Obata Gastroenterology - Kyoto

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

小畑内科クリニック - Obata-medical-clinic.com


小畑内科クリニック - Obata-medical-clinic.com

日経メディカル オンライン10月4日号「抗体製剤でクローン病が劇的に改善」に少しですが記事が収載されています。読んで見て下さい。http://medical.nikkeibp.co.jp/leaf/mem/pub/report/201310/532805.html

Contact Obata Gastroenterology

住所 :

62 Tsukibokocho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8492, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 600-8492
Webサイト : http://www.obata-medical-clinic.com/

62 Tsukibokocho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8492, Japan
ushio bessho on Google

HIRO on Google

Poor quality, worthless
Toshi on Google

The teachers and nurses are very kind.
おもにー on Google

The people at the hospital here are all very kind, and the teacher always gives a kind and polite examination.
さつき on Google

I had a medical examination because of stomach upset. Please be easy to talk to and listen to the story.
Lilly on Google

態度が悪すぎて、面白かったです。 体調悪くて行ってるのにどうして上から目線なんだ? もう行きません。
The attitude was too bad and it was interesting. Why are you looking from above when you're feeling sick? I won't go anymore.
sh s on Google

コロナ対策は全くされておらず待合で密。 消毒は徹底されておらずこれでは コロナ感染が広まることでしょう また先生は知識不足か、目の前で薬を調べて「わからんなあ」と言われ大変不安に感じました。 態度も横暴さが垣間見れ、非常に不快な思いをしました。二度と行きません。
Corona measures are not taken at all and it is densely waiting. Disinfection is not thorough and this is Corona infection will spread In addition, the teacher was very anxious when he was told "I don't know" when he looked up the medicine in front of him, probably because he lacked knowledge. I had a glimpse of his attitude and domineering, which made me very uncomfortable. I will never go again.
家庭菜園サラリーマン on Google

先日、仕事帰りに初めて訪問したのですが、 先生は気さくで話しやすく、親切で丁寧な対応をして頂きました。 また、看護師さん・受付の方も優しく、本当に助かりました。
The other day, I visited for the first time on my way home from work. The teacher was friendly, easy to talk to, and kind and polite. Also, the nurses and receptionists were kind and really helpful.

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