Yakuouin - Mito

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yakuouin

住所 :

682 Motoyoshidacho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0836, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 310-0836
Webサイト : http://www.yakuouin.jp/

682 Motoyoshidacho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0836, Japan
雀の学校 on Google

It's a quiet and well-cleaned temple in the city.
Hou Yaita on Google

この寺院は、天台宗の古刹で ここの本堂は 国の重要文化財になっています。ただし1年に一回しか 御開帳しないので、堂内を見た事がありません。入口の仁王門は、萱葺きの 趣のある 立派な造りです。
This temple is an ancient temple of the Tendai sect. The main hall here is an important cultural property of South Korea. However, since I only open the book once a year, I have never seen the temple. The entrance Niomon is a tasteful and fine structure with thatched roof.
杉浦さん on Google

お彼岸、お盆、故人の命日とお世話になっています。 お盆は駐車スペースが狭く込み合います。 とても静かな場所です。
It is taken care of with the Higan, Obon, the death date of the deceased. Obon is crowded with small parking spaces. It ’s a very quiet place.
怒ケンジ on Google

About 10 minutes on foot from Yoshida Shrine, there is a thatched-roof mountain gate. The green is beautiful.
Ryobee M. on Google

県道180号線「薬王院前」バス停の向かいの一本道を入っていくと、住宅地の中に茅葺き屋根の風格ある仁王門が見えてきます。まるで京都の門跡寺院を思わせる佇まいの境内は広々として緑が深く、ここだけ違う空気が流れているようです。宗派は天台宗青蓮寺派、公家から嫁いできたという徳川光圀の正妻泰姫の菩提も弔われたという由緒あるお寺です。 仁王門の正面に見える本堂(室町期再建)は【国指定重要文化財】、本堂内の薬師如来坐像(平安時代作)や十二神将像(南北朝時代作)、仁王門(江戸期)は【県指定文化財】だそうです。本堂は残念ながら普段は閉まっており、毎年4月8日の花まつり(御釈迦様の誕生日)と5月最終日曜日(お田植祭)に一般公開されるとのことです。 例年花まつりの日は桜の満開とほぼ重なり、境内のしだれ桜が見事です。尚、花まつりの日は本堂には入れますが御本尊の薬師如来坐像の扉は閉まったまま。御本尊は年に一度、5月の最終日曜日にだけ御開帳だそうです(夕方4時ごろから)。本堂には他に十二神将像や、朽ちかけた一木造りの三体の仏像(平安仏三体)などが安置されており、それらはかなり近い位置から拝観することが出来ます。実は平安仏三体は「伝教大師(最澄)自作」の裏書があるそうですが、最澄本人がこの辺りまで実際にやってきたという確かな記録は残っていません。三体とも老朽化が激しく輪郭も危うい状態になってきていますが、もし裏書きが本当ならば、本堂にある仏像の中で一番価値があるのはこの朽ちた仏像でしょう。 境内の説明板によると開基は平安時代初期(800年頃?)に遡り、桓武天皇の勅願で伝教大師(最澄)が創建した、とあります。桓武天皇は奈良の寺院の影響力を排するために都を平安京に遷し、最澄や空海を登用して天台宗などの新仏教を支持し、地方政治にも力を注いだことで知られています。各地に作られた勅願寺もそうした改革の一環だったのでしょうが、それにしてもなぜこんな場所に?と、現在の水戸市の中心部からは離れているので不思議に感じます。しかし当時は勿論水戸城もまだなく、常陸三ノ宮でもある吉田神社(創建は490年ごろと言われている)のあるこの台地が、この辺りでは一番有力な土地だったのでしょう。 鎌倉時代初期からは吉田神社の別当寺となり「吉田神社神宮寺薬王院」と称したそうです。代々の領主の庇護を受けて次第に独立した力を持つようになり、室町時代に本堂が焼け落ちてしまった際も当時この地を治めていた江戸通泰により直ちに再建されました(1529年)。尚、佐竹氏の時代に一時真言宗に変えられたそうですがすぐに復されます。 江戸時代に入ってからは水戸徳川家の菩提寺となり別当職も廃されますが、光圀は本堂の解体改築修理を行い「土間床の禅宗様建物の如き姿に模様替え」してしまったそうです。 幕末になると神仏分離の風潮の中、藩主斉昭により境内にあった泰姫と亀千代丸(光圀の兄)の遺骨が瑞龍山に移され、その後は不遇の時代を迎えます。 明治13年の大火災により 「本坊を焼失し 古文書および寺宝等悉く灰燼に帰し、寺院の財力は窮乏し 老朽破損の極みに至った堂宇の抜本的修理が出来ないまま、幾星霜 焦燥の思いで一日も早く完全な保存修理のなることを緇素(しそ)共々念願しつつ、応急修理をもって歴代維持に努めてきた」 と、並々ならぬ苦難の歴史が境内片隅の石碑に刻まれていました。 そして戦後、国や県の文化財に指定されたことで補助金の交付を得ることができ、昭和43年から大修理に取りかかったとのこと。この時も補助金拠出の陳情から工事運営、資金勧募まで相当苦労したようです。尚、この大修理によって本堂は光圀が改築した禅宗様式から元の姿に改められ「享禄2年(1529年)建立の堂宇を拝することが出来た」と書かれています。水戸藩の菩提寺という位置付けだったとはいえ、実は光圀との関係は複雑なものだったのかもしれません。境内やお庭もこの時に寺格にふさわしいものに整備され、昭和51年落慶式を迎えたそうです。 普段は文字通り閑散としているので、入るのがためらわれるかもしれません。地元にとって貴重な歴史遺産でもあるので、観光地化とまでは言いませんが、もう少し開かれた雰囲気の寺院にしないと勿体ない気がします。
If you enter the straight road opposite the "Yakuoin-mae" bus stop on Prefectural Road 180, you will see the stately Niomon gate with a thatched roof in the residential area. The precincts, which look like a monzeki temple in Kyoto, are spacious and deep in green, and it seems that a different atmosphere is flowing here. The sect is the Tendai sect Seirenji sect, and it is a venerable temple where the bodhisattva of Tokugawa Mitsukuni's wife, Yasuhime, who was married from a public house, was also mourned. The main hall (reconstructed during the Muromachi period) that can be seen in front of the Niomon is a [nationally designated important cultural property], the sitting statue of Yakushi Nyorai (made in the Heian period) and the statue of the Twelve Gods (made in the Northern and Southern Dynasties), and the Niomon (made in the Edo period) are [ Prefectural designated cultural property] It seems. Unfortunately, the main hall is normally closed and is open to the public every year on April 8th (Birthday of Buddha's Birthday) and May last Sunday (Otaue Matsuri). Every year on the day of the Flower Festival, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the weeping cherry blossoms in the precincts are wonderful. In addition, on the day