Zekkocho - Marugame

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zekkocho

住所 :

1 Chome-807 Dokichohigashi, Marugame, Kagawa 763-0082, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997779
Postal code : 763-0082

1 Chome-807 Dokichohigashi, Marugame, Kagawa 763-0082, Japan
ken aya on Google

You can eat guts at a reasonable price!
有記海蔵 on Google

あるお店のマスターのご紹介で初めて行きました。雰囲気もいいし、味も確かです。 お肉のことについてかなりの知識をお持ちだと思います。仕入れの仕方もうまいので、絶対儲かっているでしょう。どんな部位も、たとえ高級なお肉でもお客を黙らせる値段設定をしている。
I went for the first time with an introduction of a master of a shop. The atmosphere is nice, and the taste is certain. I think that you have considerable knowledge about meat. I'm definitely profitable because I am good at buying it. Every part, even high class meat, is setting the price to silence customers.
el l on Google

今日初めてお邪魔しました! 香川に来て色んなホルモン屋さんに行きましたが、ダントツでおすすめ出来るホルモン屋さんでした! 美味しい、安い、優しい! ホルモンの焼き方を教えてくれたり、気にかけてくれたりで嬉しかったです! ザ!ホルモン屋さん!って雰囲気も 大将の雰囲気的も全部好き!! ホルモン綺麗やった……⸜(*´꒳`*)⸝ 次こそ茶そば食べます(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 1/30 2度目、お邪魔してきました! 今日も美味しい、安い、そして優しい!⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝ ホルモンの焼き方、ちょっと褒められて嬉しい(つω`*) 精進せねば!! そして!念願の!!茶そば!!! 頂きました!!!! めっちゃてんこ盛り! お腹いっぱいお肉を食べたあとで不安だったけど、不思議! さっぱりしてて、ペロリと食べれちゃいました!Σ( ˙꒳​˙ )!? 卵を割るとリッチに味変! お肉の油分をいい感じにリセットしてくれて胃にも優しい♡ 茶そば、すっごいおすすめです♡
I visited you for the first time today! I came to Kagawa and went to various hormone shops, but it was a hormone shop that I can recommend by far! Delicious, cheap and gentle! I was glad that he taught me how to cook hormones and took care of me! The! Hormone shop! The atmosphere I also like the atmosphere of the general! !! Hormones were beautiful ... ⸜ (* ´꒳` *) ⸝ Next time I will eat tea soba (๑ • ̀ ㅂ • ́) و✧ 1/30 I've been bothering you for the second time! Delicious, cheap and gentle today! ⸜ (* ॑ ꒳ ॑ *) ⸝ I'm glad that I was praised for how to bake the hormone (tsu ω` *) I have to devote myself! !! And! Long-sought! !! Tea soba! !! !! We received! !! !! !! Very large! I was worried after eating full meat, but it's strange! It was refreshing and I was able to eat it! Σ (˙꒳ ˙) !? When you break an egg, it tastes rich! It resets the oil content of the meat to a nice feeling and is kind to the stomach ♡ I highly recommend tea soba ♡
吉田成男 on Google

極上ハラミ最高でした‼️マスターも気さくでコスパもよく凄く楽しい時間を過ごせました? ほんとオススメです‼️
The best skirt steak was the best! ️ The master was friendly and the cospa was good and I had a great time ? I really recommend it! ️
あいすまろん on Google

とにかく旨い! 片山くんがサービス良くて お客様を大事にしてくれる! 記念日もそうでない日も最高! ポテサラ ミノポン 茶そばも最高! ホルモンは、言うまでもなく! デカっトで、ぷりっぷり! 仲間と1人で是非のお店です!
Anyway, it ’s delicious! Katayama has good service Take care of our customers! Great for anniversaries and non-anniversaries! Potato salad Minopon Tea soba is also the best! Not to mention hormones! Big and plentiful! It's a shop that you can come alone with your friends!
Risa on Google

新鮮なホルモンがおいしいです。 常連さんで賑わってますが、常連じゃなくても大将が「おいしい?」と気にかけてくれます。
The fresh hormones are delicious. It is crowded with regulars, but even if you are not a regular, the general cares about "is it delicious?"
Julius Wang on Google

久しぶりに利用しました。18:00開店と同時に入店。 店の中はこれぞ「ホルモン屋」の雰囲気満点で私は好きです。 今回は大勢でホルモン絶好調盛合せ、ハラミ等色々注文しましたが、どの肉も一切れが結構大きく食べ応えがあり旨かったです。 脇役のゴマドレサラダとポテトサラダ、玉子スープ等もボリューム満点ですね。 またホルモン、肉を焼く時に出る煙が良い匂いで更に食欲をそそります。最後の方は煙が充満して目が滲みてきましたが(笑)。 とにかくボリューム満点、会社の仲間とたくさん飲んで食べて腹一杯、満足感一杯です。また機会があれば利用したいと思います。
I used it for the first time in a long time. 18:00 Entered at the same time as the store opened. I like the inside of the store because it has a perfect atmosphere of "hormone shop". This time, a lot of people ordered a great selection of hormones, skirt steak, etc., but all the meat was quite big and it was delicious. The supporting characters such as sesame sauce salad, potato salad, and egg drop soup are also full of volume. In addition, the hormones and smoke emitted when grilling meat have a good smell, which makes it even more appetizing. At the end, the smoke was full and my eyes were bleeding (laughs). Anyway, it's full of volume, I'm full of drinking and eating with my company colleagues, and I'm full of satisfaction. I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity.
ハル on Google

初来店 テーブル席、カウンター席があるお店 行くなら、予約がお勧め 焼肉、鍋、一品料理もありました。焼肉は、店の中がモンモンするほどの煙!煙!煙! でも、ほの焼肉が凄く美味しい ハラミの苦手だったのにとても美味しく頂きました。この店のハラミなら食べれます。ホルモンも美味 ぷりぷりで食べ応えバツグン 今度行く時は、洗濯出来る服で行こうと思います。 お腹いっぱい
First visit Shops with table seats and counter seats If you go, reservation is recommended There were also yakiniku, hot pot, and a la carte dishes. Yakiniku is so smokey that the inside of the store is smoky! smoke! smoke! However, the roasted meat was very delicious. I was not good at Harami, but it was very delicious. You can eat Harami at this restaurant. The hormones are also delicious, and they are excellent to eat. The next time I go, I'll wear clothes that can be washed. I'm full

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