3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

1 Chome-41番地の1 Miyamachi, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 183-0023
Webサイト : https://www.yaoko-net.com/store/store06/208.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM

1 Chome-41番地の1 Miyamachi, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0023, Japan
からまり on Google

私個人の問題かもしれませんが、直通のエスカレーターやエレベーターから降りたりしなければ、ヤオコー自体の場所が少し分かりづらいです。 また、ヤオコー自体も場所が広いからか、商品の陳列が分かりづらいと感じてしまいました。 ヤオコーポイントも、500ポイント分たまらないと使えないですし、またその500ポイントもそのまま使えるわけではなく商品券になるそうです。 少しシステムが分かりづらいなと感じてしまいました。 商品の品数や種類は少ない訳ではないので、近くに行ったら、また行くと思いますが、ポイントシステムは改善してほしいなと感じてしまいました。
It may be my personal problem, but it is a little difficult to find the location of Yaoko itself unless I get off the direct escalator or elevator. Also, I felt that it was difficult to understand the display of products, probably because Yaoko itself has a large space. Yaoko points cannot be used unless 500 points are accumulated, and the 500 points cannot be used as they are, and they are said to be gift certificates. I felt that the system was a little difficult to understand. The number and types of products are not small, so I think I will go there again if I go nearby, but I felt that I wanted the point system to be improved.
K Moe on Google

府中駅ユーザーとして立地が良く、価格も安く、品揃えも良いので重宝しています! お惣菜が豊富なので、仕事帰りにもよく利用しています。 お弁当系や単品おかずまで沢山ありますが、個人的にはカットフルーツコーナーにあるトライフルがお気に入りです? ヤオコーの他店舗を知らないので分かりませんが、極端にバリエーションが少ないものがある(例えばパスタソースや期間限定のお菓子など)のと、これはファミリー層が多く利用客も多い立地の特性かもしれませんが、極端に売り切れるものが稀にある(お鍋の季節の白菜や水菜がすっからかんになっていることがありました)など、ちょっと不思議な部分もありますが、逆にドライフルーツやナッツ系はPBのバリエーションも豊富だったり、ワゴンにこんもり積まれた特価品が定期的に変わったりという魅力もあるので、ヤオコーの性格と捉えればご愛嬌かなと◎ ☆-1の理由はここではなく、通路が狭すぎる場所がある点です! カート同士すれ違うのがギリギリの場所や、カート1台しか通れない細い通路があるので、ベビーカーや車椅子ユーザーの方は困るだろうなと思います。 その他は文句なしです!
As a Fuchu station user, the location is good, the price is cheap, and the product lineup is good, so it is useful! Since there are a lot of side dishes, I often use it on my way home from work. There are many lunch boxes and side dishes, but I personally like the trifle in the cut fruit corner ? I don't know because I don't know other stores of YAOKO, but there are some that have extremely few variations (for example, pasta sauce and sweets for a limited time), which may be a characteristic of the location where there are many families and many customers. It may be, but there are some strange parts such as rare things that are sold out extremely (the seasonal Chinese cabbage and water vegetables in the pot were sometimes completely empty), but on the contrary, dried fruits and nuts are There are a lot of variations of PB, and the bargain items piled up in the wagon change regularly, so if you think of it as Yaoko's character, it's cute. The reason for ☆ -1 is not here, but there are places where the passage is too narrow! I think that stroller and wheelchair users will be in trouble because there are places where carts pass each other at the last minute and there is a narrow aisle where only one cart can pass. Others are perfect!
ひよこ豆 on Google

It was spacious and had a large number of items, so I was able to shop comfortably. I had Yaoko's specialty Ohagi for the first time, but the sweetness was modest and it was very delicious. (* ^^ *)
- sally on Google

Overall, there are many items and many kinds of side dishes, so it is a very convenient supermarket. I feel that the number one product is abundant among the supermarkets around the station. The height of the table to be packed in the bag is such that the cart fits under the table (slightly lower), which is also very convenient.
S Miyata on Google

