
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サンサーラ

住所 :

Yokomachi, Shirakawa, 〒961-0907 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–10:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5–10:30PM
Tuesday 5–10:30PM
Wednesday 5–10:30PM
Thursday 5–10:30PM
Friday 5–10:30PM
街 : Fukushima

Yokomachi, Shirakawa, 〒961-0907 Fukushima,Japan
松田 on Google

料理、酒、珈琲どれも美味い。 オススメは生パスタ、チーズ、グラタン! ランチはリーズナブルなのに一品一品丁寧につくられてるのが味に出てる 最近白河にもいろんな店ができたけど、イタリアンは味で選ぶなら絶対ここかピラ◯ア! 駐車場少ないのがキズ。 あとは店の場所が分かりにくいかも。 しかしそこが隠れ家っぽくて気に入っています。 混んでる時は料理がくるまで時間がかかるから時間に余裕がある時に行くのがいい
Food, sake, and coffee are all delicious. We recommend fresh pasta, cheese and gratin! Lunch is reasonably priced, but the taste is carefully made one by one Recently, various shops have been opened in Shirakawa, but if you want to choose Italian based on taste, it's definitely here or there! There are few parking lots. After that, the location of the store may be difficult to understand. But I like it because it looks like a hideaway. When it's crowded, it takes time for food to arrive, so it's better to go when you have time
ツルっと鶴子 on Google

まず、コーヒーの味に驚いた!昔通ってたネルドリップの店の味がした!香と奥深さがたまらない。でも残念なのがコップにコーヒーが垂れた後が幾箇所も着いてた事。器を汚したなら綺麗にしてから出すのが料理人…ちょっと残念。 料理はラペにチラチラと乗ってたチーズが美味しかったが、ビーフシチューが皿だった。もう少し深い皿なら食べやすい。ただビーフシチューの肉を噛んでたらレバーの匂いがした…。内側に筋があり箸で切れる事はない。パンが2切れあったけどバター欲しかったな。テリーヌは美味しかった。ただ私は家に帰って来てからサンドイッチを食べた。お客様はドンドン入って来たから人気店なんでしょう
First of all, I was surprised at the taste of coffee! It tasted like the Nel drip shop I used to go to! The incense and depth are irresistible. But unfortunately, there were many places after the coffee was dripping on the cup. If the bowl gets dirty, the cook should clean it before putting it out ... a little disappointing. The food was delicious with cheese on a lape, but the beef stew was a plate. A slightly deeper plate is easier to eat. I just chewed the meat of the beef stew and it smelled like liver ... There is a streak on the inside and it will not be cut with chopsticks. I had two slices of bread but I wanted butter. The terrine was delicious. But when I got home, I ate a sandwich. It's a popular shop because customers came in
koyuki. on Google

パスタ、コーヒーにこだわりのある落ち着いた大人の雰囲気のあるお店。 昔からの馴染みですがマスターの気まぐれ!?なのか不定休なのでいつも電話で確認してから行ってました? 先日、LINE友達に登録してきましたがお休みなどのお知らせが来るので非常に助かります。
A shop with a calm and mature atmosphere that is particular about pasta and coffee. It's been familiar from old days, but it's a master's whim!? It's irregular holidays so I always checked by phone ? I registered as a LINE friend the other day, but it will be very helpful because I will be notified about vacation etc. ..
にぃにぃももた on Google

外から見ると暗いけど、ランチやってますw 大人な方たちが男女問わず、ゆっくり食事をするお店です。プレートランチは、いろいろな料理を少しずつ味わえます。
It's dark from the outside, but I have lunch w This is a restaurant where adults can eat slowly regardless of gender. At the plate lunch, you can enjoy various dishes little by little.
考作佐藤 on Google

It is a very cozy shop with a retro atmosphere. I can't drink alcohol, so I mainly eat, but there are many delicious dishes such as polonegi gratin, ajillo, grilled chicken with herbs, and pasta. It seems that many people use it for dates with an adult image, but I think it's a shop that you can easily enjoy with your friends.
Uu Gee on Google

ワインが苦手な私でもここのワインは不思議と美味しく飲めます。 日本酒の品揃えも意外とあります。 ノンアルカクテル、ハンドドリップコーヒー、スゥィーツもあるのでハンドルキーパーにも優しいお店です。
Even though I am not good at wine, the wine here is strangely delicious. There is also a surprising assortment of sake. There are also non-alcoholic cocktails, hand drip coffee, and sweets, so it's a shop that is kind to handle keepers.
竜宗 on Google

ランチ時にお伺いしたのですが、コーヒー豆を焙煎していたのでとても良い香りに包まれた店内で、ステキなランチプレートが食べれました。 メインはサーモンのグリル。絶妙な焼き加減でふっくら美味しかったです。
When I visited during lunch, I was able to eat a nice lunch plate in the shop, which had a very good scent because it was roasting coffee beans. Main is grilled salmon. It was fluffy and delicious with exquisite baking.
松本伸一 on Google

通りすがりに偶然見つけるのは難しい。 あらかじめ何らかの情報をもとに目指す人がほとんどだろう。 本格イタリアンと言うより、大衆イタリアン風かな。 料理の味は…不味くはない… テーブルワインのチョイスは良いと思う。 お店の雰囲気も良い。大正時代に建てられた蔵を改装したそう。 ランチを試してみたい。
It is difficult to find by chance by chance. Most people will aim in advance based on some information. Rather than a full-fledged Italian, it is a popular Italian style. The taste of the food ... not bad ... I think the choice of table wine is good. The atmosphere of the shop is also good. It seems that the storehouse built in the Taisho period was renovated. I would like to try lunch.

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