ゆうきと寿し 上田店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ゆうきと寿し 上田店

住所 :

Uedahara, Ueda, 〒386-1102 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Webサイト : http://youth-g.com/shoplist/kitokito/ueda/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : Nagano

Uedahara, Ueda, 〒386-1102 Nagano,Japan
桐野利秋 on Google

名前が変わった事は知らずに入店しました。以前の店の時よりネタの種類が増えた気がします。ランチも存在しました。ネタがライバル店よりも大きくて満足しました。味噌汁も多くて白味噌、赤味噌と選べます。ノドグロは背の部分なのか脂がなく残念でしたが又、食べに来たいと思えるお店でした。あら汁はちょっと魚臭が残ってきましたがボリュームは満点。 このご時世でロイヤリティ未払いで契約解除って以前のお店のhpで記載されてて他人事ですがそこまで書かなくてもいいと思うし私自身不快な気分になりました。独自で新たに経営を始められて頑張って欲しいです。
I entered the store without knowing that the name had changed. I feel that there are more types of material than at the previous store. There was also lunch. I was satisfied that the material was bigger than the rival store. There is also a lot of miso soup, and you can choose between white miso and red miso. It was a pity that the blackthroat seaperch was not fat because it was the back part, but it was a shop that I wanted to come to eat again. A little fishy smell remained in the soup, but the volume was perfect. At this time, the royalties were not paid and the contract was canceled, and it was mentioned on the hp of the previous shop, but it is another person's affair, but I think that I do not have to write that much and I felt uncomfortable myself. I want you to do your best to start a new management on your own.
Shuhei Wata on Google

ゆうきと寿司? 「氷見きときと寿司」は富山在住時に良く通ってた安くて旨い地場で人気の回転寿司チェーンで、長野にも在り出張時のランチにはたまに通ってたお店でしたが名前が変わり。 カウンターで板さんに尋ねたら、独立したんだとか。確かに店舗もリニューアルしてる。握りランチを頼んでネット検索したら…なるほど。円満離婚じゃ無いみたいで。 確かにネタのデカさと鮮度は落ちた感が否めない。ただ海なし県でこのランチ、価格と味は努力されてますね。
Yuuki and sushi? "Himi Kitokito Sushi" is a cheap and delicious conveyor belt sushi chain that I used to go to when I lived in Toyama. I used to go to Nagano for lunch when I was on a business trip, but the name has changed. When I asked Mr. Ita at the counter, he said he was independent. Certainly the store has also been renewed. When I asked for a handful lunch and searched the net ... I see. It doesn't seem like a perfect divorce. Certainly, it is undeniable that the deca and freshness of the material has dropped. However, this lunch, price and taste are being worked hard in Uminashi prefecture.
ハルイチ on Google

こんなに美味しくないお寿司は初めてです。 何を食べてもダメです。 マグロは味がなく、食感も舌触りも悪い。白身系も同じ。しめ鯖はそもそも使ってる酢の味が悪い。真蛸はペラペラで歯応えなし。 のどぐろなんて2巻で800円以上取っておきながら全く脂が乗っておらず、別の魚かと思うほど。 大好物の白子の天ぷらがメニューにあったが、どんなものが出てくるか怖くて注文できなかった。 他所で食べ直す時間がなかったので我慢して食べたが、最初の数巻で店を出ようと思ったレベル。 値段はスシローの2〜3倍、味はスシローの1/5以下でした。
This is the first time for me to have sushi that is not so delicious. No matter what you eat. Tuna has no taste and has a bad texture and texture. The same is true for white meat. Shime mackerel has a bad taste of vinegar used in the first place. The octopus is fluffy and has no texture. Nodoguro is a volume of 2 and has more than 800 yen, but it doesn't have any fat on it, so I think it's another fish. My favorite Shirako tempura was on the menu, but I was scared of what would come out and couldn't order it. I didn't have time to eat it again elsewhere, so I put up with it and ate it, but at the level I thought I would leave the store in the first few volumes. The price was two to three times that of Sushiro, and the taste was less than one-fifth that of Sushiro.
新村龍人 on Google