The side dish corner, bento box, and roast beef are also thickly sliced ​​with rare parts replaced. The menu is devised every week and I never get tired of it. It would have been nice if it was in the neighborhood of my house. Pasteurized milk is Toge Dairy Milk!
古山雅章 on Google

私は、リタイア前は西友の食品mgrをしていましたが単純にオーハースペースです。プロパーのパンはインストアーベカリーがあるので商品の種類が少なくインストアーベカリーとの間でも食パンの8枚切り、サンドウィッチ用が品揃いに有りません。6枚切りやロールパンは賞味期限が3日もダブっています。パンだけではなく納豆、豆腐、牛乳、ヨーグルト等も同様です。 グロッサリーに目を転じて観ると品揃え、商品量も陳列も良く出来ています。自動発注の発注点と品だし及び在庫管理が上手くマッチしているようです。 生鮮3部門(青果、精肉、鮮魚)は全てセンターパックの様ですね! 青果はいま高値で仕入れができないのか、品揃えが酷く買いたい物が何も無い状況。精肉、鮮魚はセンターパック商品を芸もなくただ並べているだけの様子。惣菜はお弁当の種類、量も豊富と言えば良いのでしょうが、サラダや惣菜は殆どありません。 商品ロスがおそらくかなり出ていると思われます。社員、パートもフロアには殆ど出ていません。 同じフロアに2店のスーパーが存在している事自体が変だと思われます。どちらかを業態変更するべきと思われます。どちらか体力の無い方が撤退となる恐れ大です。市も出店計画時点で考えられたはずだと思います。
I retire before is the food, but mgr had been simply Oh Her space of Seiyu. Eight cut the bread in between there are few kinds of in-store base Curry of goods because proper is of bread there is an in-store base Curry, for the sandwich does not have to goods set. Six cut and bread rolls are mapped twice than three days shelf life. Natto not only bread, tofu, milk, yogurt, etc. The same is true. Assortment and glossary to watch in turn your eyes, you have items amount can also may display. Ordering point and the goods out and inventory management of automatic ordering seems to have been well matched. Fresh three divisions (fruit and vegetables, meat, fish) is it looks like this is all center pack! Do fruit and vegetables can not purchase at a high price now, even those that want to buy badly assortment what no situation. Meat, how the only fresh fish are side by side just without any tricks the center pack goods. Prepared foods is the kind of lunch, the amount also will be good Speaking of wealth, but the salads and side dishes There is almost no. It seems that commodity loss is probably out fairly. Employees, part does not come out almost to the floor. Itself is seems strange that 2 shops of super on the same floor are present. Which do you think should be business conditions change. It is fear large that those without is either physical strength becomes a withdrawal. Also I think that it should have been considered in the opening time of planning.
いちごママ on Google

There are a wide variety of side dishes, and it comes in handy when you want one more item. It is a timeless lineup and a household-friendly price. I often buy tomatoes, but I think there are many sweet and delicious ones. Yaoko is not so close to the station, so this location is really helpful.
わたかん on Google

少し自宅から遠いけど、買いにいきます。 トマトは甘くておいしかった。 魚もアラやカマなどあってつまみに最高。 お肉は馬刺しも好きだし、パン側にある豚タンが安くて最高。塩ごま油?とニンニクつきでお酒が進む。 お弁当の鮭の西京焼き。毎日食べたいぐらいです。ちょっとお高いけど。
It's a little far from home, but I'm going to buy it. The tomatoes were sweet and delicious. There are also fish such as ara and kama, which are great for snacks. I also like horse sashimi for meat, and the pork tongue on the bread side is cheap and the best. Salted sesame oil? With garlic, sake goes on. Saikyo-yaki of salmon for lunch. I want to eat it every day. It's a little expensive though.

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