Ishii Internal Medicine Clinic - Saitama

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ishii Internal Medicine Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-17-12 Daitakubo, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88889
Postal code : 336-0015
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM

2 Chome-17-12 Daitakubo, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0015, Japan
Haruhiko Jimbo on Google

Very kind receptionist, nurse and doctor! Thank you!
mi n. on Google

Preschoolers are not accepted here. Also, there seems to be no respiratory department.
red wax on Google

Both teachers and nurses are kind and polite to talk about their medical condition and feel at ease.
ショージ on Google

The receptionists and doctors were both good people. The interior was also clean. I think it is better to renew the homepage. Because it is a good hospital.
・N N・ on Google

親切丁寧です 先生はおっとりとした感じ 口調がかなり丁寧です きちんと触診してくれます 受付は感じ良いです お年寄り多め 混んでいる時と空いている時の差があります 音声認識カルテなので 見ていて面白いです
Kind and polite The teacher feels good The tone is quite polite I will palpate properly Receptionist feels good More elderly people There is a difference between busy and empty times Because it is a speech recognition chart It is interesting to see
n t on Google

先生がとても優しく 話を聞いてくれて 説明もとてもわかりやすかった。 待ち時間は少し長かったが、 先生が一人一人の話を聞いて診断してくれているとわかったので、納得した。 漫画もたくさんあるので読んでいるとあっという間。看護師さんもとても感じがよかった。
The teacher is very kind Listen to me The explanation was also very easy to understand. The waiting time was a little long, I was convinced that the teacher listened to each person's story and made a diagnosis. There are a lot of manga, so it's quick to read. The nurse was also very nice.
りっつ on Google

私が今まで人生で出会った内科医の先生の中で一番物腰が柔らかく、丁寧な先生でした。 待ち時間はかなり待ちましたが、患者さん一人一人丁寧に向き合っているので、診察時間は他の病院と比べて長いと思います。 ちゃんと、話も聞いて下さって面白い先生です。看護師さん達も明るく、優しい方々です。 もっと早くこの医院と出会いたかったです。 急いでる方は早めの時間に行った方がいいと思います。
He was the most polite and polite teacher I have ever met in my life. I waited a long time, but since each patient is treated carefully, I think that the consultation time is longer than at other hospitals. He is an interesting teacher who listens to the story properly. The nurses are bright and kind. I wanted to meet this clinic earlier. If you are in a hurry, I think you should go early.
POO UT (PUT) on Google

とても親切で 先生も看護婦さんも みなさん優しくて 通院しやすいです。
Very kind and both teachers and nurses Everyone is kind and easy to go to the hospital.

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