Yasuda Internal Medicine Clinic - Saitama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yasuda Internal Medicine Clinic

住所 :

Kビル 2 Chome-2-20 Takasago, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Postal code : 330-0063
Webサイト : http://www.yasuda-clinic.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–1PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–1PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:30AM–1PM
Friday 9:30AM–1PM

Kビル 2 Chome-2-20 Takasago, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0063, Japan
C B on Google

ここの先生は副鼻腔炎がお好きみたいです。 エコーやレントゲン、諸々の検査など 点数がかさむ診療が多く、本当に必要なのか少々疑問です。 2017年3月 胃の痛みで初めて受診しました。院長先生でした。 診察室に入ると、問診票を見ながらまず最初に鼻づまりの有無を聞かれ、無いと答えたのですが「自覚症状ない方が多いが副鼻腔炎の可能性が高い」と診察もせず言われてビックリ。 別室で鼻腔のエコーを撮ると、なんとなく鼻腔内がモヤがかっているようないないような…?鼻は常にスースー全開で、過去に耳鼻科を受診した時にも副鼻腔炎と言われたことは一度もありません。看護師さんから副鼻腔炎のパンフレットを渡されました。 診察室に戻ると「副鼻腔炎が原因の胃痛、鼻水が胃に落ちて荒れている」とキッパリ。 副鼻腔炎を治せば胃痛も治るとのことで、鼻のお薬を大量に処方されました。 納得がいかず、セカンドオピニオンとしてそのまま歩いて行ける距離にある鎌田医院の消化器内科を受診し、結局軽度の逆流性食道炎だとわかりました。鎌田医院の先生、受診までの経緯を聞いて苦笑いでした。 2017年5月 咳が止まらなくなり受診。今回も院長先生。 前回のことがあったので多少不安はありましたが、咳止めを貰うくらいならどこでも同じと甘く考えていたのが失敗でした。 診察室に入り、咳が止まらないと一言お伝えすると「副鼻腔炎が原因の咳なので引続き副鼻腔炎の治療が必要」と。まるで枕詞のように副鼻腔炎が出てきます。 前回と同じく別室でエコー、鼻水は溜まってるのか溜まってないのかわからないまま診察室に戻されました。 鼻は常にスースー通っているので納得がいかない旨を伝えると、「鼻水が奥に落ちて喉が荒れている、納得しない方多いですけどね」と前回の胃痛の時と全く同じ説明をしていただきました。 そして肺炎や喘息等の可能性を消すためにレントゲンと肺活量検査まですることに。 薬を飲めば2〜3日で咳は治るとのことで、今回も抗生物質やら漢方薬やら点鼻薬やら、副鼻腔炎関係の薬 計5種をたっぷり処方されました。 診察料は3割負担で3000円でした。 そのまま少し離れたドラッグストア内の調剤薬局に処方箋を出したのですが、薬剤師さんに「鼻がお辛いですか?」と聞かれ経緯を説明すると、鎌田医院に続きこちらも苦笑い。 とりあえず試しに今日の薬を飲んでみて、効かないようなら他の病院を受診した方がいいとやんわり言われました。 薬代は3割負担で約2000円。 診察料と合わせて計5000円でした。 そして薬を飲み始めて今日で丸5日が過ぎましたが、咳は治るどころか酷くなる一方。鼻の通りは元から全開だったので、特に変化なし。 もう二度と行かないと思います。
The teacher here seems to like sinusitis. There are many clinics that require a lot of scores, such as echo, x-rays, and various tests, so it is somewhat doubtful that they are really necessary. March 2017 I visited for the first time because of stomach pain. I was the director. When I entered the consultation room, I was first asked if there was a stuffy nose while looking at the questionnaire and answered that there was no nose, but I said without saying that `` There are many people who have no subjective symptoms but there is a high possibility of sinusitis '' I'm surprised. When I take an echo of the nasal cavity in a separate room, it seems that the inside of the nasal cavity does not seem to be haze ...? The nose is always fully open, and I have never been told sinusitis when I consulted an otolaryngologist in the past. The nurse gave me a brochure on sinusitis. When he returned to the consultation room, he said, "Stomach pain due to sinusitis, runny nose fell on my stomach and was rough." It is said that if you cure sinusitis, you will also cure stomach pain. I wasn't convinced and went to the gastroenterology department of Kamata Clinic, which was within walking distance as a second opinion. The doctor of Kamada Clinic was bitter laugh when he heard about the process up to the consultation. May 2017 Coughing did not stop and she was consulted. This time also the director. I was a little anxious because I had the last time, but it was a mistake to think that it was the same everywhere as long as I got a cough. Entering the consultation room and saying that the cough did not stop, he said, "Sinusitis is the cause of cough, so we need to continue to treat sinusitis." Sinusitis comes out like a pillow. As before, the echo was returned in a separate room and the snot was returned to the consultation room without knowing whether or not it had accumulated. When I told her that my nose was always soooooooooooo unconvincing, I explained exactly the same as the previous stomach ache, saying, "I have a runny nose falling down and my throat is rough. Whats And to do X-ray and spirometry to eliminate the possibility of pneumonia and asthma. It is said that if you take the medicine, the cough will be cured in a few days, and this time you were prescribed a lot of antibiotics, Chinese herbs, nasal drops, and sinusitis-related medicines. The consultation fee was 3,000 yen at 30% burden. I just gave a prescription to a dispensing pharmacy in a drug store a little further away, but when I asked my pharmacist, "Do you have a hard nose?" For the time being, I tried this medicine for the time being and told me that if it didn't work, I would recommend visiting another hospital. The drug fee is about 2000 yen at 30% burden. The total was 5,000 yen including the consultation fee. And it has been 5 days since I started taking medicine, but my cough is getting worse rather than getting better. The street of the nose was fully open from the beginning, so there was no particular change. I don't think I'll go again.
hi ha on Google

