Zarigani Cafe - Shibuya City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zarigani Cafe

住所 :

6-11 Udagawacho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 150-0042
Webサイト :
Description : Cozy, industrial-style cafe offering meaty rice dishes, Japanese curries & renowned apple pie.

6-11 Udagawacho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0042, Japan
sato pito on Google

渋谷。 隠れ家。 インスタ映え。 アップルパイ。 行くべき条件は揃っています。 あとは勇気だけかも??
Shibuya. A hideaway. Instagram shine. Apple Pie. The conditions to go are in place. Is it just courage? ?
にこちゃん on Google

このアップルパイが本当に絶品でとっても美味しかった、シナモンとバニラアイスが絶妙にマッチして最高でした。 ただアップルパイは事前にお時間いただきます、15分ぐらいですと店員さんに言われ了承したのですが、30分以上経っても出てこずあまりにも時間が経っているな…と思い店員さんに声を掛けたら、あ…今確認してきます。みたいな感じでどうやら忘れ去られていたみたいで、結局確認してきますからプラス15分ぐらいかかりました。 オーダー忘れられていた事に関してはだいぶ不満でしたがアップルパイは本当に美味しくてまた食べに行きたいなと思ったので★3にします。 相当暇で予定がない日に行く分には良いと思います。
This apple pie was really excellent and very delicious, the cinnamon and vanilla ice cream matched perfectly and it was the best. However, the clerk told me that it would take about 15 minutes for the apple pie in advance, but the clerk said that it didn't come out even after 30 minutes or more and it's been too long. If you call out, oh ... I'll check it now. It seems that it was forgotten, so it took about 15 minutes to check it after all. I was quite dissatisfied with the fact that the order was forgotten, but the apple pie was really delicious and I wanted to go to eat again, so I will set it to ★ 3. I think it's good for going to a day when you have a lot of free time and have no plans.
りりぷー on Google

見た目だけかと思ったけど本格的なアップルパイでシナモンとの相性も良かった ただ、次第にアイスが溶けてどろどろになるので食べにくい お花が浮いてるティーが美味しいあと映える 客層は若い女の子とカップルが多い 彼氏の前でどろどろになったアップルパイと格闘するの大変そう
I thought it was just the appearance, but it was a full-fledged apple pie and it went well with cinnamon. However, it is difficult to eat because the ice cream gradually melts and becomes muddy. The tea with floating flowers is delicious and shines The customer base is mostly young girls and couples It seems to be difficult to wrestle with a muddy apple pie in front of my boyfriend
Romance CP on Google

チキンパーマ?というのを頼みましたが、かなりボリュームがあり、普通に美味しかったです。 アップルパイも、焼きたてのバターの香りが食欲をそそり、ペロリと食べちゃいました。 お水はセルフサービスですが、レモン水?のようで、美味しかったです。 場所がかなりわかりにくく、久しぶりにかなり迷いました。入口も一見、裏口に見えました。 でもゆっくり出来たし、カフェとしては食べ物も普通に楽しめて良かったです。
Chicken perm? I asked for it, but it was quite voluminous and normally delicious. The scent of freshly baked butter made the apple pie appetizing, and I ate it. Water is self-service, but is it lemon water? It was delicious. The location was quite confusing and I was quite lost after a long time. At first glance, the entrance looked like a back door. But it was done slowly, and it was good that I could enjoy the food normally as a cafe.
on Google

日曜日15時ごろ行きましたが、外で並びました。 チキンのやつはかなり大きいのでシェアがおすすめ。ワンドリンク制。 アップルパイは確かに美味しい! 料理は待つので、おしゃべりが楽しみました
I went there around 15:00 on Sunday, but lined up outside. The chicken one is quite big, so share is recommended. One drink system. Apple pie is definitely delicious! I waited for the food, so I enjoyed chatting
Aileen Helen on Google

The service was terrible!!
Antonio Sanchez on Google

Place is cool, but "Japanese Rules" of the place are just stupid . Don't think about going there if you are more than 6 cos if you are 7 then 500 yen will be charged for EACH of you!!! NO-SENSE! We were 7ppl then we had to sit in different tables and make two groups. After a while the staffs ask us to move to different tables cos two groups were too close to each other and cos we took a group picture all 7?¿?. Horrible. They told us whe had to leave the place after that. So I highly recommend you this place if you go ALONE. Coffee is expensive and nothing special, but place is nice. (They are looking for STAFF) so if you are going to work there, try to change this RULES. Thank you!
Nathanel Titane on Google

Do not be fooled by the looks of this place. Once inside, the environment is cozy, relaxed and utterly enjoyable. The staff is extremely friendly and well versed in proper table service and manners. The food is beyond satisfactory and anything you could possibly have will be a tasteful delight. Do not forget to order their home made apple pie for desert.

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