Makino Clinic - Saitama

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Makino Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-3-12 Minamiurawa, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 336-0017
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM

3 Chome-3-12 Minamiurawa, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0017, Japan
Takayuki Tomita on Google

眼科を受診。1時間待ち、「コンタクトレンズを作りたくてきたのですが、順番まだでしょうか」と聞いたところ『この時間からはコンタクトレンズは処方できない』との回答→→事務対応にガッカリ、最初に言ってよ。 尚、内科の先生には何度も丁寧に診てもらってます。
Visit an ophthalmologist. I waited for an hour and asked, "I wanted to make contact lenses, but isn't it my turn?" And answered, "I can't prescribe contact lenses from this time." Yeah. In addition, the internal medicine teacher has been carefully examined many times.
桜ゆとり on Google

待ち時間がとにかく長く、院内での意思疎通が出来ていないのか必要な情報が全体に伝わっていないことがとても多いです。 平時に利用するのはあまりお勧めできないように感じました。
The waiting time is long, and it is very often that the necessary information is not conveyed to the whole, probably because communication within the hospital is not possible. I felt that it was not recommended to use it in peacetime.
6 otsuotsu on Google

He had a high fever and had unstoppable rheumatism and was treated by the director's son. I was worried that my eyes wouldn't stop, but I said that, "I'm not an ophthalmologist. If you're worried, please go to the annexed ophthalmologist." Even if I said 2.3 times, I had an irritated expression and a strong tone. He didn't touch any symptoms and didn't prescribe eye drops. When I looked it up, the ophthalmologist was run by the doctor's mother. I will never go again because the correspondence including the reception was really bad.
萌美中村 on Google

The teachers and the nurses also feel good. He listened to me and gave me a medical examination.
noriko on Google

注射が 下手すぎ!!!!! コロナワクチン一回目は、他の病院で 二回目は、ここで 受けました…。 一回目は、全くと言っていいほど 痛くありませんでした。 二回目…めちゃめちゃ痛かった! 3日たっても 痛みとれない。
Injection is too bad! !! !! !! !! The first corona vaccine was at another hospital The second time I received it here ... The first time is almost completely It didn't hurt. Second time ... it really hurt! I can't get rid of the pain even after 3 days.
イシハラマサル on Google

コチラが挨拶しているのに一度も目を合わす事無く、 挨拶の言葉すら無い失礼極まりない態度とられました。 たまたま現場が早く終わり、 仕事先から直接来た為に血圧手帳持って来て無いと説明したのにも関わらず、 「ちゃんと薬飲んで血圧測って血圧手帳持って来いよ!!!」 と、怒鳴られてしまいました。 と言うか、 ちゃんと薬飲んでいるから薬が無くなる訳であります(笑)後3日で薬が無くなる事も話しましたから数を数える事の出来る小学生ならば挨拶に挨拶で返す事も出来るでしょうね(笑)因みに私はお医者さんゴッコは幼稚園で卒業しましたね。
Even though this is greeting, I never made eye contact, It was a rude attitude without even greetings. It happened that the site ended early, Even though I explained that I didn't bring my blood pressure notebook because I came directly from my place of work "Take medicine properly, measure your blood pressure, and bring your blood pressure notebook !!!" I was yelled at. Or say, Because I'm taking the medicine properly, the medicine will run out (laughs) I also talked about the fact that the medicine will run out in 3 days, so if you are an elementary school student who can count the number, you can say hello to the greeting (laughs) By the way, I'm a doctor, Gokko graduated from kindergarten.
ken tana on Google

急に翌日休めることになったので、のびのびにしていた胃カメラを受けようと検索。 ネットですぐ予約できる空きがあったのでこちらで予約。 予約をとったあとクチコミをみてちょっと不安になったけど、行ってみるととても良い病院でした。 クチコミにあった対応の悪さはまったく感じず、皆様とても感じのいい方ばかりでした。
Suddenly I had to take a rest the next day, so I searched for a relaxed gastrocamera. There was a vacancy where I could make a reservation online, so I made a reservation here. After making a reservation, I was a little worried when I saw the word-of-mouth communication, but when I went there, it was a very good hospital. I didn't feel the bad response to the word-of-mouth communication at all, and everyone was very nice.
赤富士 on Google

眼科は通うのを止めた方が良いです。 設備が20年以上前とほとんど変わっていません。 視力検査表なんて、暗記している患者さんもいるかも。 内科も年長の先生(父親)は態度が良くなくて、診察もいまいち。 ただ、内科の若い先生(息子)だけは態度も良く、診察も良いらしいです。
It is better to stop attending ophthalmology. The equipment is almost the same as it was more than 20 years ago. Some patients memorize the vision test chart. The senior teacher (father) in internal medicine does not have a good attitude, and the medical examination is not good. However, only the young teacher (son) of internal medicine has a good attitude and a good medical examination.

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