Yamananoshinkei Clinic

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

やまな脳神経外科クリニック|伏見区の脳神経外科|リハビリテーション科 - Yamana-clinic.com


About Yamananoshinkei Clinic

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Contact Yamananoshinkei Clinic

住所 :

Fukakusasu Jikaibashikita, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-0869 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://yamana-clinic.com/
街 : Kyoto

Fukakusasu Jikaibashikita, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-0869 Kyoto,Japan
キタキタキタさん on Google

A comfortable MRI examination with video and music will be performed on the same day.
Trek mkmk Star on Google

Thank you for your thorough examination and for your polite explanation. Also, despite the reservation made the day before, I was able to have an MRI examination, which was helpful. m (__) m
mkj py on Google

腰椎椎間板ヘルニアのMRIって幾らぐらいするんだろう、、 OH!お返事ありがとうございます。腰痛のリハビリ( ウォーターベッド型マッサージ器)気持ちよさそうですね。 一度行ってみたいです。
How much does an MRI of a lumbar disc hernia cost? OH! thank you for your reply. Back pain rehabilitation ( Waterbed type massager) Sounds good. I want to go there once.
長坂隆明 on Google

先日、頭痛がするのでこちらのクリニックに行きました。院長先生は非常に丁寧で、スタッフの皆様も優しく非常に好感が持てるクリニックでした。 生まれて初めてのMRI撮影でしたが、音も想像していた音より静かで、画像を見ながらの撮影だったので、退屈しませんでした。
The other day, I had a headache, so I went to this clinic. The director was very polite, and the staff were kind and very likable. It was my first MRI scan in my life, but the sound was quieter than I had imagined, and I was shooting while looking at the image, so I wasn't bored.
J&M on Google

本日、偏頭痛で初来院しました。院内はとても綺麗で受付の方は笑顔で優しいです。 不安があり沢山質問しましたが、話を聞いてくださって優しい先生です。
I visited the hospital for the first time today with a migraine. The hospital is very beautiful and the receptionist is smiling and kind. I was worried and asked a lot of questions, but he was a kind teacher who listened to me.
suguri on Google

先生がすごく丁寧に話を聞いてくれます。 検査結果もわかりやすく説明してくれます。 MRIもすぐ撮れるので、その日に検査をして結果が分かるところも忙しい方にはいいと思います。近くにクリニックできて良かったと思いました。そして検査して分かったこともあったので、行ってよかったです。 受付の方や看護師の方もみなさん丁寧です。
The teacher will listen to you very carefully. It also explains the test results in an easy-to-understand manner. MRI can be taken immediately, so I think it's good for busy people who can see the results of the examination on that day. I'm glad I could have a clinic nearby. And I'm glad I went because I found out by inspection. The receptionist and the nurses are all polite.

新しく開業された病院には行ったことありませんが 以前先生に診ていただいた事があります。 山名先生はとても素敵なドクターです。 こちらの話も嫌な顔1つせず、いろいろ質問しても 丁寧に答えてくれます。 私もいろいろな病院へ行き医者を見てきましたが 今までで2人だけこの医者なら全てを信用出来ると思ったのが、1人は山名先生です。 遠い為なかなか受診する事は難しいですが また時間と機会がありましたら 受診させていただきたいです。
I've never been to a newly opened hospital I have seen a teacher before. Mr. Yamana is a very nice doctor. Even if you ask a lot of questions without having one unpleasant face in this story They will answer politely. I also went to various hospitals and saw doctors Until now, only two doctors thought that this doctor could trust everything, one was Dr. Yamana. It ’s difficult to get a medical examination because it ’s far away. If you have time and opportunity again I would like to have a medical examination.
sumayod aljoy on Google

We visit here because of my daughter, she had in a bus accident and felt headaches and body pain? it was a great experience to see a great doctor like here in Yamana clinic, even though my child was a 5yr old kid she was able to undergo the MRI she was scared at first because its her first time and the noise of the sound ,well its part of the check up and im beside her all throughout the process we are happy to experience this kind of clinic. All staff and specially the specialist/doctor was listening to all our concerns unlike the other hospitals they will just judge you by your physical appearance and gesture. they will say your ok if you can still walk and talk they will just tell you can go home you are still ok. The purpose of visiting to a doctor is to express your concerns about your head and body, other might not listen to you but they will ask you to pay, here in this clinic they will listen to you and treat you well thank you very much for this great treatment for my daughter! highly recommend!

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