メンズクリア ながの東急百貨店

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact メンズクリア ながの東急百貨店

住所 :

Minamichitose, 〒380-0875 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト : https://mensclear.com/salons/nagano/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Nagano

Minamichitose, 〒380-0875 Nagano,Japan
nm7 Fuseken on Google

施術もスタッフの対応も親切で効果も出ているので満足しています。 ただし、予約が全く取れないのが残念でならないです。当初は、2週間毎に取れてたのに今では1ヶ月に一度、ヘタすれば全く取れない時も有ります。 その辺を改善して頂きたい。
I am satisfied with the treatment and the staff's kindness and effectiveness. However, it is a pity that I cannot make a reservation at all. Initially, it was taken every two weeks, but now there are times when it can't be taken at all if it's stale once a month. I would like you to improve that area.
西原戸戸呂 on Google

体験全身980円ということで楽しみにして来店、実は別の大手脱毛に通っていたのですが説明するのも面倒なので初めてといい説明を受けて脱毛しました。施術に入る前にいきなり、顔全体かヒゲ二箇所どちらがいいですか?と聞かれては??全身脱毛体験じゃなかったの?笑 しかも顔全体やっても意味ないからヒゲ二箇所が良いですよね、ってお前めんどくさいから言ってるだけだろって。そしてレーザーも出力レベルすら伝えられず照射、多分一番弱い出力でやってるんでしょうね、痛くはないけどこれ効果ないやつだって実感できてある意味凄く納得。 広告塔の宮迫といい何から何まで雑な会社なんだなとわかりました、どうやらフランチャイズ制でメンズクリア本社は儲かり支社は必死こいて詐欺みたいな勧誘してるんでは、との声も多いようですね。最後に料金説明されて笑えました、他の大手サロンですら70000も払えば2年通い放題が当たり前の時代に倍は取るバカ高い料金設定&お試し施術当日のみ選べる通い放題コースって笑 そんなコース作る意味がもうそこの浅い限定商法かましてくるんだから杜撰の一言に尽きました。 ここよりもっといい脱毛会社いっぱいあるんで皆さんちゃんとしたところへどうぞと言いたいです
I was looking forward to the experience because it was 980 yen for the whole body, and in fact I went to another major hair removal, but it was troublesome to explain, so I received a good explanation for the first time and I removed my hair. Suddenly before starting the procedure, which is better, the whole face or two mustaches? Is it asked? ?? Wasn't it a full-body hair removal experience? smile Moreover, it doesn't make sense to do the whole face, so it's good to have two mustaches, isn't it? And the laser does not even convey the output level and irradiates it, probably with the weakest output, it does not hurt, but I can feel that this is not effective, so I am very convinced. I found out that Miyasako, an advertising tower, is a sloppy company. Apparently, there are many voices saying that the men's clear head office is profitable under the franchise system and the branch office is desperately soliciting like fraud. is not it. At the end, the price was explained and I was able to laugh, even at other major salons, if you pay 70,000, you can double the price for 2 years when it is natural. The meaning of making such a course is already a shallow limited commercial law, so it was just a word of selection. There are many better hair removal companies than here, so I'd like to say that everyone should go to a proper place.
ちゅんちゅん on Google

通い始めて半年です。 全身脱毛ですが 髭が全然生えなくなってきました! 体も生えてこなくなりとても感謝してます♪ 萌崇さん担当していただき とても接しやすく施術中も楽しい時間です♪
It's been half a year since I started going. I have hair loss all over my body I have no beard at all! I am very grateful that my body has stopped growing ♪ Mr. Moetaka is in charge It's very easy to get in touch with and it's a fun time during the procedure ♪
がんちゃん on Google

This is my first hair loss! Mr. Moetaka, who was in charge, explained carefully from the beginning, so I was able to start without anxiety. There were many images that seemed to hurt, but when I experienced it, there was no pain, and if I talked to the person who performed the treatment, it would end soon!
TTa ii on Google

無料体験しましたが低評価レビューの方の通りでした。 受付対応から他のクリニックと違いバイトがやってんの?って感じの浮ついた応対。金額も高すぎるしなんで当日だけ安くできますよって(それでも他所より高い!)プランがあるのか疑問です。 あと星5レビューの方が他にどんな所行ってるのかと思ってみたら、他の口コミ1つもしてないアカウントだらけでサクラ疑っちゃいますよ。
I tried it for free, but it was as per the low-rated reviews. Do you have a part-time job unlike other clinics from the reception desk? The response that came to my mind. I wonder if there is a plan because the amount is too high and it can be cheaper only on the day (still higher than other places!). And when I wonder what other 5 star reviews are going to, I'm skeptical of Sakura because it's full of accounts that haven't even had a single review.
松尾勇希 on Google

Mr. Moetaka was in charge of it, but the treatment service is very good and the conversation is lively, so it is fun to go to men's clear. It's been 5 months since I started going, but I think the effect is tremendous because my beard and body are getting thinner.
tarou mesizima on Google

今回体の脱毛に関しては初めてだったのですが どのくらいで効果が実感できるのかなって不安があったんですけど1回目で少なくなってるし生えてくるペースが遅くなってるって実感をすることができました。 案内してもらった萌崇の説明もわかりやすく 施術も丁寧でほとんどムラなく照射してもらってそれにやっぱり痛みが少ない! サクッと痛みなく脱毛できるのは嬉しいので 今後もお願いしたいと思います。
This was my first time to remove hair from my body. I was worried about how long I could feel the effect, but I was able to realize that the first time it was reduced and the pace of growth was slowing down. The explanation of Moetaka who was guided is also easy to understand The treatment is also polite and the irradiation is almost even, and after all there is less pain! I'm happy to be able to remove hair quickly and painlessly I would like to ask you in the future.
ymxia on Google

2022年3月24日 普段出来ない会話を先生と楽しくお話し出来て楽しい施術時間でした。 若い先生なのでとても話しやすく、お肌で不安なことは気軽に質問しています? 担当してくださった萌崇さんが都度丁寧に声をかけて下さったので安心して施術に臨めました。 機械も専用設計で強さを人それぞれに合わせられるとのことで誰にでもあったプランで施術出来るのはとても良いと思います。
March 24, 2022 It was a fun treatment time because I was able to have fun talking with the teacher about conversations that I couldn't usually do. As a young teacher, it's very easy to talk to, and I feel free to ask questions about skin concerns ? Mr. Moetaka, who was in charge, kindly spoke to me each time, so I was able to go to the treatment with confidence. The machine is also specially designed and the strength can be adjusted to each person, so I think it is very good to be able to perform the treatment with a plan that suits everyone.

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