
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 回転寿司かね喜阿見店

住所 :

Nishigo, Ami, Inashiki District, 〒300-0336 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : http://sushi-kaneki.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–9PM
Sunday 11:30AM–9PM
Monday 11:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–9PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–9PM
Friday 11:30AM–9PM
街 : Ibaraki

Nishigo, Ami, Inashiki District, 〒300-0336 Ibaraki,Japan
CBT on Google

近隣のチェーン系回転寿司よりはネタが大きく、美味しい。 しかし店長とおぼしき方の他の板前さんへのパワハラが見ていて苦しくなる。美味しいはずの寿司が本当に不味くなる。 職人の世界だから厳しく指導するのが当たり前なのかもしれないけど、指導を超えてパワハラ。怒られてる板前さんは怯えちゃって、ますますミスをする悪循環。 よくないと思う。
The material is bigger and tastier than the neighboring chain conveyor belt sushi. However, the power harassment of Mr. Itamae, who seems to be the store manager, makes me painful. Sushi that should be delicious becomes really bad. Since it is a world of craftsmen, it may be natural to give strict guidance, but it goes beyond guidance and is power harassment. Mr. Itamae, who is angry, is frightened and makes more and more mistakes in a vicious circle. I don't think it's good.
吉澤将太 on Google

マグロその他美味しくて良いです。磯味この軍事が本当に美味しいので定期的に行ってます。 コロナが流行してる時代に、マスク無しの入店はお断りなんですよね? マスク無しで大声で話す60代の3人マスクせず来店帰りも当然マスク無し、歩きタバコと最低な人 すぐ近くのビジネスホテルからの客でしょうけど、せめてマスク無しでは入店させないで欲しい、注意書きの意味無し、マスクして来店してる他のお客さんが不安になります。考えて頂きたい
Tuna and other delicious foods are good. Isomi I go there regularly because this military is really delicious. In an era when corona is popular, you are not allowed to enter the store without a mask, right? Three people in their 60s who speak loudly without a mask Naturally without a mask on their way home from the store, walking cigarettes and the worst people It may be a customer from a nearby business hotel, but at least I don't want you to enter the store without a mask, there is no meaning in the precautionary statement, and other customers who come to the store with a mask are worried. I want you to think
you18 on Google

美味しいお寿司を食べたい時は、このお店と決めています。美味しいお店の決めてあら汁、だし巻き玉子も焼いていて、穴子も絶品です。予算は一人2~3000円程度とリーズナブルです。注文がタッチパネルでも出来るようになり便利になりましたが、オールドファンは昔ながらの店員さんへの注文が多いようです。 本日はオススメに「のれそれ」と言う珍しい一品にお目にかかりました、透明でクセのない味で美味でした。
If you want to eat delicious sushi, I have decided to go to this restaurant. We decided on a delicious restaurant, and the arajiru and omelet rolls are also baked, and the conger eel is also excellent. The budget is reasonable, about 2 to 3000 yen per person. It has become more convenient to place orders on the touch panel, but old fans seem to have many orders from old-fashioned clerk. Today, I came across a rare dish called "Noresore", which was delicious with a transparent and straightforward taste.
田村義典 on Google

お寿司が美味しいお店ですね。マグロ、イワシ、あじ、穴子も好きですね。穴子を ゆっくり焼きながら全体にも熱が入りクセに成る焼き加減ですね。普通の穴子握りと、穴子一本握り、穴子白焼握りも美味しいですね。穴子、穴子一本握り煮穴子から、焼いてタレとワサビ付くのが嬉しいですね。穴子の白焼のおつまみとかも出来て嬉しいですね。 天ぷら盛りや、アジの南蛮漬けも美味しいです。 店内で焼いてくれる厚焼き玉子も見ていて楽しく、食べてよしですね。これからも行きたいお店です。店長の握りシャリの量お握りの感じが丁度良く美味しですね。 全体的に良いお店です。
It's a restaurant where sushi is delicious. I also like tuna, sardines, hydrangeas and conger eels. Conger eel It's a slow baking, but the whole thing gets hot and addictive. Ordinary conger eel grips, single conger eel grips, and conger eel shiroyaki grips are also delicious. It's nice to bake conger eels and boiled conger eels with a single handful of conger eels and add sauce and wasabi. I'm glad to have some conger eel shiroyaki snacks. The tempura and pickled horse mackerel in Nanban are also delicious. It's fun to see the thick roasted eggs that are baked in the store, so it's good to eat. This is the shop I want to visit in the future. The amount of sushi rice balls of the store manager The feeling of the rice balls is just right and delicious. Overall it's a good shop.
みのひー on Google

