Yōga Clinic - Setagaya City

3.4/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact Yōga Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-22-16 Tamagawadai, Setagaya City, Tokyo 156-0056, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 156-0056
Webサイト : http://www.youga-clinic.com/

2 Chome-22-16 Tamagawadai, Setagaya City, Tokyo 156-0056, Japan
shinichi ito on Google

a k on Google

A friendly teacher. Of course the children are taken care of by the family. I look forward to working with you.
中村キムチ on Google

ありえない。長男に前から冷たいなーってたまに思ったけど、ま、流してたら、案の定、田中雄理(長男)に、座れよ怒 など、違う日には、診察室に入ったら、長男の手を叩かれ、次男が診察してるとき、次男をみてればいいのに、長男を必要ないのに、ずっと睨みながら、次男が を聴診器で調べる。周りにもっと詳しく話したら、、皆、私、行かない!とか、病院かえな!とか。小児科でそれはないよと言われたので、行くのやめました
Impossible. I sometimes thought that it was cold before my eldest son, but when I was flowing, on the other day, when I entered the consultation room, I hit the eldest son. When the second son is examining, the second son examines with a stethoscope, gazing all the time, even though he should look at the second son but does not need the eldest son. If you talk more in detail around, everyone, I will not go! Or a hospital! And. I stopped at pediatrics because I was told it wasn't
e s on Google

成育医療センターの医師から、沢山の症例を扱った先生と言われました、我が家は、川崎先生の素早い判断と助言のお陰で命を落とさず済みました。 いわゆる、昔の気難しい先生にあたるかもしれません。 午後の人がたくさんいる時間帯でハッキリしない子どもに対して厳しくあたるとか、自分で容態を伝えさせるとか、我が家もあります。 好き嫌いがわかれますが、短期間でズバっと治していただけるので我が家は一家でかかっています。
The doctor at the National Center for Child Health and Development told me that he was a teacher who handled many cases. Thanks to Dr. Kawasaki's quick judgment and advice, my family did not die. You may be the so-called grumpy teacher of the past. There are also homes, such as being strict with children who are not clear during the afternoon when there are many people, or letting them know their condition by themselves. You may like it or not, but since you can get rid of it in a short period of time, my family depends on it.
Nathan Gildart on Google

The staff and doctor here are great. Serves adults as well.

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