの道路脇にある、数本の立木が眺望の大きな妨げになっています。 この数本の立木を伐採することにより、現在は、低層住宅が密集している「国分寺崖線」が、広大な芝生越しに一望できます。 地勢に興味のある方にお勧めです。 古多摩川が、数万年をかけ削り取った地形を感じ取ることができます。
Superb view point of "Kokubunji cliff line" The "Kokubunji Cliff Line", which was one of the reasons why the ancient Musashi Kokubunji construction site was decided to be Nishimotomachi, Kokubunji City in the vast Musashi Province, is now full of houses and you can overlook the cliff line. The place is limited. Musashi Kokubunji was built in an open area to the south with this "Kokubunji cliff line" in the background. The west side of the Kokubunji Kondo ruins is a magnificent graveyard of the current Kokubunji, and the view from the north road is that you can see the Kokubunji cliff line with a height difference of more than 10 m beyond the vast lawn open space. I can do it. It can be seen from this view that the ancient government road "Musashino Higashiyama Road" was set as a route to break through the Kokubunji cliff line on the north-south straight road, avoiding steep slopes as much as possible. It is truly a superb view point of a thousand cars at a glance. The skyline of the 甍 is wonderful. However, several standing trees on the side of the road at this superb view point are a big obstacle to the view. By cutting down these few standing trees, you can see the "Kokubunji Cliff Line", which is now densely populated with low-rise houses, over the vast lawn. Recommended for those who are interested in the terrain. You can feel the terrain that the Kotama River has carved out over tens of thousands of years.
Mikisan on Google

In 2019, the restoration of the base of Musashi Kokubunji Kondo and the restoration of the passage that connected the Kondo and the auditorium have been completed.

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