of the flower festival, you can enter the main hall, but the door of the sitting statue of Yakushi Nyorai, the principal idol, remains closed. It is said that the main idol is opened once a year only on the last Sunday of May (from around 4 pm). In the main hall, there are other statues of the Twelve Gods and three decaying wooden Buddha statues (three Heian Buddha statues), which can be seen from a fairly close position. Actually, it seems that the three Heian Buddhas have an endorsement of "Saicho Daishi (Saicho)'s own work", but there is no definite record that Saicho himself actually came to this area. All three are aging and their outlines are in jeopardy, but if the backing is true, the most valuable Buddha statue in the main hall is probably this decayed Buddha statue. According to the explanation board in the precincts, Kaisan dates back to the early Heian period (around 800?) And was founded by Emperor Kanmu at the request of Emperor Kanmu. Emperor Kanmu is known for moving the capital to Heiankyo in order to eliminate the influence of temples in Nara, appointing Saicho and Kukai to support new Buddhism such as the Tendai sect, and focusing on local politics. I will. The Chokugan-ji temples built in various places were probably part of such reforms, but why is it in such a place? It feels strange because it is far from the current center of Mito City. However, at that time, of course, there was no Mito Castle yet, and this plateau with Yoshida Shrine (which is said to have been built around 490), which is also Hitachi Sannomiya, was probably the most influential land in this area. From the beginning of the Kamakura period, it became a Betsutoji temple of Yoshida Shrine and was called "Yoshida Shrine Jinguji Yakuohin". Under the patronage of successive lords, it gradually became independent, and even when the main hall was burnt down during the Muromachi period, it was immediately rebuilt by Michiyasu Edo, who ruled the area at that time (1529). In addition, it seems that it was temporarily changed to Shingon Buddhism during the time of Mr. Satake, but it will be restored soon. From the beginning of the Edo period, it became the Bodhisattva Temple of the Mito Tokugawa family and the other job was abolished, but Mitsukuni seems to have "remodeled it into a Zenshu-sama building with a dirt floor" by dismantling and repairing the main hall. At the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, the remains of Yasuhime and Kamechiyomaru (Mitsukuni's older brother), who were in the precincts of the feudal lord Nariaki, were moved to Zuiryuzan in the tide of separation of Shinto and Buddhism. Due to the great fire of 1897 "The Honbo was burnt down and returned to the ashes of ancient documents and temple treasures, and the financial strength of the temple was scarce and the temple was completely damaged as soon as possible without being able to make a drastic repair of Dou. While praying for a good preservation and repair, we have endeavored to maintain the successive generations with emergency repairs. " The history of extraordinary hardship was engraved on the stone monument in the corner of the precincts. After the war, it was designated as a national or prefectural cultural property, so it was possible to obtain a subsidy, and it was said that major repairs began in 1968. At this time as well, it seems that it was quite difficult from petition for subsidy contribution to construction management and fund solicitation. In addition, due to this major repair, the main hall was changed from the Zen sect style rebuilt by Mitsukuni to its original form, and it is written that "I was able to worship the Dou built in 1529." Although it was positioned as the family temple of the Mito clan, the relationship with Mitsukuni may have been complicated. At this time, the precincts and garden were also maintained to be suitable for the temple, and it seems that the ceremony was celebrated in 1976. It's usually quiet, so you may hesitate to enter. It's a valuable historical heritage for the locals, so I wouldn't call it a tourist destination, but I think it's a waste to make the temple a little more open.
岡崎美智子 on Google