I always felt that something was entwined in my throat, and I visited several clinics in Tokyo, but the symptoms did not subside. When I talked to my seniors at work, I was introduced to Yasuda Internal Medicine Clinic. I went there thinking that it was a little far from my house (Tama, Tokyo). With careful medical treatment and the medicine I received, I wondered what the throat entanglement was now. Even though I am the same doctor, I realized that it depends on the treatment.
GoMoRa Yaah on Google

名医です! 都内在住の者です。 原因不明の咳に悩まされて、都内の内科を三か所受診したのですが治らず、 知人の医療関係者から「ここがいい」と教えられて、遠く浦和まで行きました。 院長先生(男性の方)の診察を受けたら、意外なことに「鼻に原因がある」と診断されて、お薬を処方して頂きました。 一発で治りました! それ以来、内科全般のこと、ちょっとした不調でも相談申し上げて、主治医になって頂いています。 隠れた達人だと思います。 日によっては副院長先生(女性の方)の診察を受けることもありますが、 こちらの先生も、私のモヤモヤした話に親身に寄り添って考えて下さり、結果として相談した全ての症状を治して頂きました。 副院長先生も名医だと思います。 これからも都内から通わさせて頂きます。
A great doctor! I am a resident of Tokyo. I was suffering from a cough of unknown cause, so I visited three internal medicine departments in Tokyo, but it didn't go away. I was told by an acquaintance's medical staff that "this is good" and went far to Urawa. When I was examined by the director (male), I was unexpectedly diagnosed as having a "nose cause" and prescribed medicine. Healed in one shot! Since then, I have been consulting with him about general internal medicine and even minor problems, and he has become my doctor. I think he is a hidden master. Depending on the day, you may be examined by the deputy director (female), This teacher also took a close look at my unpleasant story and, as a result, healed all the symptoms I consulted with. I think the deputy director is also a great doctor. I will continue to come from Tokyo.
poi poi on Google