旨い!値段もこのクオリティでこの価格と言いたい 目の前でしっかり握ってくれた寿司はもちもん サイドも良かった。 個人的には厚焼き玉子と漬けマグロは食べて欲しい。あと運が良ければあら汁も美味しいです。この店舗いま4回行ってますが1回しか食べれてないですが(苦笑) 値段はそれなり、だいたい、がっ○ん、くらい ちょい上かなネタ数はス○ロー等と比べるとだいぶ少ないですが季節ものもありたいへん満足でした。 しかし、回転寿司屋のはずなのですがコロナの影響か回ってるのはまだみてない(笑)ホップは回ってましたが(((・・;)
delicious! I want to say that the price is this price with this quality The sushi that you hold firmly in front of you is mochimon The side was also good. Personally, I want you to eat thick-grilled eggs and pickled tuna. If you are lucky, the arajiru is also delicious. I've been to this store 4 times now, but I can only eat it once (bitter smile) The price is reasonable, about The number of slightly higher stories is much smaller than that of Slow, but I was very satisfied with the seasonal ones. However, although it should be a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, I haven't seen it spinning due to the influence of corona (laughs), but the hops were spinning (((・ ・;))
なめこじる on Google

茨城県内にチェーン展開する回転寿司店。 チサンインに宿泊し夕飯に悩んでいたところ、口コミが高評価だったこちらを訪問。 コロナの影響で回転レーンは運用しておらず、すべての料理がオーダーで提供される。 オーダー方法は、店員に口頭で直接、注文用紙、スマートフォン注文フォームのいずれか。 この時代なのでスマートフォン注文を使用したが、年配客はやはり口頭注文が目立つ。食事中なので仕方ないが、マスクなしでペラペラ注文するのが気になる。 値段は、がってん寿司や銚子丸よりも高い。 高いのでネタの質や大きさが優れているか…と期待したが、そうでもない。不味いわけではないが、特別美味しいか?と問われると…微妙。 炊きたてだったのか、シャリの温度が高めでネタが温くなる。 漬けは美味しかった。 別のコメントで美味しいとあったあら汁は、アラにウロコがついたままでイマイチ。厚焼き玉子も、まあ普通。 鯵の南蛮漬けは、鯵に火が通り過ぎていてふっくら感が皆無。 味付けは良かったので惜しい。 店員のホスピタリティは普通。値段の割に品質がイマイチ。 総合的に期待はずれ。
A conveyor belt sushi restaurant that has a chain in Ibaraki prefecture. When I stayed at Chisan Inn and was worried about dinner, I visited here where the reviews were highly evaluated. Due to the influence of the corona, the rotating lane is not in operation, and all dishes are served on order. The ordering method is either the order form or the smartphone order form, directly orally to the clerk. Since this era, I used smartphone orders, but for elderly customers, oral orders are still conspicuous. I can't help it because I'm eating, but I'm worried about ordering without a mask. The price is higher than Gatten Sushi and Choushimaru. I expected that the quality and size of the material would be excellent because it is expensive, but that is not the case. It's not bad, but is it specially delicious? When asked ... subtle. Perhaps it was freshly cooked, the temperature of the rice is high and the ingredients become warm. The pickles were delicious. The arajiru, which was said to be delicious in another comment, is not good with the scales attached to the ara. Thick roasted eggs are also normal. Nanbanzuke of horse mackerel has no fluffy feeling because the fire has passed through the horse mackerel. The seasoning was good, so it's regrettable. The hospitality of the clerk is normal. Quality is not good for the price. Overall disappointing.
Paul Herrera on Google

Delicious sushi made by real people, quality food and affordable. Recommend!
Graham Russell Johnston on Google

Delicious sushi and friendly service.

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