Uonuma Sweets Garden NATURA - Minamiuonuma

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Uonuma Sweets Garden NATURA

住所 :

701 Ubashima Shinden, Minamiuonuma, Niigata 949-6425, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878888
Postal code : 949-6425
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/%25E9%25AD%259A%25E6%25B2%25BC%25E3%2582%25B9%25E3%2582%25A4%25E3%2583%25BC%25E3%2583%2584%25E3%2582%25AC%25E3%2583%25BC%25E3%2583%2587%25E3%2583%25B3natura-102958526708895/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM

701 Ubashima Shinden, Minamiuonuma, Niigata 949-6425, Japan
yoko on Google

無料駐車場があります。9月下旬にドライブの途中に休憩がてら入店しました。 お土産になるお菓子が多数あります。 ジェラートをいただきましたが、おいしかったです。少し時間帯が遅かったせいか、ほかにお客さんもおらず、ゆっくりできました。 店内は明るくて清潔感がありました。 店員さんの対応も悪くはないのですが、もう少し明るいとさらに好感度が上がると思います。
Free parking is available. I entered the store after a break in the middle of the drive in late September. There are many sweets that can be used as souvenirs. I had gelato and it was delicious. Perhaps because it was a little late, there were no other customers, so I was able to relax. The inside of the store was bright and clean. The clerk's response is not bad, but I think that if it is a little brighter, the favorability will increase.
for fun on Google

魚沼観光しながら立ち寄れる、食事やショピングを堪能できるスイーツ店。 数あるスイーツの中で、工場で手作りされているバームクーヘンが看板商品のよう。スイーツのみならず、イタリアンも楽しめる。石窯で焼き上げるピザは人気だそう。メニューにはピザ、パスタ、リゾット、グラタン、カルパッチョなどバラエティに富んでいます。 今回は食事はお隣の郷土料理さんで済ませてしまったので、次は口コミの高いピザやパスタを頂いてみたいな。 季節限定のシャインマスカットのパフェ魅力的ですね。 2021
A sweets shop where you can enjoy meals and shopping, which you can stop by while sightseeing in Uonuma. Among the many sweets, Baumkuchen, which is handmade at the factory, seems to be a signboard product. You can enjoy not only sweets but also Italian food. Pizza baked in a stone oven seems to be popular. The menu is rich in variety such as pizza, pasta, risotto, gratin and carpaccio. This time, I finished the meal at the local restaurant next door, so next time I would like to have pizza and pasta with high reviews. The seasonal Shine Muscat parfait is attractive. 2021
Yosuke Shirai on Google

バームクーヘン目当てで訪れたのがきっかけでしたが、レストランのチーズピザとパスタにハマり時々食べにきちゃいます! テーブルにおいてあるオリーブオイルが万能過ぎてピザとパスタにじゃぶじゃぶかけちゃいます! 二人で訪れる場合はチーズピザとパスタ頼んでシェアがオススメ✨ 夏場は越後姫のかき氷とかもあるんですがこの値段でこのクオリティのものが出てきていいんですかみたいな味です!
I visited for Baumkuchen, but I'm addicted to the restaurant's cheese pizza and pasta, and sometimes I come to eat! The olive oil on the table is so versatile that it sprinkles on pizza and pasta! If you are visiting with two people, we recommend ordering cheese pizza and pasta and sharing it. In the summer, there is also Echigohime's shaved ice, but it tastes like it's okay to have this quality product at this price!
Yuji Takahashi on Google

I visited for the first time because I could use the gift certificate. I was impressed by the size of the exterior, the size of the inside, the beautifulness, the ability to eat in, and the enhancement of the souvenir shop. The unit price of cakes etc. is not cheap, but the colors are very good and inspiring to buy. Even if it's my first face, the staff who kindly responded to me until I bought it was also a good impression. It was a shop that was expected to be crowded when the time came.
りょーちん1埼玉(JAPANESE) on Google

年に10回以上東京から通う南魚沼のイタリアン。 すぐ近くに保有しているリゾートマンションがあるので、ありがたい距離です。 一番好きなのは実はサラダバー。 いつも新鮮な野菜と美味しいドレッシング。 特に大葉ドレッシングはご賞味あれ。 新潟らしく越後雪そうめん、もち麦、海藻サラダ、食物繊維たっぷりでとても美味しいです。 こちらでランチを食べるのが舞子に来る目的の一つになるほど楽しみなお店です。 パスタではペスカトーレ。カルボナーラ。 都内でいろいろ食べ歩きましたが、こちらのペスカトーレが1番です。 ピザもドリアも美味しいものいっぱいですので、ぜひいろいろお試しください。 ダイエット中でデザートも食べたことはないのですが、パフェをみんな美味しそうに食べています。 接客もちゃんとしています。 これからも舞子に行くときはお伺いします!
An Italian restaurant in Minami Uonuma, who travels from Tokyo more than 10 times a year. It's a great distance because there is a resort condominium that I own in the immediate vicinity. My favorite is actually the salad bar. Always fresh vegetables and delicious dressings. Especially the perilla dressing is delicious. Like Niigata, it is very delicious with Echigo snow somen, rice cake, seaweed salad, and plenty of dietary fiber. Eating lunch here is one of the purposes of coming to Maiko, so I'm looking forward to it. Pescatore for pasta. Carbonara. I ate a lot in Tokyo, but this Pescatore is the best. Both pizza and doria are delicious, so please try them out. I haven't eaten dessert while I'm on a diet, but everyone eats parfaits deliciously. The customer service is also good. I will continue to visit you when you go to Maiko!
Mymiyatatabi stories on Google

Light lunch, lovely sweets, organic coffee and kick-ass super creamy vanilla soft cream. Nice place for lunch or a snack.
Rufus Starbuck on Google

Awesome serve-yourself salad bar, and great pizzas in the restaurant. Nice place for a cake and a coffee. Shop is full of cakes and sweets with some tasty original offerings.
Sean Cross on Google

Great Japanese style pizza and pasta!! Really enjoyed the corn and bacon pizza, but the truffle mushroom pasta was fantastic!!! Highly recommend!

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