中華居酒屋 香港厨房 渋谷店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華居酒屋 香港厨房 渋谷店

住所 :

Udagawacho, Shibuya City, 〒150-0042 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : https://g405460.gorp.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Udagawacho, Shibuya City, 〒150-0042 Tokyo,Japan
田中勇太 on Google

I entered the store around 25:00, but all the girls in the hall were playing with their mobile phones and no one gave me guidance. The offer is a little too bright. The seats are not smoked, so if you don't like smoke, be careful of the seat next door. The food was cheap and delicious, but it was disappointing that the customer service was clearly deteriorated compared to part-time workers a few years ago.
Chan太郎 on Google

料理は美味しかったけど… 最後が悪い。 2000円の会計が3000円払った! 5割増(笑) レシート出さないからくれと言ったら間違えてましたって… 言わなきゃいかんのか?? レジに金額出ないのか?? しかも、カード払いなのに取り消ししないで現金返してきたよ!!! 店ぐるみ?? 初めて行ったけど最後の最後で気分悪い!
The food was delicious but ... the last is bad. The accounting of 2000 yen paid 3000 yen! 50% increase (laughs) I made a mistake when I asked him not to give me a receipt ... Should I say that ?? Isn't the amount paid to the cash register ?? What's more, even though I paid by credit card, I returned the cash without canceling it! !! !! The whole store ?? I went there for the first time but I feel sick at the very end!
富岡雄介 on Google

渋谷行ったらよく行くお店です とても安くて美味しい コスパは渋谷で一番だと思います ただ、今回歯最後に来た食べ物だったので「もういっか」と思って何もいいませんでしたがちまきの中が冷たかったです、それだけが残念
It's a shop I often go to when I go to Shibuya Very cheap and delicious I think cospa is the best in Shibuya However, since it was the last food to come to my teeth this time, I thought "I'm not good" and didn't say anything, but the inside of the rice was cold.
Noriyuki W on Google

渋谷で安くて美味しい中華料理!ひとりでもカップルでもグループでも楽しくワイワイできるところ、コロナ禍で休業となっているようですが 早く通常営業に戻る事を祈っています
Cheap and delicious Chinese food in Shibuya! It seems that it is closed due to the corona sickness, where you can have fun alone, as a couple or as a group. I pray that I will return to normal business soon
0221ジロー on Google

無難なアテが楽しめる中華 どのアテもお酒との相性抜群でした。
Chinese food where you can enjoy safe food All the dishes were excellently compatible with sake.
ymk u on Google

安くて気軽に入れるお店としてフォロワーさんにおすすめしてもらい平日の21時前くらいに一人で入店しました。 カウンター席で中華鍋の目の前の席だったので作ってるところを見れてライブ感がありました。 テーブル周りは綺麗に掃除されててキッチンも綺麗でした。中華鍋一個の稼働なのに、提供スピードが早くて驚きました。お酒がくるのも早い。客入りは6割〜7割くらいでガラガラというわけでもなく、どんどん注文が入ってどんどん出ていくので見てて気持ちが良かったです。安価なので量が少ないかと勝手に想像していたのですが誤算で、一人で4品も頼んだら最後ははち切れそうになりました。 特に炒め物やご飯系、麺類は400円台で、一般的な中華屋の一人前量出てくる感じ。2、3人シェアして食べためちゃくちゃコスパ良いですね。味も普通に美味しいし。 厨房は良い意味でバタバタしてましたが、フロアの店員さんの感じも良かったし、一人でも入りやすくて助かりました。 今度ははち切れないように、友達連れて行ってシェアして食べます!笑
I asked my followers to recommend it as a cheap and easy-to-enter shop, and I entered the shop by myself around 21:00 on weekdays. At the counter seat, it was the seat in front of the wok, so I could see what I was making and had a live feeling. The area around the table was clean and the kitchen was clean. I was surprised that the speed of provision was fast even though one wok was in operation. Alcohol comes quickly. The number of customers is about 60% to 70%, which is not rattling, and it was nice to see that more and more orders came in and went out. I had imagined that the quantity would be small because it was cheap, but due to a miscalculation, if I ordered 4 items by myself, it was almost torn off at the end. In particular, stir-fried foods, rice-based foods, and noodles are in the 400 yen range, and it feels like a typical Chinese restaurant will serve one serving. It's a good cospa to share and eat with a few people. The taste is also delicious. The kitchen was fluttering in a good way, but the clerk on the floor felt good, and it was easy for me to enter by myself. Take your friends, share and eat so that they won't break this time! Lol
S T on Google

水曜の17時過ぎに入店。 現在はオープン17時からと入口に書いてありました。 テーブル席に案内していただきました。 注文は各テーブルに設置されているタッチパネルからする方式でした。 メニューは基本的に300円(税抜)で、中には250円や300円より少し高いメニューがありました。 驚いたのがコスパの良さ。 金額はかなり安いのですがどれもボリュームがありました。 また提供スピードもかなり早く、お酒の提供に関しては毎回注文後すぐに提供していただきました。 今後渋谷で中華を食べるなら、香港厨房さんを利用させていただきます!
Entered after 17:00 on Wednesday. Currently, it was written at the entrance that it was open from 17:00. I was guided to a table seat. The order was made from the touch panel installed on each table. The menu was basically 300 yen (excluding tax), and some menus were a little higher than 250 yen and 300 yen. What surprised me was the goodness of cospa. The amount is quite cheap, but they all had a lot of volume. In addition, the speed of serving was quite fast, and as for the serving of sake, we had you serve it immediately after each order. If you want to eat Chinese food in Shibuya in the future, I will use Hong Kong Kitchen!
Bon So on Google

food is ok but it has nothing to do with HongKong at all

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