Yakushido - Nagoya

3.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Yakushido

住所 :

Kamishinmachi Kasaderacho, Minami Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 457-0051, Japan

Postal code : 457-0051
Webサイト : http://kasadera.jp/

Kamishinmachi Kasaderacho, Minami Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 457-0051, Japan
西谷廣 on Google

名古屋市〔笠寺観音・薬師堂〕の右手に千鳥塚(芭蕉句碑)が建っている。 星崎の闇を見よとや啼千鳥 芭蕉翁 享保14年(1729)冬(芭蕉の36回忌)、各務支考の門人・丹羽以之が建立し、全国で最初の句碑と言われる。句は、貞享4年(1687)11月寺島邸で巻かれた歌仙の発句。(⇒千句公園・千鳥塚) 碑陰・側面には 寝覚めは松風の里 呼つぎは夜明けてから 笠寺は雪の降る日 と刻まれているというが、よく読めなかった。 多宝塔の横には〔春雨塚〕(芭蕉句碑)がある。
Chidorizuka is located on the right of Nagoya City (Kannon / Yakushido). Look at the darkness of Hoshizaki or Chidori Aoi Kyobo 14 years (1729) winter (36 times of the acupuncture), the gatekeeper of each work branch, built by Niwa, is said to be the first monument in the country. The phrase is the phrase of Kasen, which was rolled in Terajima House in November 1687. (⇒ Chikuru Park · Chidorizuka) On the side of the monument Sleeping day is a Matsukaze-no-Sato after a dawn is dawn, and the Zen temple is a snowing day It is said that it is engraved, but I could not read well. There is a [Hunmazuka] (complementary monument) next to the tower.
2666 10993 on Google

The Ioden, which enshrines Yakushi Nyorai, is on the east side of the main hall. The statue of Yakushi Nyorai has been rehabilitated. It is a sitting statue of a wooden Buddha, one shaku and six inches long, and is written by Jikaku Daishi.

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