Nishimura Internal Medicine Clinic - Saitama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nishimura Internal Medicine Clinic

住所 :

5 Chome-3-40 Nishibori, Sakura Ward, Saitama, 338-0832, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888879
Postal code : 338-0832
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

5 Chome-3-40 Nishibori, Sakura Ward, Saitama, 338-0832, Japan
Blue Passion on Google

家系が消化器系の癌で亡くなっており、今回、便秘で便が細くなっていたので大腸内視鏡を受診しようとネットで色々と検索しました。 調べていると、こちらの、にしむら内科クリニックでも、内視鏡を、行っており、皆さんの評価が、とても高かった為、こちらに受診しようと決めました。 20代で人生初の、内視鏡が不安で、鎮静剤を打ってから検査を、して頂いたのですが、鎮静剤が無くても院長の腕が、とても高く全く痛みが無く20分程で検査が、終りました。 また、院長や周りの女性スタッフさんが、優しく話し掛けて頂いたりして、とても信頼出来ました。 最後に、痔の薬を処方薬局で処方して頂いたのですが、薬剤師さんも含めて院長の内視鏡検査の技術は高いと、言っておりました。 次回、内視鏡検査を行う際は内科も含めて、こちらに受診させて頂きます! 本日は、ありがとうございました!
My family had died of gastrointestinal cancer and my stool was thin due to constipation, so I searched variously online to have a colonoscopy. During my research, I also had an endoscopy at the Nishimura Internal Medicine Clinic, and everyone's evaluation was very high, so I decided to go see this. I was in my twenties for the first time in my life because I was anxious about the endoscope, so I had a sedative and tested it, but even without the sedative, the director's arm is very high and there is no pain at all 20 minutes The inspection was completed. In addition, the director and the female staff around me kindly talked to me, and it was very reliable. Lastly, I had you prescribe a medicine for hemorrhoids at a prescription pharmacy, and he said that the director, including the pharmacist, has a high endoscopy technology. Next time, when you have an endoscopy, you will see the doctor, including the internal medicine department! Thank you for today!
ぽたぽた on Google

I visited you for a stomach check. I didn't use any sedatives either. I was surprised that it wasn't painful at all. I'm thinking of bothering my husband and wife next year. I didn't have a family doctor in my neighborhood, so I'm thinking of taking care of it. Thank you very much.
丸山一美 on Google

昨年、胃の具合が悪く受診しました。 院長先生や看護士の方達も、落ち着きがあって対応が臨機応変で素晴らしいクリニックです。 初めての胃カメラが西村先生でよかったです。
Last year, I had a medical examination because of my stomach illness. The director and nurses are also calm, flexible and wonderful clinics. I'm glad that Dr. Nishimura was the first gastrocamera.
J 1106 on Google

I was consulted because my stomach was sick and I was worried. The cleanliness of the hospital and the teachers listened seriously and I was able to consult with confidence. Advance preparations such as skipping meals are necessary, but it was good that I could do a gastroscopy without reservation on the day. Before the test, the female nurse talked about something and I was relaxed. There was almost no pain in the examination. It was a weekday afternoon, but there was little waiting time.
K A on Google

当日予約なしでも胃内視鏡をやっていただけるのはありがたいです。 院長先生や看護師の方は皆さん優しく安心して受けることができました。 こちらの疑問に対してもしっかり答えていただけます。 またこちらにお世話になりたいと思います。
I am grateful that you can do a gastroscopy without making a reservation on the day. The director and the nurses were all kind and relieved. You can answer this question well. I would like to take care of you again.
Hapon Okey on Google

胃腸の調子が悪いため胃と大腸の内視鏡を同時に受けました。鎮静剤を特に必要ありませんでした。全工程で30分少々でした。西村先生は、とても優しく温厚な先生で患者の話を良く聞いてくれます。内視鏡の検査の仕方もとても注意深く、丁寧な印象を受けました。受付の方もそうですが、看護師さんがとても優しかったのが印象的です。処方されたお薬でかなり調子が良くなってきました。年に1度程度は、このクリニックで胃と大腸の内視鏡をお願いしたいと思います。 中浦和駅からは徒歩12-15分掛かりますが、駅前から出る小さいバスに乗れば便利です。
I received stomach and colon endoscopes at the same time because of gastrointestinal upset. I did not need any sedatives. It was a little over 30 minutes in the whole process. Mr. Nishimura is a very kind and warm teacher who listens to the patient's story well. The method of endoscopy was also very careful and polite impression. As is the case with the receptionist, it is impressive that the nurse was very kind. I am getting pretty well with the prescribed medication. About once a year, I would like to ask for an endoscope of the stomach and large intestine at this clinic. It takes 12-15 minutes on foot from Nakaurawa Station, but it is convenient to take a small bus from the station.
とげまる on Google

検診でお世話になりました。 先生も看護師の皆さんもとても丁寧に応対して下さり、おかげさまで緊張も解け、リラックスして検査を受けることが出来ました。 喉が細いため鼻からの胃カメラを勧めていただきましたが、実際の苦痛程度は同じかなと感じたので、次回は普通に喉でお願いしようと思います。
Thank you for your help during the examination. The teachers and nurses responded very politely, and thanks to you, I was able to relax and take the examination. I recommended a gastrocamera from the nose because my throat is thin, but I felt that the actual degree of pain was the same, so next time I will ask for it with my throat normally.
泉川美恵子 on Google

Yesterday, I was taken care of by the gastroscope and colonoscope. It was my first time to do it at the same time, but I did it without any problems. Originally, I didn't sleep because of my illness and the sedatives didn't work well, but it wasn't as painful as the gastrocameras of other hospitals, and it ended in a blink of an eye. The nurse who was in charge of the examination also rubbed my back, which made me feel very comfortable. Professor Nishimura explained in an easy-to-understand manner, and I also wanted to have a medical examination here. thank you

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