Foods Market Saeki Wakamatsucho - Saeki Fuchu

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Foods Market Saeki Wakamatsucho

4 Chome-36-2 Wakamatsucho, Saeki Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0005, Japan
Chizuru Usami on Google

There is a feeling that the store is small and the product lineup is not good overall. But on Mondays, vegetables are cheap so I definitely go!
三田克義 on Google

親切なお店なので、自宅から距離がありますが、この10年来愛用しております。 こちらのベーカリー、お値段お手頃で美味しいです。あんパンは素朴なすっきりとした昔ながらの懐かしい味で、毎回必ず買っています。 アップルパイは、リンゴいっぱいの伝統的な形で、隠れた名品だと思います。
It's a kind shop, so it's a long way from home, but I've been using it for the last 10 years. This bakery is reasonably priced and delicious. Anpan has a simple, clean and nostalgic taste, and I always buy it. I think the apple pie is a traditional form full of apples and is a hidden gem.
たなしゅう on Google

商品は安くて品数豊富です。 駐車場も広く、立地は良いですよ。 惣菜やパンは微妙でした。
The products are cheap and abundant. The parking lot is large and the location is good. The side dishes and bread were delicate.
原田暁之 on Google

まず品揃えがイイ(肉と魚は普通)。面積が広くないのに基本の品揃えプラスアルファの提案が面白い。商品棚にはなるべく多くの種類を置けるよう努力されている。大豆ミートや地産地消のコーナーなどもある。お惣菜とパンがとても美味しそう! それから駐車場の出し入れがしやすい。
First of all, the assortment is good (meat and fish are normal). Although the area is not large, the proposal of basic assortment plus alpha is interesting. Efforts are being made to place as many types as possible on the product shelves. There is also a soybean meat and local production for local consumption corner. The side dish and bread look very delicious! And it's easy to get in and out of the parking lot.
鼻でか太郎 on Google

駐車場が無料な事以外は良いところなし。 パンも高いし、魚も肉も野菜も高め。 チラシの安い商品以外はお得な物は無いですね。 スーパー近くの方が利用するくらいでわざわざこちらを利用する意味は無い。
There is nothing good except that the parking lot is free. Bread is expensive, and fish, meat, and vegetables are expensive. There are no great deals other than cheap leaflets. There is no point in using this as it is used by people near the supermarket.
沖本健 on Google

店員さんのマナー等はよく指導されており、とても真面目に思います。 置いてあるものは基本的に安くはないと思います。良くも悪くも普通。 変わった食べ物とか売ってます、豚耳とか肉の変な部位だとか 肉、野菜、飲み物等まとめて買えるスーパーがここにしかないので通っていますが 地域密着型のスーパーならもう少しだけ安いと嬉しいですね。 高級層向けでもなく、低所得者向けでもなく、普通のスーパーですね。
The manners of the clerk are well instructed and I think it is very serious. I don't think the ones that are placed are basically cheap. Good or bad is normal. We sell strange foods, such as pig's ears and strange parts of meat. I go there because there is only a supermarket where you can buy meat, vegetables, drinks, etc. all at once. I'd be happy if a community-based supermarket is a little cheaper. It's not for the high class, not for the low income, it's an ordinary supermarket.
きよぽん on Google

「なかざわ」と言う男性店員が売り場なのにアゴマスク状態で女性店員に大声で喋っていてドン引き! よく陳列作業してるの見るから此所で買い物するの怖くなったよ...。 だって仕事中に売り場でそんな事できるやつ、衛生面大丈夫かよって思っちゃうよね~
A male clerk called "Nakazawa" is talking loudly to a female clerk in an agony mask state even though it is in the sales floor. I was afraid to shop here because I often see the display work. Because the guy who can do that at the sales floor during work, I wonder if hygiene is okay ~
Leonid on Google

A big supermarket with variety of meat, fish and other products. A good place to buy products.

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