バリラックス ザ ガーデン

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact バリラックス ザ ガーデン

Umeda, Kita Ward, 〒530-0001 Osaka,Japan
K T on Google

バリ島っぽい雰囲気や高級感は素敵だけど 値段は思ってる以上に高め。味は日本人向けにアレンジされていて、本場のインドネシア料理とはクオリティが違いますね。女子会かデート向けかな。
Bali-like atmosphere and luxury are nice The price is higher than I expected. The taste is arranged for Japanese people, and the quality is different from the authentic Indonesian food. Is it for girls-only gatherings or dates?
青山泰 on Google

友達とランチで利用させてもらいましたー!! 店の雰囲気は本当にバリをモチーフにしてて、リラックスした感じで好きでした。 テラス席もいっぱいあって、 人がいっぱいいました! ご飯はグリルチキンプレートで 普通に美味しかったです♪ 野菜もとれるのは嬉しいですね。 アフターのドリンクのバリラックスカフェは ヘーゼルナッツ風味の少し甘めのカフェで美味しかったです! チャージ代500円+税が1人ずつかかるので ランチにしてはちょっとお値段はる印象でしたので、 お財布に余裕を持ってランチに行くといいかなと思います♪
I used it for lunch with my friends! !! I really liked the atmosphere of the store with a Balinese motif and a relaxed feeling. There are a lot of terrace seats, There were a lot of people! Rice on the grilled chicken plate It was delicious normally ♪ It's nice to get vegetables. After-drink bar relax cafe It was delicious at a slightly sweet cafe with hazelnut flavor! Because it costs 500 yen + tax for each person I had the impression that it was a little pricey for lunch, so I think it's a good idea to go for lunch with plenty of room in your wallet ♪
よしこ on Google

If you are in Umeda, a semi-private room with a nice atmosphere, this is the place to go. I can talk relaxedly. If you are not good at Asian food, I think it is a restaurant that will please everyone.
Vijay Purandare on Google

They are behind money than service
Darius on Google

Nice but the one in Shinjuku, Tokyo is much better. This restaurant has a weird shape.
Jason Skucas on Google

Love this place. I love Balinese food, Nasi Goreng, Mie Goreng = Yum. I love the style of this place too, and now that the one in Horie (Orange Street) closed, this is the only one (I think).
Andriana BB Channel on Google

Our guests are students from Indonesia (UNPAD and UNUD). Kwansei Gakuin Univ. organized Sakura Program. They missed Indonesia Food. We recommend this restaurant because many foods have similar taste with the original one.
Pumin on Google

The outside table was very good to enjoy Balinese ambiance in a evening blow. A waitress lent me blanket because it was still a bit cold to eat outside. Nice service! The owner allowed me to take pictures in a friendly manner to upload on my own media.

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