Kasaderakannon - Nagoya

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kasaderakannon

住所 :

Kamishinmachi-83 Kasaderacho, Minami Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 457-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 457-0051
Webサイト : http://kasadera.jp/

Kamishinmachi-83 Kasaderacho, Minami Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 457-0051, Japan
小川悟志 on Google

本笠寺駅から歩いて10分でした。駅前に地図がありましたが、真っ直ぐ東に歩いたら到着です。現在、本殿修復ですので参拝しにくいです。 駐車場は寺の東側にあるのですが、分かりにくいですね。
It was a 10-minute walk from Motokasadera station. There was a map in front of the station, but if you walk straight east, you will arrive. Currently, it is difficult to worship because the main shrine is being restored. The parking lot is on the east side of the temple, but it's hard to understand.
勝又節乗 on Google

This is Kasadera Kannon. It has been more than 1700 years since it was erected in 733. Currently it is being repaired and not all are open to the public, but it seems that it will end by the end of 2021. It's a small temple, but historically it's very old. The visit is lively on the 6th. Six cities are held every month on the 6th day. There is no such thing as this, but I think you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of the Showa era.
ムッシュTanjima on Google

戦争で焼失してしまった大須観音と違い、笠寺観音には江戸時代の建物が残っていて、ここに来ると歴史を感じることができます。 うちの娘は亡き私の母が観音様にお願いして授かったと言っていました。今日は22年経ってから、そのときのお礼にお参りさせていただきました。
Unlike Osu Kannon, which was burnt down in the war, Kasadera Kannon still has a building from the Edo period, and you can feel the history when you come here. My daughter said that my late mother asked Kannon to give it to me. Today, 22 years later, I would like to thank you for that time.
Mountain Kicha on Google

バリアフリーのスロープがあり、足の不自由な方やお年寄りでも安心。 逆に風情は落ちますが 利便性を優先して正解と思います。
There is a barrier-free slope, so it is safe for people with disabilities and the elderly. On the contrary, the taste will drop I think the answer is correct, giving priority to convenience.
タカ on Google

笠地蔵ならぬ笠観音を祀る寺、通称 笠寺観音こと笠覆寺(りゅうふくじ)の毎月「6」のつく祈願日の青空市『六の市』(雨天中止)に出向いてみました。 車での訪問なので近隣のパーキングに停めて、目的地は同じであろう地元のお婆さま等に混じりながら歩くと西門に到着。 ※写真映えなら南側にある緩やかな石橋と放生池が有る「仁王門」がオススメ。 21年10月の時点ではまだ改装中の本堂の周りには出店が数店。出店の数が少ないなと思いながら奥に向かうと坂を登る道中から青果や鮮魚の出店が並び始める。(主に青果) 訪問はすでに昼過ぎの為、来客もまばらで品数も少なめだけれども食べ頃の青果が並んでおり、秋採れの野菜にも目を惹かれますが今日の目的は果物なので数店を見て周ります。 大ぶりのシャインマスカットが1000円で有ったり、もう収穫も終わりそうな大ぶりの梨にも悩みましたが、売り子のお姉さんに勧められて、既に熟れ熟れの「いちじく」と小ぶりながら香りの良い「ときりんご」を購入。あと別店にてパイナップル(コレはDOLEで地域感は無し 笑)も安くしてくれたので購入。 帰宅後直ぐに冷蔵庫にて冷やし頂くと、いちじくは皮を剥くのが大変ながら熟れた果肉は柔らかくネットリとしてジャムの様に甘くて、ときりんごはシャキシャキと歯応え良く酸味は弱くてコクのある爽やかな甘味。(パイナップルは追熟出来ないけど後日賞味。) 大変満足で、また足を運ぼうと思います。 タコ焼きやネギ焼き・みたらし団子などはまた後日訪れた際のお楽しみにとっておきます。
I went to the blue sky city "Roku no Ichi" (cancelled in the rain) on the prayer day with "6" every month at Kasadera Kannon, a temple that enshrines Kasaderakannon, which is not Kasa Jizo. Since it is a visit by car, we stopped at a nearby parking lot and walked while mixing with local grandmothers who would have the same destination, and we arrived at the west gate. * If you want to take a photo, we recommend "Niomon", which has a gentle stone bridge and a free life pond on the south side. As of October 2009, there are several stores around the main hall, which is still under renovation. While thinking that the number of stores is small, heading toward the back, the stores of fruits and vegetables and fresh fish begin to line up on the way up the slope. (Mainly fruits and vegetables) Since the visit is already after noon, the number of visitors is sparse and the number of items is small, but the fruits and vegetables that are ready to eat are lined up, and the vegetables harvested in autumn are also attracting attention, but today's purpose is fruits, so I will go around several stores. I was worried about the large Shine Muscat for 1000 yen and the large pears that are about to be harvested, but I was recommended by the saleswoman's older sister, and the already ripe and ripe figs are small but fragrant. Purchased "Toki apple". I also bought a pineapple at another store because it was cheaper (this is DOLE and there is no sense of locality lol). Immediately after returning home, if you cool it in the refrigerator, the figs are hard to peel, but the ripe flesh is soft and sweet like jam, and the apples are crispy and crunchy, with a weak acidity and a refreshing sweetness. .. (Pineapple cannot be ripened, but it will be tasted at a later date.) I am very satisfied and will come back again. Takoyaki, green onion and mitarashi dumplings will be reserved for future visits.
弘美 on Google

毎年恒例、節分の笠寺観音へお参り。 これで清々しく、春が迎えられる‼️ 節分?は朝、笠寺観音と玉照姫に行くのがおすすめ‼️ 昨晩、家族の仕事帰りに合わせお参り。このコロナ禍でどちらも閉まっていた。 今日は立春。大好きな笠寺公園を散歩しながら、笠寺観音と玉照姫をお参り。 玉照姫では、お参りでゴーンと鐘を打っていただきありがたくお参りしました。 風はまだ冷たいけど、日のひかりを浴びてのお参りは背筋が伸びる❗ 梅の花の春の香りや水仙の甘い香り‼️ やっぱりいいなぁ✨春の訪れ❗
Visit Kasaderakannon in Setsubun every year. This is refreshing and spring is coming! ️ Setsubun ? is recommended to go to Kasaderakannon and Tamateruhime in the morning! ️ Visited last night on the way home from work for my family. Both were closed due to this corona. Today is Lichun. Visit Kasadera Kannon and Tamateruhime while taking a walk in your favorite Kasadera Park. At Tamateruhime, we thank you for hitting the bell with Gone. The wind is still cold, but when you visit in the light of the sun, your spine grows ❗ The spring scent of plum blossoms and the sweet scent of daffodils! ️ After all it is good ✨ The arrival of spring ❗
J D on Google

i feel so cleansed and purified
Scott Combs on Google

I thought it was a really nice temple. You could feel it in the atmosphere. The incense burning added to the feel. I like how they are preserving the temple and making it last. The cranes were a nice touch. One of my favorite parts was the detail on the wooden sculptures, especially on the entrance gate. It was neat to see.

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