氷見きときと寿司から名前が変わりました。 みなさん口コミに「回転していない」と書いてありましたが、全然回転していました。 その時は設定とかしていたのかもしれません。 なにやら、会社が少し揉めたのかな? そんなふうになんだかんだで寿司のネタとか変わってしまったのかなと思い1ヶ月ぐらい行ってなかったのですが、空いていたので行きました。内装は全然変わらず。ネタが少し減ったのかな??でも店員さんは前と同じでした。男性スタッフが増えましたが。でも、美味しいです!これならまだ何回も行っても良さげ でも、氷見直送って本当か??嘘っぽいけどな。少し鮮度が、きときとの時よりゆうきとのほうが落ちてます。マグロの解凍下手くそすぎ。〆にと思い中トロ食べましたが、まさかのオチです。ちょっとひどい。でもそれ以外はまあまあ良いです。 虹がすごく濃く出ていて珍しいので写真撮りました!?
The name has changed from Himi Kitokito and Sushi. Everyone said in the word of mouth that it wasn't spinning, but it was spinning at all. At that time, it may have been set. I wonder if the company rubbed a little. I didn't go there for about a month, wondering if the sushi material had changed for some reason, but I went there because it was vacant. The interior hasn't changed at all. Did the material decrease a little? ?? But the clerk was the same as before. The number of male staff has increased. But it's delicious! If this is the case, you can still go there many times But is it true to send it directly to Himi? ?? It sounds like a lie. The freshness is a little lower in Yuuki than in Kitoki. Thawing tuna is too bad. I ate Toro while thinking about it, but it was a real punch line. A little terrible. But other than that, it's pretty good. I took a picture because the rainbow is very dark and unusual! ?
良江(有 Yoshie) on Google

ちょいと高級な回転寿司的な感じ お客が自分1人だけだったので カウンターで注文して目の前で出してくれました タブレットで注文しますが空いてる時だったら口頭でもいいですのとこのです 回転寿司にはない珍しいネタも多いです 安いお皿もあるけど 魅力的なものばかり頼んでしまうと びっくりなお会計になってしまうと思います テーブル席もあるし 1品物の焼き魚とかもあるし 誰かにご馳走して貰えるような時は ぜひここがいいと我儘いいましょう お店の方も 一人客でも丁寧な接客してくれるし 特別高い物頼まなければ 1000~2000円内で 回転寿司より 良いお寿司を堪能できます ここで食べたホタルイカの沖漬けが美味で お上品でありながらの磯の香りで これだけでも もう一度食べたい さすが違うはコレは と 馬鹿舌のおばちゃんでも感動するお店でした。
A little high-class conveyor belt sushi-like feeling Because I was the only customer I ordered at the counter and put it out in front of me I order with a tablet, but if it's free, it's okay to speak orally. There are many rare stories that are not found in conveyor belt sushi. There are also cheap plates If you ask only for attractive things, you will be surprised at the accounting. There are table seats, and there is also one item of grilled fish. When someone treats you Let's say that this is a good place Even if you are a single customer, the shop will serve you politely, and you have to ask for something special. Within 1000-2000 yen You can enjoy better sushi than conveyor belt sushi The firefly squid pickled in the sea is delicious With the scent of rocky shore while being elegant I want to eat this alone again As expected it is different It was a shop that impressed even an aunt with a stupid tongue.
りん on Google

平日の夕方に伺いました。 カウンターかテーブル席かを選べたのでカウンター席で頂きました。 タッチパネルでも、直接、口頭でも注文ができました。 他の回転寿司には無い珍しいものがあったり、一品料理があったり、カウンター席だと目の前で出してくれたりで、高級感がありました? どれも美味しかったです?
I visited on a weekday evening. I had a choice of counter or table seats, so I had them at the counter seats. I was able to place an order on the touch panel, directly or verbally. There were rare things that other conveyor belt sushi did not have, there was a single dish, and when it was a counter seat, it was served in front of me, so there was a sense of luxury ? Everything was delicious ?
Five Rich on Google

A sushi restaurant where Mr. Itamae holds it in front of you. .. .. .. I wondered if it was possible that the bite would put the material on the rice by holding the rice with a machine, and the bite who dressed as Mr. Itamae would offer it. .. .. Even the conveyor belt sushi wasn't very delicious. Major chains are producing better material.
範馬勇三郎 on Google

ここは経営が変わったみたいですね、個人的には前のきときとの様な富山の醤油が好きでした、あの少し甘い感じの醤油が赤身との相性を引き出していた様に感じます、今の醤油では何か違うなと思います、値段の割にネタはそこまでいいかと言う訳でもなく至って普通でした。 It seems that the management has changed here, I personally liked Toyama's soy sauce like the previous one, I feel that the slightly sweet soy sauce brought out the compatibility with lean meat, now I think that something is different with soy sauce, it was not that good for the price, but it was quite normal.
It seems that the management has changed here, I personally liked Toyama's soy sauce like the previous one, I feel that the slightly sweet soy sauce brought out the compatibility with lean meat, now I think that something is different with soy sauce, it was not that good for the price, but it was quite normal. It seems that the management has changed here, I personally liked Toyama's soy sauce like the previous one, I feel that the slightly sweet soy sauce brought out the compatibility with lean meat, now I think that something is different with soy sauce, it was not that good for the price, but it was quite normal.

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