私が最も信頼している街の名医です。 私の妻は10年以上の間、喘息の発作に悩まされ続けていました。 その間、たくさんの病院に通うにも一向に良くならず、半ば諦めかけていたところ、浦和へ引越して来たことをきっかけに安田内科クリニックに出逢いました。 過去はステロイド系の強い薬で発作を抑える事が多く、たくさんの薬を処方されていたのですが、こちらでは漢方を主とした薬を処方され、当時は半信半疑だったのを覚えています。 しかしながら、処方された翌々日くらいからみるみる発作は減り、今では発作に怯えることなく生活出来ております。 それ以降、妻だけでなく私もこちらのクリニックを愛用しております。 院長さんは極めて簡潔、副院長さんはより丁寧な印象です。
I am the most trusted city doctor. My wife has been suffering from asthma attacks for over a decade. During that time, I didn't get any better at going to many hospitals, and when I was about to give up, I came across the Yasuda Internal Medicine Clinic when I moved to Urawa. In the past, strong steroidal drugs were often used to control seizures, and many drugs were prescribed, but here I was prescribed drugs mainly for Chinese medicine, and I remember being half-confident at that time. However, the number of seizures seen from the day after the prescription has decreased, and now I can live without being frightened by the seizures. Since then, not only my wife but also I have been using this clinic habitually. The director is extremely concise, and the deputy director is more polite.
あ“あ” on Google

いつも通わせていただいています。 ここの口コミが悪くてびっくり! 咳が続きすぎて治らなかった時に、副鼻腔炎と診断され、処方された薬で治りました。 それ以来、信頼して通っています。 院長ははっきりした喋り方で、副医院長は優しい雰囲気です。不快な体験をしたことはありません。 質問はありますか?と、すいている時には先生から時間を取ってくれることもあります。ただ、混んでる時にはスピード対応はあったかもしれません。 副鼻腔炎によくなってしまうので、こちらの医者に助けられています。 副鼻腔炎以外ですと、今まで風邪、ウィスルス性胃腸炎、花粉症などもお世話になったことがあります。 日常的な病気で受診していましたが、問題なく薬も効いていました。
I always go there. I was surprised that the reviews here were bad! When my cough continued too long and I couldn't get rid of it, I was diagnosed with sinusitis and was cured with the prescribed medication. Since then, I have been trusting. The director speaks clearly and the deputy director has a gentle atmosphere. I have never had an unpleasant experience. Do you have any question? Sometimes, the teacher will take some time when I'm busy. However, there may have been speed support when it was crowded. My doctor is helping me because I get better with sinusitis. Other than sinusitis, I have also been indebted to colds, whistle gastroenteritis, and hay fever. I had a medical examination because of my daily illness, but the medicine was working without any problems.
えいきち。 on Google

風邪症状が2週間以上治らず胸も痛かったので受診しました。 予約なしでいきましたが、スムーズに通してもらえました。 女性の先生に診ていただき、丁寧なヒアリングや説明もあってとても安心できます。 お会計は専用の機械で行い、現金・クレジット対応で便利だと感じました。
I had a medical examination because my cold symptoms did not heal for more than 2 weeks and my chest hurt. I went without a reservation, but it went smoothly. You can feel relieved by seeing a female teacher and having a careful hearing and explanation. I felt that it was convenient to pay by using a dedicated machine and accept cash and credit cards.
yukie hatano on Google

副院長先生にしか診てもらったことがないのですが、とても丁寧で優しい方です。看護師の方々も優しくて安心できました。 クチコミが悪いのは院長先生の方なのでしょうか…?
I have only been seen by the Deputy Director, but he is very polite and kind. The nurses were kind and relieved. Is it the director who has bad reviews?
capensis Mellivora on Google

開院頃からお世話になっています。 咳がとにかく長引きどこに行っても治らず、ここに来たら治りました。 院長は総合病院の先生って感じで、副院長は優しい女医さん!って感じです。 院長は、人によっては「冷たい」って感じるのかも? 私はなんでもバンバン聞きますが、ちゃんと答えてくれます。 私はどちらの先生も好きです。 漢方処方してくれるので、何かとお世話になっています。
I have been indebted since the hospital opened. My cough was so long that I couldn't get rid of it no matter where I went, and when I came here, it got better. The director is like a general hospital teacher, and the deputy director is a gentle female doctor! I feel like. Maybe the director feels "cold" for some people? I listen to everything, but it answers properly. I like both teachers. They prescribe Chinese medicine, so I am indebted to them.

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