Yamamotoshinzokekkan Clinic

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医療法人 山本心臓・血管クリニック|京都市中京区の下肢静脈瘤・心臓・血管治療 - Kyoto-jyoumyaku.jp


医療法人 山本心臓・血管クリニック|京都市中京区の下肢静脈瘤・心臓・血管治療 - Kyoto-jyoumyaku.jp


TEL : 075-748-1292 
FAX : 075-748-1293

Contact Yamamotoshinzokekkan Clinic

住所 :

Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8142 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87789
Webサイト : http://kyoto-jyoumyaku.jp/
街 : Kyoto

Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8142 Kyoto,Japan
川勝眞弓 on Google

Yoshimi NISHIKAWA on Google

yuki mami on Google

After surgery, he was ill and went to another hospital, where he was told that his foot disease remained. When I paid, I was laughing from the consultation room. A hospital that seems to have no time to spare.
なんばよういちろう on Google

For catheter surgery of myocardial infarction, I received an appropriate second opinion. The surgery was successful because of that. Thank you very much.
ちゃまこ on Google

不安があるからいろいろと質問したいのに、毎回「何度も言いますけど」「さっきも聞かれましたけど」と面倒くさそうに言われます。 こちらは同じ質問はしていないのに、先生からするとしつこく聞こえたようです。 挙句の果てに、私が話している最中に次の患者のカルテをタブレットで見ながら適当に相槌をうつ始末。 言葉は丁寧ですが、患者思いの医者とは思えません。二度と行きません。 あ、でも看護婦さんは美人で気さくで感じのいい方でした。
Because I have anxiety, I want to ask a variety of questions, "Each time I say" many times "," I was asked a little while ago "I will be told to be troubled. Although I did not ask the same question, I heard persistently from my teacher. At the end of the phrase, while I was talking, I properly deal with complaints while watching the chart of the next patient on the tablet. The word is polite, but I do not think it is a patient-minded doctor. I will not go back. Oh, but the nurse was a beautiful woman with a nice feeling.
on Google

下肢静脈瘤を見ていただきましたが、先生がタバコ臭い!! 吸って間もない感じで、動く度に臭いがムワッと広がり兎に角臭いで気持ち悪くなって、説明が入って来なかった。 吸うなと言わないが、せめて臭いに気を使って欲しかった。 先生も冷たい印象だし、余所に行きます。 受付、看護士さんは良かったのに残念です。
I have seen the lower extremity varicose veins, but the teacher smells cigarettes! ! As I sucked, I felt smelly spreading every time I moved, and I felt sick with the smell of rabbits, and no explanation came in. I do not say that I should not smoke, but at least I wanted to use mind for smell. The teacher is also a cold impression and I will go to the rest. Receptionist, nurse is sorry to have been good.
なちなち on Google

I attended a seminar on lower limb varicose veins, and had a medical examination afterwards. I was told to have surgery at another hospital, but I saw here that it was not a varicose vein. The teacher and nurse here told me that hospitals for varicose veins other than Kyoto had no illness and had to be operated forcibly because they were not sick, so I thought that going to various hospitals and second opinion was important. Was.
桃源郷太郎 on Google

I had an operation for varicose veins of the lower extremities before. It was a quick operation and there was no pain. I think he is a teacher with excellent skills. It has been many years since the surgery, but the prognosis is good and the swelling and tiredness of the legs are gone and it is very comfortable. I'm really glad I had the surgery. Currently, I go to the hospital regularly due to another illness, but I am very grateful that he manages it properly.

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