Okubogankanagano Clinic - Nagano

2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okubogankanagano Clinic

住所 :

Suehirocho-1355-5, Nagano, 380-0825, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 380-0825
Webサイト : http://www.okuboganka.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6PM
Sunday 9:30AM–12PM
Monday 9:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–6PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6PM
Friday 9:30AM–6PM

Suehirocho-1355-5, Nagano, 380-0825, Japan
夏目 on Google

しらいしさんに診察を受けました。 初診なのに、「結膜炎の症状が悪化してますね。」 って…悪化とは一体何からの悪化? さいしょに私が一度結膜炎になったことがあるって言ったからでしょ絶対! 何度も眼科には行ったことがあるから分かるけど、あんな適当な診察始めて。ちょっと目を触ったくらいで分かるかぁそんな事! でもしっかりと診察料は取るという。 不安で違うところに行ったらやっぱり結膜炎なんかじゃなかったし!なんなの! 少なくとも、カタギでは無いですね… もはやこれは…さg
I was examined by Shiraishi. Even though it is my first visit, "The symptoms of conjunctivitis are getting worse." What is it? Since I told you once that I had conjunctivitis, absolutely! I know that I've been to ophthalmology many times, but I started to see such an appropriate medical examination. You can tell it with just a touch of your eyes! However, he says that he will pay the examination fee. I went to a different place because of anxiety, so it wasn't conjunctivitis! What! At least it's not Katagi... This is no longer...
若林正樹 on Google

3か月に1度、予約しています。 大変診察がスムーズに出来て、提携の自動車駐車場は充分一時間で済みます。大久保先生声はちょっと小さくて年寄りの耳には聞こえづらい事もありますが、聞きたいこと尋ねたいことには、きちんと答えて教えてくれます。
I make a reservation once every three months. The medical examination can be done very smoothly, and the affiliated car parking lot takes only one hour. Mr. Okubo's voice is a little small and sometimes hard to hear for the elderly, but he will answer exactly what he wants to hear and tell him what he wants to ask.
M A on Google

白石先生の診察でした。非常に高圧的な態度で、あなたを診察する義理はないと言われました。以前アレルギー性結膜炎で受診し一週間後来て下さいと言われましたが、よくなり再診しなかっただめです。 行かなかった私もいけませんが、言い方が酷い。 二度といきません。 。 受診
It was a medical examination by Dr. Shiraishi. He was very overwhelmed and told that he had no obligation to see you. I had a medical examination for allergic conjunctivitis before and was told to come a week later, but it has improved and I haven't seen it again. I shouldn't go, but it's terrible. I won't go again. .. Consultation
自分磨きの旅人 on Google

曜日によって担当医が異なります。 大久保院長に診てもらいたい人は、診察日を確認して行きましょう! 院長在院日は相当混み合っていますが、最近は予約を受け付けてくれる場合もあるので、電話確認の一手間を惜しまずに。 S 医師は確かに諸々の不満を抱く患者さんが多いようです。 院長は、初診の際には随分と素っ気無いドクターだと思いましたが、回数を重ねる内にその印象は消えて、フランクな会話が出来るようになりました。 まあ、 『寡黙に仕事をこなす職人肌のお医者さん』 という感じですかね。 疑問点などの質問は、積極的に聞く方が良いかも。。。 スタッフの皆さんは、 総じて明るく朗らかで、説明も明朗丁寧なので好感が持てます。 ウォーターサーバーは設置されていませんが、コーヒーを戴けるようにポットや紙コップが用意されており、長い待ち時間の中で一時でも和みます。 ウエストプラザの駐車券も貰えますよ。 尚、厚生労働省による【先進医療認定医】でもあります。
The doctor in charge differs depending on the day of the week. If you would like to see Okubo, please check the date of your consultation! The hospitalization days are quite crowded, but we may be able to accept reservations lately, so be sure to check the phone. Doctor S does seem to have many complaints. At the first consultation, the director thought that he was a very simple doctor, but over time, the impression disappeared, and Frank conversation became possible. Oh dear, "A doctor with a craftsman's skin who works quietly" Is it like that? It might be better to ask questions such as questions positively. . . The staff, Overall, it is bright and cheerful, and the explanation is clear and polite, so you can have a good feeling. There is no water dispenser, but there are pots and paper cups available for coffee, so you can relax for a long time. You can also get a West Plaza parking ticket. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is also a certified medical doctor.
teru teru on Google

皆さんが気になる噂のSドクターはすでに退職されたみたいです。 曜日によってコンタクトレンズ専門の日がありますので、一般診察を希望受けたいなら大久保院長が担当の日を調べてからにしたほうが良いです。 土日祝も開いているのは助かります。 ただ、コンタクトレンズ専門の日がありますので星4つにしました。 ひとつ気になったのが、一部の看護師の態度が少々キツイ事ですかね。
It seems that the rumored S Doctor that everyone is interested in has already retired. Depending on the day of the week, there are days specializing in contact lenses, so if you would like to have a general medical examination, it is better for Director Okubo to check the day in charge. It is helpful that weekends and holidays are also open. However, since there is a day specializing in contact lenses, I chose 4 stars. One thing I was concerned about was that the attitude of some nurses was a little tough.
Haruna Oguchi on Google

I asked for a contact prescription. I was worried after seeing the reviews, but on Saturday afternoon I had no other options and decided to take care of them. As a result, the receptionist, the person in charge of the examination, and the teacher (who was a young teacher) were all very comfortable and finished smoothly. I don't usually write it, but it was a nice surprise, so I'm sorry. it's recommended.
m i on Google

I got a fundus examination from a nurse, and I was told that it would be difficult if I didn't do what I said, so I decided to have an examination. Why do you have a fundus examination as soon as you go to the examination room to have an examination at a later date? You don't have to take it, right? They said. Both doctors and nurses look great and are overwhelming. It's the exact opposite of what you're saying to the patient, and aren't you sharing information? I will never go again.
信楽 on Google

アイシティの紹介で来ました。 ハードコンタクトは初めてだったのですが、丁寧に使い方を教えてくれて、丁寧に対応してくれました。 正直そこまで待たされるとか、対応が悪いとは思わなかったです。 なぜ低評価なのかわからないくらいです。 2度目の通院ですが眼科は今後、ここに来ようと思えるくらいでした。 ありがとうございました。
I came with an introduction to iCity. It was my first time to make hard contacts, but he taught me how to use it carefully and responded politely. To be honest, I didn't think that I had to wait that long or that the response was bad. I don't know why it's so low. This is my second visit to the hospital, but the ophthalmology department seemed to come here in the future. Thank you very much.

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