Fujinomori Pharmacy - Kyoto

4/5 に基づく 1 レビュー

Contact Fujinomori Pharmacy

住所 :

ふじのもり薬局 41-1 Fukakusa Karekicho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-0875, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 612-0875
Webサイト : https://www.pharmarise.com/company/store/store.php%3Fstore_id%3D604

ふじのもり薬局 41-1 Fukakusa Karekicho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-0875, Japan
いっちゃんいっちゃん on Google

After receiving an introduction from my new post, I started attending the Kyoto Medical Center on 20/09. At first, I was getting medicine at another pharmacy, but the waiting time was long and the response was strangely polite, so I changed to this from 20/11/13, but the response was good and the medicine was prepared. However, the bag containing the medicine can be reused from the next time. In addition, I was introduced that there is an electronic version of the medicine notebook and registered it. After that, when I visited a nearby hospital without a medication notebook, it was helpful to be asked about the medication status and to be shown the electronic registration.

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