Wendell Clinic - Nagano

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wendell Clinic

住所 :

長野スエヒロビル 3階 Suehirocho-1360-1, Nagano, 380-0825, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 380-0825
Webサイト : https://www.wendel-clinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM

長野スエヒロビル 3階 Suehirocho-1360-1, Nagano, 380-0825, Japan
M M on Google

こちらの高橋先生が丁寧で的確な診断をしてくれる腕の良い先生と聞き、年齢と共に悩みであった目尻目の下バニーラインのボトックスと、コンプレックスであるふくらみの大きい小鼻にもボトックスを打っていただきました。 仕上がりはとても自然で尚且つ結果が見える仕上がり具合に非常に満足しております! 長野県外在住ですがこちらに来た甲斐がありました。 これからも高橋先生にお願いするつもりです。 スタッフの皆さんも感じが良くて非常に心地よい空間でした。 またお伺いいたします! ありがとうございました!
I heard that Mr. Takahashi is a good teacher who makes a polite and accurate diagnosis, and I asked him to hit the botox of the bunny line under the outer corner of the eye and the complex nose with a large bulge, which was a problem with age. It was. The finish is very natural and I am very happy with the result! I live outside Nagano prefecture, but it was worth it to come here. I will continue to ask Professor Takahashi. The staff members also felt good and it was a very comfortable space. I will visit you again! Thank you very much!
いし on Google

院長の先生が湘南の頃に埋没二重をしていただきました。 独立されたとのことですので、こちらへ失礼します。 埋没をしていただき、4年以上経ちましたが未だに自然な二重でとても満足しています。 また何かあったらお願いします!
The director's teacher had me do a double burial when I was in Shonan. Excuse me for being independent. It's been over 4 years since I was buried, but I'm still very satisfied with the natural double. If anything happens again, please!
短足胴長 on Google

顔の特徴や希望する形に合わせて適切な施術法を紹介して頂き、仕上がりも非常に綺麗です。腫れや痛みもほとんど無く、ダウンタイム中は不安を感じず過ごしていました。 先生やスタッフの方々の対応も丁寧で、また気になる所があればお願いしたいと思いますꪔ̤̱ꪔ̤̱ꪔ̤̱
You will be introduced to the appropriate treatment method according to the facial features and desired shape, and the finish will be very beautiful. There was almost no swelling or pain, and I was comfortable during the downtime. The teachers and staff are also polite, and I would like to ask if there is something you are interested in. ꪔ̤̱ꪔ̤̱ꪔ̤̱
natsu sa____ on Google

I did double plastic surgery. The teacher is very kind and do you have anything to ask? He kindly contacted me so that I wouldn't be anxious. The receptionists are also polite and the clinic is beautiful! The treatment was very good and it was quick.
name my on Google

高橋医師は、落ち着いていてふんわりとした優しい方です。 ここまで素敵な人格の医師には出会ったことがないです。 不安や緊張している方も安心して診察が受けられると思います。 施術もしっかりと向き合ってやってくれるので、綺麗な仕上がりになります。 価格以上の施術だと思います。
Dr. Takahashi is a calm, fluffy and kind person. I have never met a doctor with such a wonderful personality. I think that even those who are anxious or nervous can receive a medical examination with peace of mind. The treatment will be done face to face, so the finish will be beautiful. I think the treatment is more than the price.
き(きき) on Google

The teachers and staff were all very kind and kind. The hospital was clean and clean, and the treatment was done carefully.
もみじ on Google

今まで行った中で1番対応が悪かったのがここです。こちらはいろいろ調べて質問してるのに人によって違うからなんとも言えないとだけしか言わない。人によって効果ぎ違うのは分かりきってることですし、そういうことを聞きにきたわけではない。 施術実績を聞いても数えてないから知らない。施術数を教えてくださらなかったのに施術数が多いかどうかはあなたの主観によるものだから捉え方次第ですと、意味がわからないことを言われた。こんなに無駄な時間を過ごすとは思わなかった。
This is the worst response I've ever been to. I've been researching and asking questions, but I can only say that I can't say anything because it depends on the person. It's obvious that different people have different effects, and I haven't come to hear that. I don't know because I haven't counted the results of the treatment. I was told that I don't understand the meaning because it depends on your subjectivity whether or not the number of treatments is large even though you did not tell me the number of treatments. I never thought I would spend so much wasted time.
もすもす on Google

入り口がとてもわかりづらいです。八十二銀行入って右側の通路の突き当たりのエレベーターで3階まで行きます。そこに綺麗なクリニックがあります。待ち合いは個室なので、誰かと鉢合わせることはないです。 スタッフは優しくて綺麗な方が多かったです。医師は独特な感じでとても優しいです。丁寧に診察してくれます。 目の下のクマ取り手術でお世話になりましたが、流れは、無料のカウンセリングを受ける→手術日の予約→当日に支払いしてから手術→1週間後抜糸って感じでした。1週間位は目の下腫れてあざも酷かったですが、マスクのお陰で周りにはバレずに済みました。 手術中は静脈麻酔と局所麻酔するので痛みはあまりなかったです。準備〜麻酔切れるまで半日位かかりました。自分は麻酔でかなり具合悪くなってしまったため、迎えを誰か呼べるようにしておいた方が安心です。 脂肪を太腿のつけ根から取るためパンツ脱ぐので生理の方はタンポン必須です。全ての麻酔が切れても痛みはなく、上手にやってもらったと思います。おすすめのクリニックです。 追記:半年経ち、以前はコンシーラーで隠しても顔色悪い?と心配される位のアザのようなクマが、コンシーラー要らないくらい綺麗な目元になりました。感謝です。迷ってる方はやった方が良いです。
The entrance is very difficult to understand. Enter the Hachijuni Bank and take the elevator at the end of the passage on the right to the 3rd floor. There is a beautiful clinic there. The meeting is in a private room, so I don't have to meet anyone. Many of the staff were kind and beautiful. The doctor has a unique feeling and is very kind. They will give you a careful examination. I was taken care of by the bear removal surgery under my eyes, but the flow was like receiving free counseling → booking the surgery day → paying on the day and then surgery → pulling out the thread one week later. I had swelling under my eyes for about a week and my bruise was terrible, but thanks to the mask, I didn't have to worry about it. During the operation, I had intravenous anesthesia and local anesthesia, so I didn't have much pain. It took about half a day from preparation to the end of anesthesia. I'm pretty sick with anesthesia, so it's safer to be able to call someone to pick me up. Tampons are essential for menstruating people as they take off their pants to remove fat from the base of their thighs. There was no pain even after all the anesthesia was cut off, and I think he did it well. This is a recommended clinic. Postscript: Half a year later, is it pale even if you hide it with a concealer before? A bear like a bruise that I was worried about became so beautiful that I didn't need a concealer. Thank you. Those who are wondering should do it.

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