私が訪れるきっかけとなったのは、先だってお世話になった龍ヶ崎の‘来迎院’さんのご住職のお陰です?。 水戸から来たことを告げると、同じ天台宗の‘薬王院’さんについても教えて下さいました?。 目から鱗‼️?とは…。地元にいながら、大変恥ずかしくなる程立派なお寺さんでした??。 茨城県にも、緊急事態宣言出てしまった??ので、御朱印は頂けて無いですが…?。 早くコロナが収まってくれたら…(pq゚∀゚*○)良いですね?️ 自宅から遠くないので、また行きたい❗お寺さんの1つになりました?
The reason why I visited was thanks to the priest of Mr. Raigoin in Ryugasaki, who was indebted to me earlier ?. When I told him that he came from Mito, he also told me about "Yakuouin" of the same Tendai sect ?. Scales from the eyes! What is ️? ... Even though I was in my hometown, it was a magnificent temple that made me very embarrassed ??. Ibaraki Prefecture has also declared a state of emergency ??, so I haven't received a red stamp ... ?. If the corona is settled quickly ... (pq ゜ ∀ ゜ * ○) It's good ?️ It's not far from my home, so I want to go there again ❗ I became one of the temples ?
田島常夫 on Google

桁行7間 梁間5間という非常に大きな規模である国指定重要文化財【薬王院本堂】は見ているだけで心が落ち着いてきます。
Just looking at the nationally designated important cultural property [Yakuoin Main Hall], which is a very large scale with 7 girders and 5 girders, will calm your mind.
細谷三男 on Google

1月7日 雪が積もった中 薬王院 で 院 内 撮影してみました 雰囲気のある 佇まいで 撮影していても 身 体 引き締 る 感じです 雪など めったに 降る ことがないので このような景色は初めて見ました
January 7 I took a picture of the inside of the hospital at the Yakuoin where snow was piled up. Even if I took a picture with an atmospheric appearance, it feels like I'm feeling tight. rice field

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