焼肉 生一本

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 生一本

住所 :

Dokichohigashi, Marugame, 〒763-0082 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88779997
Webサイト : https://yakinikukiippon.com/
街 : Kagawa

Dokichohigashi, Marugame, 〒763-0082 Kagawa,Japan
河田楓叶 on Google

とにかく味が薄い。食べ放題頼んだけど全部味薄 特にタンは肉厚だけど噛み締めた時の旨みが少ない。もっと塩コショウして欲しい。
Anyway, the taste is light. I ordered all-you-can-eat In particular, the tongue is thick, but it has little taste when chewed. I want more salt and pepper.
あらた on Google

接客は良かったです。 ただ味は、、、この値段でこれなら2度は行かないかな、と言う所です。
The customer service was good. However, the taste is that I wouldn't go there twice at this price.
Yasuki Aikawa on Google

In addition to cows, the menu includes pigs, chickens, and horses. When you become a member, you can also order the original menu.
ai n (ai883) on Google

食べ放題コース なんといってもお肉が全部美味しい! 副菜やお米も美味しいです。
All-you-can-eat course After all, all the meat is delicious! Side dishes and rice are also delicious.
naoya tanabe on Google

味もいいし種類も多くていいね。 お値段は等価って感じかな。4人で食べて1万7000くらい?
It tastes good and there are many types. I think the prices are equivalent. About 17,000 to eat with 4 people?
焼肉三昧 on Google

レビューが良いので行ってみたが、レビューの8割ぐらいが仲の良い知り合いがしてるのではないかと言うぐらい嘘ばかり タレが最悪。 値段高い。 店内ごちゃごちゃして居心地悪い。 正直この値段出すなら他の店に行く方がいいと思います。
I went there because the reviews are good, but about 80% of the reviews are lying so much that I think they have good acquaintances. Sauce is the worst. The price is high. The store is messy and uncomfortable. To be honest, I think it's better to go to another store if you want to get this price.
sakura oceanview on Google

肉はうまい。 酒類もうまい。 でも、肉食いに来て牛すじコンのお通しは要らない。 入り口の喫煙所には火が着いたままの吸い殻が。 トイレは非常に綺麗でした。
The meat is good. Alcoholic beverages are also good. But you don't need to go through the beef tendon to eat meat. There is a butt that is still on fire in the smoking area at the entrance. The toilet was very clean.
Kagwa of Kid on Google

4000円のコースを注文しましたがとても良い! 画像みてもらえればわかりますがとにかくたくさんの種類、部位が食べられてしかもどれも美味しい!飽きない!というより飽きるはずがない。あの大皿で3、4種類の肉を永遠と食べるスタイルから卒業です!宴会というより2人〜4人くらいの少人数で焼き肉を楽しむ場所です。もっと高いコースもあったのでめちゃめちゃ気になります!人気の精肉店系のお店にも引けを取らない質だと思います!まあまあのコストはかかりますが美味しい肉を食べる目的としては満足できると思います!個室の掘りごたつがオススメ!
I ordered a 4000 yen course and it's very good! As you can see from the image, you can eat many kinds and parts, and all of them are delicious! Do not get tired of! Rather, you can't get bored. I'm graduating from the style of eating 3 or 4 kinds of meat forever on that platter! Rather than a banquet, it is a place where you can enjoy yakiniku with a small group of 2 to 4 people. There was a higher course, so I'm really worried! I think the quality is comparable to that of popular butcher shops! It costs a fair amount, but I think it's satisfying for the purpose of eating delicious meat! We recommend digging in a private room!

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